Question binge britain


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
perhaps im becomnig too sensible or my 'dedication' to staying healthy is swaying m view. ill be as unbiased as i can though.

i used to be a big drinker and introduced to it when i was 14 years old. 14-16 i drank on a few ocassions a month but it was always in a safe environment and generally involved porn films and the playstation.
obviously as i got to 17 i looked old enough to hit the pubs so i did pretty much every week for the following 3 years. i remember times when i could drink a bottle of vodka and still get out on the town.
id say the past year or so my body really cant take it anymore so ive drawn a line and stick to 2 units a day. now im usually out sober and driving and i enjoy it more because i dont wake up feeling like someone shit in my mouth and ran my head over with a tractor.
so you could say with regards to drinking ive been there and done it. with binges ranging from 2 weeks to a full month day in day out.

now i can look in from the outside i wonder if its something we need to take more seriously. at university youre practically encouraged to drink for example. i also see more often how violent people get. for example tonight i was sat on a sofa with a mate. a bloke comes over saying "move it lads, im sitting here". were not really the sort to move just because someone tells us to so we remained which caused him to get more physical.
20 minutes later a fight broke right next to us, so my mate tripped them over to give us some room to move out.
its hard to say if the health effects should be a factor. people know the risks and they choose to drink anyway. someone getting liver failure doesnt matter a shit to me, its not affecting me.

youve got to wonder though - if youre willing to pay £4 for a shot of vodka and postmix coke, do you have a drink problem. you can buy a litre bottle for a tenner.

whats everyone else think about this binge culture?


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
perhaps im becomnig too sensible or my 'dedication' to staying healthy is swaying m view. ill be as unbiased as i can though.

i used to be a big drinker and introduced to it when i was 14 years old. 14-16 i drank on a few ocassions a month but it was always in a safe environment and generally involved porn films and the playstation.
obviously as i got to 17 i looked old enough to hit the pubs so i did pretty much every week for the following 3 years. i remember times when i could drink a bottle of vodka and still get out on the town.
id say the past year or so my body really cant take it anymore so ive drawn a line and stick to 2 units a day. now im usually out sober and driving and i enjoy it more because i dont wake up feeling like someone shit in my mouth and ran my head over with a tractor.
so you could say with regards to drinking ive been there and done it. with binges ranging from 2 weeks to a full month day in day out.

now i can look in from the outside i wonder if its something we need to take more seriously. at university youre practically encouraged to drink for example. i also see more often how violent people get. for example tonight i was sat on a sofa with a mate. a bloke comes over saying "move it lads, im sitting here". were not really the sort to move just because someone tells us to so we remained which caused him to get more physical.
20 minutes later a fight broke right next to us, so my mate tripped them over to give us some room to move out.
its hard to say if the health effects should be a factor. people know the risks and they choose to drink anyway. someone getting liver failure doesnt matter a shit to me, its not affecting me.

youve got to wonder though - if youre willing to pay £4 for a shot of vodka and postmix coke, do you have a drink problem. you can buy a litre bottle for a tenner.

whats everyone else think about this binge culture?

Can say i have the same experiences and i can relate you everything. Going to bed with someone after a night (not sex nessecarily) out while sober and also feeling great beats being drunk and all that comes with it.

Damn it, i have to invent something that removes the after (not side effects) effects from getting drunk.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Again its down to piss poor parenting. Kids aren't taught to respect alcohol, they don't know or care that it is a poison and if you abuse it, it will kill you. I quite like the governments new ad campaign with the people pissing on their clothes, messing their hair up etc before a night out. Drinks offers in pubs and clubs have a lot to answer for too, something is wrong when it costs more for a pint of milk than it does for an alcoholic drink.

Don't get me wrong I like the odd night on the beer now and again but I know when to stop and switch to soft drinks, sometimes I will only have a couple of pints on a night out before i switch to coke or J20 or whatever.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Just 2 units a day? :eek7: And you call that "done with it"?

I drink once a week tops. And after last night, doubt i'll drink in a while. Head is smashing.

Violence is a twat factor, not drink factor.

Damn it, i have to invent something that removes the after (not side effects) effects from getting drunk.

Been in the works for ages, doesn't really work, and is't safe.

