Big Thanks to Zold



Hi Zold,

Big thanks for the buffs at prdy bridge yesterday. Mite and Dray had loads of fun running around dealing death to orange mobs. A great 10 mins, or so we thought unitl you were kind enough to buff us again.:clap: :clap: :clap: :) Yea ha

Result Mite and Dray 100 - mobs 1 :p




What are my eye's seeing here...

Zold actually made friends ? :p

A level 40 buff is really good at lvl 5 (heck it's really good at level 20 too :) just doubles your damage output)

Well, as said, Zold is da man...


It just caps all your stats :D, it doesn't double your damage output :(


Well, since it was an Earthen buff (from a wizzie), it does double your damage output (actually, you get about +30 or so damage which is about 3x your normal damage at lvl 5 and about 2x at 20)...

Even at level 20, this buff will result in about double damage output...

Unlike cleric buffs which kinda uh suck at low levels, a cleric can't effectively buff a low level... A wizzie can...

A theurgist is like the lowbie buff G0D... It has an Earthen buff AND an attack speed buff, all for the price of a few mana points :p And even an earth theurgie could cast a neat little BT on you too... And an Earth theurgie can cast an attack speed debuff on mobs, basicly allowing you to take on reds without almost no downtime (as a low lvl)...

So you want to level a lowbie pretty quick, higher a 40+ wizzie or theurgie...



Never mind the possibility of fast levelling, having a lvl 5 scout and a lvl6 minstrel running around Camelot Hills with lvl40 damage buffs is an insane amount of fun.

See mob, target, kill, repeat 10 times, rest, repeat until buffs wear out.

Rebuff, continue for a bit, get over confident, die, /quit for the night happily :clap:

A very nice change from my armsman, who at lvl42 is starting to need as many distractions as possible, xp-ing is getting really dull now :rolleyes:

So - Cheers Zold :clap: :clap: :clap:


btw a lvl 40 buff at lvl 50 is great v any hard mob, i.e keep lords where its pretty much the main damage dealer ;0


my lev 5 scout was walking past pyrd keep when bam out of the darkness I get a earth buff, Thought cool some other low lev is being nice :) off i walk see a yellow con mob aim my bow and BooM your arrow hits for 98 damage you do 60 extra damage !! After lots exited jumping up and down cheering i went on a kill spree of nice 1 hit kills.

BIG THANKS TO WHO EVER THAT MAGE WAS (i realy needed that laugh after 2hrs crafting)

old.Seeaira Tempest

Wow, Zold helped you?? Thats a one in a million. You must of caught him around some girl and he was showing off...cause the Zold I know bites peoples heads off about buffing them. lol Lucky you huh? Hmmm Who was the girl Zold?? lol:confused: :rolleyes:



You guys really should go get a room for the night and get it over and done with...

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