BIOS Beeps



BIOS Beeps

Using an MSI mobo with Intel 1.8 chip.

I know that the BIOS beeps have specific codes but my situation seems odd. When I turn on the PC it powers up and gives a single beep --- all well and good. It then goes onto the POST screen for a few seconds, and then just as that screen disappears and it prepares to load windows I get another beep.

Ie they dont seem connected to be a "2 beep warning" but previous set ups Ive had have only given 1 beep.

PC seems to work fine.

Anyone know if this is normal :) ?


Does windows actually start and the PC work as normal?

If so, the second beep could be anything, probably specific to your motherboard. I have seen (heard) S.M.A.R.T. when enabled on motherboards to beep, meaning something (unknown), also I know that motherboard anti-virus protection when enabled can beep if set to do so (although would also flash you a message).

Otherwise I can only assume it's normal. I wouldn't worry about it if the PC is running acceptably.

edit : Just read "Pc works fine"

I'd probably not worry then :)

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