Those effects are there for a reason, natural "hey stupid!" body reaction so you don't do it again soon.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
Just 2 units a day? :eek7: And you call that "done with it"?

whats your point?
a man can safely drink 3-4 units a day i believe, according to the government and their health comittees or what ever they are.

drinking 2 units a day is safer than drinking 40 units in a night 4 times a month.

edit: a man can safely drink 3 units a day 'Unless you're teetotal, you probably drink more than you think. The medically recommended units of alcohol per week is 14 for women and 21 for men. How do you compare? Take a minute to try this test - it'll tell you how many units of alcohol you've consumed.'

raven: ive found lime and soda is a pretty decent drink that you can probably stick to all night. and its not much more than a glass of coke.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
My point is that you're probably addicted to booze.

Stop drinking every day and see.

You can safely stick your cock in a blender during a blackout, doesn't make it a good idea.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
i dont drink everyday, where did i say i drink everyday without fail?
i may drink tonight, and the next 3 days i simply dont have time or i forget about it.

i can tell you the last week i drank on 3 out of 7 ocassions. so im an alcoholic then? twice i drank a measure of whisky and once i drank a pint of lager.
i simply said i stick to 2 units a day, which anyone can see i mean that i dont drink anymore than that.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
Yeah, i guess i was wrong in assuming that was meant as such :eek7:

yes. i guess you shouldnt make assumptions when you dont know the actual fact of the matter.
at one point i dont doubt i had problems with alcohol but i hardly think 3-4 drinks of a measure of whisky a week clasifys someone as being alcohol dependant.
also, isnt a bit rich calling someone an alcoholic when you your self habe just said you have a headache from drinking?


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004
it doesnt matter how much you drink, you feel the need for alcohol, you're an alcoholic in my book.

if you once a month feel like getting hammered, because you need to, you're an alcoholic - if your girlfriend dumped you and you feel the need to get hammered, you're not (you could be, but not per definition!)


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
it doesnt matter how much you drink, you feel the need for alcohol, you're an alcoholic in my book.

i agree, and this is why its a sad state of affairs. people feel the need once-twice a week to get totally fucked on alcohol. when i look back i think i drank because of pressure and then it became a habbit, but it was acceptable for some reason. generally all you hear young people saying is "last week i was smashed" or "yeh i was totally pissed, i couldnt move for 3 days. it was great"

still some of my friends get drunk every week without fail but i think my cutting right back to safe limits has got them thinking.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
yes. i guess you shouldnt make assumptions when you dont know the actual fact of the matter.
at one point i dont doubt i had problems with alcohol but i hardly think 3-4 drinks of a measure of whisky a week clasifys someone as being alcohol dependant.
also, isnt a bit rich calling someone an alcoholic when you your self habe just said you have a headache from drinking?

What the hell? What you said is a perfect validation for my assumption.

You said "i've cut to 2 units a day", that means, 2 f*cking units a day.

If you wanted to say "i sometimes drink 2 units", then say so and not "2 units a day"

If you drink dail, you're an alcoholic. I've got a headache 'cause i was out drinking, doesn't make me alcoholic.

Not to mention, you only started to say "i don't drink daily", when i called you on being an alcoholic. How convinient.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
since you like to make assumptions then i will make it more clearly

IF i drink, i DONT drink MORE THAN 2 units a day.

but since were all experts, im going to say youre an alcoholic because you drank to get drunk.

if we want to go on facts published by experts though, an alcoholic is defined as

"a primary, chronic disease characterized by impaired control over drinking, preoccupation with the drug alcohol, use of alcohol despite adverse consequences, and distortions in thinking." JAMA -- Abstract: The definition of alcoholism. The Joint Committee of the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence and the American Society of Addiction Medicine to Study the Definition and Criteria for the Diagnosis of Alcoholism, August

so you drank and got a hangover. by that defintion youre an alcoholic because you used it despite the adverse consequences, since youve used it to excess.

i am ofcourse making assumptions that it is a hangover and you didnt fall over or someone punched you. but its ok, were allowed to assume anything we want.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
You said 2 units a day, that's 2 units a day, now you corrected it. Fine.

Admit some fail won't you and stop being such a twat.

Gees, must've hit a nerve there.

By the way, you can get a hangover from one drink.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
admit youre an alcoholic then.
and that making asumptions is bad.
you havent hit any nerve since i dont have any problems with drinking, i did possibly in the past but i dont now.

im just making a point that you shouldnt assume things and become an "internet expert" throwing things around like calling someone an alcoholic, when you dont even know what it means.
even if i did drink 2 units everyday, which i dont, going by the defintion created by medical experts - i wouldnt be an alcoholic.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
No, i wasn't out drinking to get drunk. I drank while spending a night out. That all.

