Blain's Friday Flame



If Brannor can have one then so can I.

Having spend the last week levelling a new alt, I have had the opportunity to sit and read alliance chat, and a quiet week at work has given me time to read through the forums, and I have noticed a few things.

1. Bitching
People have been bitching saying things such as "I will not go on a raid organised by Durgi"
Fair enough, if you do not have faith in Durgi as a raid leader, you are allowed your own opinion, but do you have to bitch at him
on the forums, maybe He is not the best leader, but at least he is trying.
Think you can do better? Prove it.

2. Lack of communication on raids
Again it was noted that multiple chat groups were active during raids, and that unclear orders were not being given.
If you are acting as leader on a raid, you need to give clear and concise information so those plans can be executed efficiently.
This cannot be done with multiple chat groups and people ignoring orders.
If a raid has been organised by a specific person or guild, it is only fair to respect them and follow their orders.
To the leader, may I recommend that you have a chat group just for guild officers present on the raid, and everything else is done through alliance chat or guild chat, and also how about setting up macros, so rather than just yelling pull guards, you can give detailed orders quickly.

3. General Communications
The number of times I have seen the following on alliance chat
"How many and where?"
"Emain, loads of em"
"where in emain?"
"Near Silo"
"Where they Heading?"

When a simple
"10 albs in emain heading from Silo to x"
Would be a lot quicker and easier.

4. Watching People Die
I have been playing my new alt for about 4 days now, and so far there have been 4 instances where people have stood
and watched me die, even when I yell.
This server would be a nicer place if people helped out other people once in a while, 10 seconds of your time could save someone else 10 minutes.

5. Lack of common sense.
Random flames

a. Don't pull mobs when your main tank is out of endurance.
b. Don't bitch at the groups healer for running away when you have just pulled 8 reds.
c. Speed killing yellows/oranges is better exp than slow killing reds/purples
d. Just because you/your alt are higher level, does not been that you know more stuff about DAoC
e. Bezerkers do not make better pullers than shamans
f. Sometimes...just sometimes mobs resist mez's...there is nothing we can do about it, and no amount of insults will change this.

Blain 39 Healer
Blayn 12 Dark Runecaster
Bodgit 23 Berserker
Softly 14 Shadowblade


You are SOOOOOOOOO not famous enuff for your own weekly flame post :D



Hey let the lad flame away! :) everyone else seems to anyway hehe.


Originally posted by Solid
You are SOOOOOOOOO not famous enuff for your own weekly flame post :D

My friends list is a very exclusive club :) j/k

Ok maybe im not as famous as brannor, but that does not mean I dont know what im talking about.


Well your just as famous to me as Brannor :p i sure as hell don't know the guy anymore then i know u lol :)


Originally posted by old.Blain

1. Bitching
People have been bitching saying things such as "I will not go on a raid organised by Durgi"
Fair enough, if you do not have faith in Durgi as a raid leader, you are allowed your own opinion, but do you have to bitch at him
on the forums, maybe He is not the best leader, but at least he is trying.
Think you can do better? Prove it.

Sometimes a try can cause more damage than no-try (DO or LEAVE it).

Imagine you're assigned to clear a minefield or mined street.
If you DO it and remove the 'Warning! Mines'-signs ... ok
If you LEAVE it and the signs stay ... ok
If you TRY it and remove the signs ... bad bad move
(no, I don't know if this is anyhow related to it at all, but it always comes up my mind when I read this 'atleast he tries')

Just curious, have you been on some of his 'raids' ?


I have been on a few raids involving durgi, whether or not he was running it I do not know.


Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
I give it a D- for trying.

Would have guessed it would be a - since you not able to say one positive thing about anything ;)



Originally posted by Artemls

Would have guessed it would be a - since you not able to say one positive thing about anything ;)


Hand bags at 10 paces girls :p


Originally posted by old.Blain

1. Bitching
People have been bitching saying things such as "I will not go on a raid organised by Durgi"
Fair enough, if you do not have faith in Durgi as a raid leader, you are allowed your own opinion, but do you have to bitch at him
on the forums, maybe He is not the best leader, but at least he is trying.
Think you can do better? Prove it.

So basically what you're saying is that we can't state our opinions on a public forum because he tries? I have no desire whatsoever to lead a big raid, I'm not that way inclined. BUT, that does not mean to say I can't state my opinion on how someone else conducts their 'raids'.


Originally posted by old.Blain
If Brannor can have one then so can I.

