Hi , atm in Hib/Excal there a big tournament going on with help of GOA who laid a arena espicially for this event.
This event is quite enjoyable & i think mids here would dig such an event too
This was organized by a guildie of mine in Hib/excal & GOA fully backed it up & helped.First off i wannna hear if you guys
would be interested in helping organise/participating/supporting this eventI might be somewhat harder here cos there only 2 big alliances in Hib/excal but having the advantage of learning from there experience.
Let me hear your thaughts before(if) we take this any further pls ...
I'll post some pics of the hib/excal tourno & links to tourno discussion if i see theres interest (alrdy took some piccies )
arena is nicely done btw with fences,guards,flags,even healer & alchemy table ..:bazbeer:
Hi , atm in Hib/Excal there a big tournament going on with help of GOA who laid a arena espicially for this event.
This event is quite enjoyable & i think mids here would dig such an event too
This was organized by a guildie of mine in Hib/excal & GOA fully backed it up & helped.First off i wannna hear if you guys
would be interested in helping organise/participating/supporting this eventI might be somewhat harder here cos there only 2 big alliances in Hib/excal but having the advantage of learning from there experience.
Let me hear your thaughts before(if) we take this any further pls ...
I'll post some pics of the hib/excal tourno & links to tourno discussion if i see theres interest (alrdy took some piccies )
arena is nicely done btw with fences,guards,flags,even healer & alchemy table ..:bazbeer: