Blade&Quill guild



Yesterday evening, i was grouping with following people from the Blade&Quill guild: Christi, Vardoc, Ellesar and Gillanor. I must say that i was gladly surprised that after seeing so many morons on Albion fields i finally met some mature people without attitude, who gave me lots of fun, and XP offcourse.

Also, another member of the Party 'Duster' (Templar Knights) fell off the wall in ant room, and saved us all by disbanding and getting the aggro off us. Nice playing mate ...

Sorry that i didn't came back, but i LD't and it was like 2am ...
went straight to my bed.

So thumbs up for Blade&Guill, seems like they have got lots of mature players there ... keep it up.

Cantho Mcnamara
LVL 20 Mind Sorcerer
Flemish Lions


I agree,

I have grouped with a few members of the Blade & Quill guild (like I can remember names!! I have trouble remembering who I am most of the time!!) recently at Lyonesse, while hunting the nasty little gobbos that hang out there.

I don't think I have met a 'dodgy' guild member as yet, and I am pleased that someone has recognised that they seem to be a very good guild to be in.

And no, I don't represent them, I won't be asking to join them (no offence guys, I love the DDS too much!!), but I will put my hand up and shout "me me me me me" if they are looking for group members...

Cheers guys, thanks for the groups, and hope to hunt again with you soon!!




Thanks for the very kind words, guys - your cash is in the mail! ;)

Seriously, it's good to hear that some of our relatively new recruits are upholding the good name of Blade&Quill - we've just introduced a Guild reward system and I think I now know who my first nominations will be (/em glances at Christi, Vardoc, Ellesar and Gillanor)! :clap:

Should anyone ever have issues with any of our Guild members, please do not hesitate to /t to our GM (Thorwyn) or, failing that, grab pretty much any high-level member. Likewise, should any new players be looking for some help or advice, you can be sure that anyone wearing the <Blade&Quill> tag is expected to be helpful and polite at all times - so don't be afraid to ask us!

I won't be asking to join them (no offence guys, I love the DDS too much!!)
LOL Talen - no offence taken! ;) Actually, that's the ONE thing that we ask people don't do (ask to join) as we are currently recruiting by invitation only (usually after a number of us have grouped extensively with that person). But please, keep grouping with us - we like that! ;)



Talen I just gotta ask ;)

you read to many sparhawk novels? ;)

oh and thank you for the kind words towards the guild, it is deeply appreciated, if we ver get an honourary member system the two of you will be the first to be acknowledged :)


Hee hee thanks!!!

NP, I wish I had the time to say hi to all with the good attitudes, there are lot of peeps who cuold learn much from guilds like yours and <ahem> ours!!

Anyway, as for Sparhawk, in all honesty, I have never heard of them...sorry. Is it the name? If so, yes, I did steal it from one of my FAVE TV shows atm, Farscape.

For reference, it was the name given to Moya's son, which was in honour of Aeryn's father, a peacekeeper commander.

Anyway, good work guys, keep the Alb spirit alive, and lets all go kick some Hib and Middie butt! :clap: :clap:


Originally posted by Cantho
Also, another member of the Party 'Duster' (Templar Knights) fell off the wall in ant room, and saved us all by disbanding and getting the aggro off us. Nice playing mate ...

Actually, it was in the Banisher room, Cantho ;)

But I'm glad that you enjoyed your stay in the goup, for we definately enjoyed having you in there :)

Feel free to drop a PM (same goes for you, Duster) if you're looking for a group, it's the players like you who makes the game enjoyable for all of us to play. We're mostly playing in the evening/early night, till Elessar is done with his last exam.




i'll pm you this evening ... will be playing the whole evening again ...



I agree with all that is said about Blade and Quill. We in the Angels of Death like them so much we have formed an alliance with them.

We now regularly have joint guild hunts and RVR sessions.

Sorry to Bedwin and Ozwin last night about dropping out so abruptly.

My damn PC blew up and trashed its CPU/Motherboard.:puke:

Will be back as soon as i can rustle up the much needed cash for the replacement parts.

Until then good luck with the gobo's


Yeah we heard about the pc , El, teach u to stick the fan up with cooling paste ;)

Seriously, hope u get it sorted soon.


Yeah B&Q all seem to be sound people.
(Guess they just don't recruit/tolerate the morons ;))

Even if they are a hardware store :)

What sort of guild stuff do you lot do? I'm looking for inspiration to make the Homebase Guard a bit more fun (for me and my alts... there are no other members! Honest!)