4. Watching People Die
I have been playing my new alt for about 4 days now, and so far there have been 4 instances where people have stood
and watched me die, even when I yell.
This server would be a nicer place if people helped out other people once in a while, 10 seconds of your time could save someone else 10 minutes.

5. Lack of common sense.
Random flames

a. Don't pull mobs when your main tank is out of endurance.
b. Don't bitch at the groups healer for running away when you have just pulled 8 reds.
c. Speed killing yellows/oranges is better exp than slow killing reds/purples
d. Just because you/your alt are higher level, does not been that you know more stuff about DAoC
e. Bezerkers do not make better pullers than shamans
f. Sometimes...just sometimes mobs resist mez's...there is nothing we can do about it, and no amount of insults will change this.

Blain 39 Healer
Blayn 12 Dark Runecaster
Bodgit 23 Berserker
Softly 14 Shadowblade
Well, paying attention to 5 a-f maybe wouldn't get you to point 4 ;)

But anyways, levelling up some (more) alts in spindel sometimes the higher levels that solo there get in trouble when for instance the svartalfs (or some other social mobs at other places) decide to gangbang them...Being a much lower level char and not wanting to risk a death just because someone else made a bad decision of pulling a social mob (or whatever the reason is for the pull going wrong), shouldn't be considered rude imho...As long as they ress you after you die ;)

But not helping out if there's non social mobs is just stupid or maybe they are afk...The reasons could be many, but hopefully there's some logical explanaiton to it


hehe > is body pulling cool here ? i thought it was stupid !

silly me!


myabove statment

hehe lemme explain

ive been playing a healer in mid for a while > im enjoying it but i seen some funny ppl and their tricks

people who bodypull when theres a person in group (hunter etc.)
??? wont understand that

some healer who had aggro > as soon as it was taunted off him > he insta healed himself right next to the mob causing it to turn and kill him

healers ( casters in general) who decide to cast and then tank :p lol thats been the funniest > had to rezz some poor healertank 4 times in an hour tonight

theres a load of other things i could pick at here for days > but it doesnt bother me loads > i like being in mid and will continue to do so > msg me when ur dead> i leave little scars

Take care and remeber to wash > nothing worse than healing through sweat:p

Bariak Battlefist > 30 healer and adept with pink gloves


Hmm also Blain, Healers do NOT make good tanks......

(remembers the lord room incident where your lvl 38 managed to somehow get both myself AND Inar (lvl 33-4 at the time) killed when me and Inar were quite happy smacking lords up and down as a team anyway...)

TBH alliance chat in the Fedyakin alliance has been very good compared to a previous Albion alliance i was in.
And irritating spamers are universal they appear in ALL realms on ALL servers.....

and now back to the long slog to 50 :( so i can spend all night in emain using my /release macro....


Who said it was an accident?

And that had nothing to do with me tanking, it was due to mob resisting my mez.


This week I would mostly like to flame about FRAMERATE!!!!!!

That is all......


Framerate! Don't get me started on Framerates!


Sitting on hill at Yar Group (Malmo).

Decide to take a wander over to Lair to see what's happening.

Run through Yar groups, and jink left to go through trees.... STUTTER, STUTTER, WHIRR, STUTTER, FREEZE...

... Hello Mr Executioner :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Cadire
Framerate! Don't get me started on Framerates!


Sitting on hill at Yar Group (Malmo).

Decide to take a wander over to Lair to see what's happening.

Run through Yar groups, and jink left to go through trees.... STUTTER, STUTTER, WHIRR, STUTTER, FREEZE...

... Hello Mr Executioner :rolleyes:


The amount of times that has happened to me...*sigh*


Most of the reasons I have been doing as little rvr as I have is due to Framerate, I meen it can be fun but when all you see is a --------> ZERG <--------- then you stand around doing nothing for 5min only find yourself dead 4 mins ago.

Other Framerate eater ... DF.


Lets hope that SI sorts it out, i mean...there is something wrong with a game that causes FR lag on a GeForce 4 Ti 4200 128Mb DDR Video card.

Do we really need to render the belt buckle on that person that is at maximum range?



Sure we do, details we need details and lots of them, I wan to beable to take a picture of a guy on a keepwall from 200 yards and still see the bugs in his facial hair.


So i was the only one who saw that the framerate rant was simply and excuse to show off his new Video Card.....




stop ripping off Brannor's friday flame!



Brannor is teh flame master


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