Biggest screw up in MMORPG History?



Well to most this is probably another whinning thread ,but the truth of it all is that there has been a big screw up and I and prob many others are thinking 'has my account been hacked,Lost?'

What GOA did was wholey irresponsible .My guess is that many passes and logins have been sent to the wrong ppl without verification. I think they 'GOA' do not repy because they are in serious trouble ,many accounts have been lost in the process,and they are in such a deep hole that they may never recover.

Im a bit pissed that i gotta cancel my DEBIT card b4 they prob auto take payment for a lost account but..shit happens...and I take great pleasure from knowing that eventually 'what goes around ,comes around' and eventually GOA and their employees will have more than a game subcription for thousands of ppl to worry about and will be looking for another job.Suckers!

Well ...KEMOR what do u think?

You are the only link many of us have with GOA now what about a little word?........

Pretty please .....?


um.. I think I've seen this thread before.


Originally posted by sir_gooner
Well to most this is probably another whinning thread ,but the truth of it all is that there has been a big screw up and I and prob many others are thinking 'has my account been hacked,Lost?'

What GOA did was wholey irresponsible .My guess is that many passes and logins have been sent to the wrong ppl without verification. I think they 'GOA' do not repy because they are in serious trouble ,many accounts have been lost in the process,and they are in such a deep hole that they may never recover.

Im a bit pissed that i gotta cancel my DEBIT card b4 they prob auto take payment for a lost account but..shit happens...and I take great pleasure from knowing that eventually 'what goes around ,comes around' and eventually GOA and their employees will have more than a game subcription for thousands of ppl to worry about and will be looking for another job.Suckers!

Well ...KEMOR what do u think?

You are the only link many of us have with GOA now what about a little word?........

Pretty please .....?

lots of whine, little evidence, lots of speculation, no solid info.

yep, you're on the right track.



Re: Re: Biggest screw up in MMORPG History?

Originally posted by old.Tzeentch
lots of whine, little evidence, lots of speculation, no solid info.

yep, you're on the right track.


Since we have been given nothing on what has happened what are we supposed to think? I think in 5 weeks I could have personally processed at least 2000 accounts on my own.


Instead of whining here, why don't you try and get a direct answer from GOA first, with hopefully your passwords?

You didn't mention mailing them, so: When did you first mail them with clear message decribing your problem? When did you last mail them?


Originally posted by Thorarin
Instead of whining here, why don't you try and get a direct answer from GOA first, with hopefully your passwords?

You didn't mention mailing them, so: When did you first mail them with clear message decribing your problem? When did you last mail them?

Mailed them many times politely with no reply at all, not a sausage, nich, nada, zilch,...fek all replies , emailed them all they need to know on more than one occasion.Same as loads of other peeps.


GOA is going to fail becasue there are a handful of customers who have had it rough after they were hacked?

Nah dont think so.


I dont get it. how hard can it be?


include the following data

- old sub login/pass
- old game login/pass
- RL name used to registrer account
- RL adress used to registrer account
- e-mail used to registrer account
- CD-key (if you have SI activated use SI cdkey)
- current RL adress
- current e-mail adress

watch your password come home either by e-mail or s-mail.


Originally posted by sir_gooner
My guess is that many passes and logins have been sent to the wrong ppl without verification

You do realise that they only sent out the PASSWORD, not the LOGIN NAME. If they did sent any password out to the wrong people they would be useless.

I wish people would stop making threads about this and just add to one of the other whine threads


Originally posted by Addlcove
I dont get it. how hard can it be?


include the following data

- old sub login/pass
- old game login/pass
- RL name used to registrer account
- RL adress used to registrer account
- e-mail used to registrer account
- CD-key (if you have SI activated use SI cdkey)
- current RL adress
- current e-mail adress

watch your password come home either by e-mail or s-mail.

You think i aint done that? doh!


GOA are French, that says it all really.
The French have a completely different cultural attitude to service and speed of reply.
French people put up with levels of service that would have the British turning up with a shotgun.

They are notoriously hopeless and making decisions or quickly executing a plan.
All the GOA workers who are trying to sort this out ,as we speak will be mulling what to do next while munching croissants and XXX strength coffee in the local Brassiere.

This post is not a joke :(


Originally posted by sir_gooner
You think i aint done that? doh!

with ALL that info? yes I think you haven´t done that, if you had sendt exactly that info you´d gotten your passwords and all other stuff already.

oh and spell the email correctly also, if you get an email back saying something about a demon it isn´t an attempt at roleplaying but because you mispelled something.

now go whine somewhere else


Re: Re: Biggest screw up in MMORPG History?