I don't have a need to limit my drinking by strict measures.

I didn't assume, you said "2 units a day" and until you corrected it, it was what you said, so i took it as "this is how it is with me as i'm saying it".


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
oh well. you drank alcohol despite the negative consequences, so youre an alcoholic :(

Ingafgrinn Macabre

Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2004
Tris-, you've said exactly what could only be interpreted as you drinking 2 units per day. That means, every day to drink 2 units. If you didn't mean that, just say so. Stop whining about. You're the one making a bad judgement call on grammar there in that post. You can't blame someone for getting the only interpretation possible, even though you might have ment something else.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
i already did say so.

im simply making a point that its annoying when someone is throwing words arund like theyre an expert on the subject.
i dont really take kindly to some random person saying "yep, youre an alcoholic". when a)they dont even know what it means and b)theres no basis to say it at all.
ive even admitted in the same post ive had a drinking problem. i dont now. for someone to come and say im an alcohlic is slightly aggrevating.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
And yet you return the favor.

A simple "no i didn't mean 2 units/day, my bad" and that would be that.

If you drank 2units/day, you're addicted, aka, alcoholic, you don't, so you're not.


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Nice topic

/gets the popcorn.

*on topic, come to realise that most students exhibit alcoholic tendancies, but it's kinda socially accepted.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
If you drank 2units/day, you're addicted.

where do you get this information from?
it doesnt really fit with any expert definition of the disease of alcoholism.

*on topic, come to realise that most students exhibit alcoholic tendancies, but it's kinda socially accepted.

do you think it should be?
disocunting the health aspect as it is only the individual who suffers liver disease etc.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
where do you get this information from?
it doesnt really fit with any expert definition of the disease of alcoholism.

Expert mexpert, who gives a rats a** what some bookworm who ahsn't had a drink in 20 odd years thinks.

It's simple, if you need to get a drink every day, you're an addcit, and if you're an addict of alcohol, you're an alcoholic.

If you can, for example, go two weeks without a drink, you're not.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
who said anything about needing a drink?

theres a big difference to needing and simply sitting infront of the tv at night and suddenly thinking "i wouldnt mind a short".

maybe im a tv addict in that case. i usually watch it everyday. and come to think of it, i use my laptop everyday too.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
who said anything about needing a drink?

theres a big difference to needing and simply sitting infront of the tv at night and suddenly thinking "i wouldnt mind a short".

maybe im a tv addict in that case. i usually watch it everyday. and come to think of it, i use my laptop everyday too.

This post isn't serious right?

"Oh i don't need a drink, i just have one daily". That's classic addiction talking.

I thought you, being a smart individual, would get this.

Not to mention, if you've been an addict, you're playing with fire.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
being a smart person i rely on experts.
youre saying there is no difference between needing and wanting.

there is by the way.

if you did drink the same time everyday without fail you may well become addicted to the habbit of the action.
just like if i wank at 310 everyday for a month, it maybe difficult not to do it suddenly.

maybe your addicted to fh. you dont need to post everyday, but it does seem that you want to...

you may even be interested to know small and regular amounts of alcohol are also good for the CV system. why would experts recommend such a thing if its going to cause everyone to become raving alcoholics?


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
It's simple, no matter what you say, if you can't go without drinking, you're an addict aka alcoholic.

Drinking every day, even a drop, is not "going without".

You can say you want to drink, but if you can't go without, you need to drink.

And yes, if you wank at 3:10 everyday and then have trouble stopping it, you're addicted.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
so you wont accept the obvious difference between needing and wanting then?

these are ofcourse your opinnions, and they dont agree with the facts in the real world.
im an academic im afraid. i dont think something holds much weight just as an opinnion no matter what spin is put on it (when talking about established facts).
get your idea tested, peer reviewed and put in a journal and ill believe you :)


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
back to the actual point in the thread though - is bingeing ok, and why do we accept it. but for example, we dont accept someone whos adicted to cocaine?

(ran out of time to edit my last post)


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
so you wont accept the obvious difference between needing and wanting then?

these are ofcourse your opinnions, and they dont agree with the facts in the real world.

No, they are facts. Why are you so adament in saying i'm wrong?

If you can't be without something, you're addicted.

If you can't stop shooting heroin, you yourself wouldn't say "he just likes it", if the guy said "I'm not addicted, i choose to do so."

Not being able to be without drink, is alcoholism.

Every single person would look at it and go "Yup, that's addiction alright", except for one group...addicts in denial.

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