Erm.. Humberton Guard that's it...


Yeah B&Q all seem to be sound people.
Even if they are a hardware store
BAH! I tried to warn Thorwyn about our abbreviated tag and the sniggers this would cause from the UK players. But his Germanic mind was made up. :rolleyes: ;)

What sort of guild stuff do you lot do?
I don't think it's greatly different from most other guilds. I really believe that our guild-chat makes a difference though - sometimes I feel sorry for the rest of the guild when marneus, bedwin, polemides, lonidra, feac, etc, etc get into full flow :D

We DO take very good care of each other - I'm pretty pleased to say that it is now a very rare occurance to find a B&Q member on their own - we always seem to grab a guildie and THEN go looking for a group together. And the higher level members are all really good about taking the lower-level guys out for a little power-up session every now and again...

(Couple of suggestions: take a lvl40+ healer and a lvl40+ tank to the gobbos - add in a little lvl30-35 guildie and pull for a few hours... Then just try to stop the little guy from thanking you constantly for the next week!) :clap: (Alternatively, for your slightly lower members, get the low 20's into a group of 3 or 4 and put your high level healer next to them but NOT in group. Then chain the boogeys at the fort in cornwall. You want a situation where the little guys can survive the fight without dying and the big-boy healer then heals them up before the next incoming mob comes along!) :clap:

RvR en masse is becoming more frequent (we're the gang that bypass Emain/Odins and head straight to yggdra. Well, we want EVERYONE to find a yellowcon target - even our lvl20 guys ;) ).

Ozwin has stolen an idea from these boards and has a Guild "Treasure Hunt" in the pipeline with FABULOUS CASH PRIZES! ;)

I'm looking for inspiration to make the Homebase Guard a bit more fun
:D Maybe we can all get together and have some kind of DIY weekend or something? I hear the inside of keltoi needs a lick of paint... :touch:


but but but

they let astrala in ?



but but but

they let astrala in ?


Only on the condition that he wear lipstick and call everyone else in the guild "Sugar Daddy". He was happy to accept those terms, so we had to keep our side of the bargain :(



Originally posted by pBAZ

Only on the condition that he wear lipstick and call everyone else in the guild "Sugar Daddy". He was happy to accept those terms, so we had to keep our side of the bargain :(



actually we are a VERY friar happy guild (guess who´s fault that is) and has of this moment 3 lvl 35+ friar (two above 40) and one or two below 35.

oh btw if any of you is ever in a group where you need a healer, and there are only friars available, I suggest picking Astrala afaik he is the only rejuc specced friar in albion (GIMP :p )

baah Tiscali has somehow managed to lock me out of my ftp so I cant post screenies

oh well see ya ingame


lies is ast rejuv spec'd ;P

either that or hes got a +20 staffskill staff ;)


Hi Talen_Sun that was a very good group the other night and i got to get my stick out ;).

thx again for a good night :)


Yes B&Q is a very nice guild and some of my best m8s are in there. They are very wiz friendly..i like that :p and i would probably join them if i dident like GoL so much :).

And bed and co i hope we can go and hunt again now since i have summer hollydays now and will have alot of spare time....


Yes Talen, we gave those Gobbos a jolly good kicking ;) Good grouping with you as always m8, look forward to doing it again :)

I havent been in B&Q long, but i can vouch that they are a good bunch, and quite mad too ;)
As the others have said, dont hesitate to /send any of us for help, its always a pleasure.


That Astrala is a dodgy one I tells ya she moony me the other day up by the Pikemen I was distraught to say the least



BAH! I tried to warn Thorwyn about our abbreviated tag and the sniggers this would cause from the UK players. But his Germanic mind was made up.

It´s not my fault that there´s a hardware store in UK using our good name and making profit out of it.
But then, looking at your name, pBAZ, it´s obvious that you´ve been trying REAL hard to find one, that doesn´t allow any puns and sniggers at all. ;)

Thank you all for the positive feedback! And don´t hesitate to contact me or any officer of <Blade&Quill> should you ever run into problems with one or more of our members.



Nice 1 guys

I feel sorry for the rest of the guild when marneus, bedwin, polemides, lonidra, feac, etc, etc get into full flow


u know im crazy and u luv it, dont lie :D

gotta say though, same thoughts here go out to a lot of others whom i have had the pleasure of grping with.......

so a big grats to Blade&Quill, and keep it up

I just hope all ppl think along the same lines :clap:

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