Originally posted by mavericky
You do realise that they only sent out the PASSWORD, not the LOGIN NAME. If they did sent any password out to the wrong people they would be useless.

I wish people would stop making threads about this and just add to one of the other whine threads
Thats actually not true.

A quote from my e-mail...
Originally posted by GOA in my e-mail
- your GAME login is : XXXXXXX
- your GAME password is : XXXXXXX
Subscription login and password were allso included. :rolleyes:


Re: Re: Re: Biggest screw up in MMORPG History?

Originally posted by Zebolt
Thats actually not true.

A quote from my e-mail...
Subscription login and password were allso included. :rolleyes:

this arrived after you send a mail to GOA requesting your new info to be send to you.

the mail mavericky is talkinga bout is the one GOA send out just after the incident, which only contained a game PW and nothing else.


When they sent the GAME password there was no "loginname" but on the subs password they did add the login also. If someone got some other persons game AND subs password mails by mistake then they CAN access their account since we all know the difference between a game login and a subs login.


Originally posted by old.job
GOA are French, that says it all really.
The French have a completely different cultural attitude to service and speed of reply.
French people put up with levels of service that would have the British turning up with a shotgun.

They are notoriously hopeless and making decisions or quickly executing a plan.
All the GOA workers who are trying to sort this out ,as we speak will be mulling what to do next while munching croissants and XXX strength coffee in the local Brassiere.

This post is not a joke :(

A while ago, I tried to get a second telephone line installed into my home for internet access. I specifically requested, and paid for, BT to install a brand new line rather than daxing a current line. BT daxed the line, and it took over 4 months of constant communication with BT to get the situation resolved to my satisfaction. WHat this has to do with the topic? Not alot, except that companies, as a whole, can have CR fuckups, regardless of location or field.

Your post is not a joke, you're right. It's a racist slur. You, sir, should be ashamed.


cm'on it ain't THAT bad, the shadowbane screw up was WAY worse


Yeah and in my honest opinion we can always give the number 1 spot of biggest MMORPG screwups to AO :p


Why do you need to cancel your debit card? Just contact your bank and tell them not to pay goa (or whoever goa uses for billing).

Tesla Monkor

Indeed... you want to see MMORPG screwups, check out Shadowbane and Ragnarok Online.

Noone lost anything in the this debacle, except their DAoC-play fix for a while (and a lot of patience. ;)


Your post is not a joke, you're right. It's a racist slur. You, sir, should be ashamed.

No it's not , the vast majority of French are the same race as me.
(white caucasian) , well I suppose technically you can be racist against your own race.

Don't get me wrong unlike a lot of Brits I like the French, I visit a lot and not the usual tourist haunts.
They have a sense of style and belief in themselves that puts us to shame, they practically run the whole European Space program themselves, and very well too.

My favourite story is though after being voted the most unfriendliest hosts 2 years on the run by tourists from other Euro countries(they can't help it, being surly is a national trait) the tourism minister sent out tens of thousands of 'welcome' stickers to tourist business's all over France,written in many languages.
I guess the idea of doing it themselves passed them by ;)


Point taken, I guess I'm just getting sick of the 'ffs GOA sux coz they french, imo an english company would be so much better for us', which of course is totally false. No matter who the franchise went to, they would have to cater for the English(speaking), French and German markets, and no company would patch one server language in any length of time before another. That would be bad business, either driving away the customer base from the other two, or forcing all players into one language server.

Oh, and technically you can be racist against someone of the same skin colour, a race is defined by culture, history etc so the french are a different race, from that viewpoint, as are germans etc. Though that is being extremely pedantic :D


ofcourse we all hate goa

goa sucks etc

(didnt read the whole thread)



Another proven point, but this time my own, and one I'm not happy to see proven.

Was your post actually supposed to be constructive, harhr, or are you just another bandwagoneer?

I have no problems with GOA, never had any issues, every CS case I've raised has been dealt with promptly and efficiently. Even if it is "Sorry, this is a programming issue that we cannot deal with, however we have passed your concern to Mythic, and they are aware of it" was satisfactory, given the issue (I found out that making siege weapon compoents with more of the metal than you need, it removed all the metal from my inventory, 900 ferrite bars for a winding crank :uhoh: )

I think that goes for the majority of players also, it's just unfotunate that unhappy people tend to be more vocal (understandably), so the boards are more negative than positive.

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