Big event related me thinks... - Akai the Prophet ?



Ran into this guy on salisbury with my minst, anyone seen him before ? Anyway got this text off him :) (not spelling mistakes its typed like this) :

By the moon and the Stars, you! Come to me! I need to confess myself, I need to relieve myself from the legacy of my ancestors! I must...Ahhh, I am burning! He burns me! He is in me! All in me! Yes, may truth be told, I saw it in the stars! He is here once again, full of greed, greed for flesh and blood as never before. But he suffered you see, suffered so much... Sorrow and remorse, cries and sadness on the horizon..
Because the old one is not dead and, beyong the mountains, he watches his prey! Flee, flee before it is too late, his anger overcome your wisdom! Yes, in truth, Camelot the Eternal is no longer...
and the ashes of the arrogant will soon be scattered by the wind... The rose wither now and the Lis will no longer lean against her. Whitethorn et thistle, all they danse to his side, dreadfull gigue, Demonic saraband...
...honour to the spirits of a burning sand under a shameful past... In truth I tell you, the sowed seeds left a dark harvest. And the price the price must now be paid...

The prophet lies down exhausted, out of breath, obviously drained by his sudden burtst of dementia... his confused look seems to stare into terrifying horrors...

Anyone else seen him ? :)


yeah, just saw him on sali plains, dancing crying etc

wonder what the fook he is talking about?


reminds me of the beta=)

when the big battle between the Avenger and the prophet=) lots of fireworks and lots of albs dies when they attack prophet=)


yup, my bro (as seen in the piccy) followed him about for a bit, until he got aggrod by a yellow brownie rover and died (lol). He returned to his grave but the prophet had dissapeared :(



well same thing happened in the beta=)
i'm gonna get rreeealy disapointed if they just use things from the beta=) like goblin raids and the big showdown at barrows:p


Rofl. Yeah lets kill them all. I had my part of Prophets in the Beta and they are not to be trusted ;)


Would exspect a polearmer to say something like that Gali ;)
Ive been reading what he says and must admit i make as little sense of it as you guys do(although gonna read it again later), but i have been thinking something, he talks about camelot the eternal not any more and stuff like that, that could be related to Athur dying, but i dont think so. I think we have to remember that he is a prophet and dudes like that usually talks about the future. So when thinking about what he says it might help thinking about stuff to come and not stuff that has happened or is happening.

Need coffe....... will return


hmm interesting...better be sommin good (the event) and not a repeat of beta i hope like old.second mentioned but still we gotta try put all this info and see what we make outta it.


Originally posted by grebneklaf
Would exspect a polearmer to say something like that Gali ;)
Ive been reading what he says and must admit i make as little sense of it as you guys do(although gonna read it again later), but i have been thinking something, he talks about camelot the eternal not any more and stuff like that, that could be related to Athur dying, but i dont think so. I think we have to remember that he is a prophet and dudes like that usually talks about the future. So when thinking about what he says it might help thinking about stuff to come and not stuff that has happened or is happening.

Need coffe....... will return

Yes, but Arthur is already dead :) Killed at renasis, according to


Originally posted by old.Second
well same thing happened in the beta=)
i'm gonna get rreeealy disapointed if they just use things from the beta=) like goblin raids

Gobbo raids were gr8, helped 2 keep n00bs (like me :) ) on their toes when purp gobbos appeared in an army and killed them.


Originally posted by Cowled

Yes, but Arthur is already dead :) Killed at renasis, according to

Well ok might not have made myself quite clear, the reason i didnt think it had anything to do with Arthur is because he is dead allready and as i said i think the prophet speaks of things to come.
Will try to improve, coffe helping.

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