Bit help needed with some english :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
Hagen Jørgensen has asked the politicians to simplify the current law against this so that it cannot be avoided, he also claims that it can be done, as they managed it in Sweden.
There will be appointed a committee to look at the law and come with suggestion to how it can be simplified.

Any chance some1 could correct this english for me? please :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I don't understand what it's on about :eek7:

Edit- Although I think the last sentence should go "A comitee will be appointed to look at the law and come up with suggestions as to how it can be simplified." or something similiar. I'm confused. :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Any chance it could be put in context so it can be corrected? :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
hehe i guess :> ull regreat it tho:>
Its a review comming from a article so kinda hard to understand i guess :>


The article “Commercials on stealthy feet’s” are telling us how we are all targets for hidden advertising, starting from the day that we are lying in our mother’s belly to the day that we die. It is everywhere, even in school and day-care institutions are we seeing products being advertised without knowing it. Hidden advertising is not a new concept, back in the beginning it was about extremely short flashes in movies and television, but soon people got scared and started thinking they where being brainwashed, later on it was proved that the human brain was incapable of noticing such short flashes.
It has been proven that hidden advertising work, why else should BMW spend 20 million just to have James Bond drive in their car? People are tired of the old fashion commercials, most people tend to get tired and hate even the funniest commercials.
Giving away products for free to celebrity’s are not unusual, Gucci gave away watches so newsreaders in TV would wear them while thousands of people were watching them.
Magazines have long product reviews telling us how good that one product is compared to others, while in truth, they where paid to write it. The problem is that hidden advertising are all over these magazines and they would most likely not exist without it. Even the serious morning papers are following up on this, we just don’t notice it.
You do not have to be a celebrity to work as a spokesman for a product, in London the mobile phone company Siemens, handed out free mobiles to all the cabdrivers, in exchange that they would tell all their customers how much they enjoy just that phone. Some companies even create web-sites targeting kids, they lure them to write down information about themselves and their family, without their parents knowledge. Others create competitions so people send SMS to participate, and at the same time they save all the numbers so that they may one day advertise directly to the people they know are buying their products.
Hagen Jørgensen has asked the politicians to simplify the current law against this so that it cannot be avoided, he also claims that it can be done, as they managed it in Sweden.
There will be appointed a committee to look at the law and come with suggestion to how it can be simplified.


And thanks :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Hagen Jørgensen has asked the politicians to clarify the current law so that it cannot be avoided. He claims it can be done, as it has been managed in Sweden. A comitee will be appointed to look at the law and come up with suggestions as to how it can be changed.

... Is what I came up with. Beware, I'm not the best at grammar :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
tRoG said:
Hagen Jørgensen has asked the politicians to clarify the current law so that it cannot be avoided. He claims it can be done, as it has been managed in Sweden. A comitee will be appointed to look at the law and come up with suggestions as to how it can be changed.

... Is what I came up with. Beware, I'm not the best at grammar :p

oki, thanks alot :) and either am i.. hehe


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I can't be bothered doing it, but just fyi, the whole article is littered with grammatical errors.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
Coim said:
I can't be bothered doing it, but just fyi, the whole article is littered with grammatical errors.
ya i know thats kinda why i go to school :> but its fair that ud ont bother.. hehe


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
So you're getting people to do your homework or whatever? Psht! :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
Coim said:
So you're getting people to do your homework or whatever? Psht! :p

Hehe well kinda did it but seeing as no1 ells around me here can help me i might as well try here :>


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
The article “Commercials on stealthy feet’s” are telling us

should be: The article, "Commercials on stealthy feet" is telling us

since "feet" is plural for "foot" :D

the english language is silly though with other bits :p


Resident Freddy
Dec 23, 2003
Here's an rough attempt:
living said:
hehe i guess :> ull regreat it tho:>
Its a review comming from a article so kinda hard to understand i guess :>


The article “Commercials on stealthy feet’s” is telling us how we are all targets for hidden advertising, starting from the day when we were lying in our mother’s belly to the day that we die. It is everywhere. Even in school and day-care institutions we see products being advertised without knowing it. Hidden advertising is not a new concept. Back in the beginning it was about extremely short flashes in movies and television, but people soon got scared and started thinking that they were being brainwashed. Later on it was proved that the human brain was incapable of noticing such short flashes.
It has been proved that hidden advertising works. Why else would BMW spend 20 million just to have James Bond drive in their car? People are tired of the old fashion commercials, most people tend to get tired of and hate even the funniest commercials.
Giving away products for free to celebrities is not unusual. Gucci gave away watches so newsreaders in TV would wear them while thousands of people were watching them.
Magazines have long product reviews telling us how good that one product is compared to others, while in truth they were paid to write it. The problem is that hidden advertising is all over these magazines and they would most likely not exist without it. Even the serious morning papers are following up on this, we just don’t notice it.
You do not have to be a celebrity to work as a spokesman for a product. In London the mobile phone company, Siemens, handed out free mobiles to all the cabdrivers. In exchange they would tell their customers how much they enjoy using the phone. Some companies even create web-sites targeting kids. They lure them into writing down information about themselves, and their family, without their parents knowledge. Others create competitions so that people send an SMS to participate while at the same time saving all the numbers so that they can one day advertise directly to the people they know are buying their products.
Hagen Jørgensen has asked the politicians to simplify the current law preventing this so that it cannot be avoided. He also claims that it can be achieved since they managed it in Sweden. A committee will be appointed to look at the law and come up with suggestions about how it can be simplified.


And thanks :)

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