BG3.... Caledonia



Nice keep taking Albs :), took a little while just, how long did we defend it...? like 5 hours? :), we have to make the second and the third BG more living.... there are like no people, i was there last night with my SB (Braugord) with 2 skalds, and i saw 2 hibs only, 1 caster that we killed fast, and a Nightshade that killed 1 skald, but he came back and i didnt see him anymore after that


I got a 35 friar ( good for BG 3 ? ) but when I go to BG3 theres no one there :-(


We had a fantastic time trying to take Caer Caledon from the Middies in BG3 on Sunday. It started out with 6 of us but after oo about 7 hours of trying lol we managed to get 2 FG's going for it. By this point there were several middies defending (and doing a great job too) but sheer relenting will I think forced the victory our way in the end :)
Its sad to see the state of the BG's these days. When they first came out, they were so much fun and we're always populated.
I would dearly love to see frequent planned keep takes and raids in the BG's, as the whole point of them is to have fun. Winning, losing - its not important. Its more the thrill of the chance. If someone were to formally plan a proper BG3 activity at weekends, I would most certainly be there.


I'm quite surprised BG3 is so empty, considering you can get RR2 on "fair" playground :( Hopefully the action starts picking up soon though.

Nice siege, except for the one archer guard being in a very annoying spot, couldn't find a place where it wasn't out of range or not visible.


Ad Glorium has a regular play group on Sunday and Monday nights, 9-12 ish, we are all 33-34 and about to get 35. We intend to be going to BG3 at that time. Prolly not this coming weekend (Sun 16th) almost certainly the following one.

2 reasons : practise keep takes and using seige equipment.
Get RR2.

I will advertise our planned presence here on Barrys nerarer the time.

If any other guilds want to get some groups together PM me in game or leave a note here.

Rabid - Sorceror 33
Gillian Infiltrator 46


trailblazer, i was the second mid that came and Defend it, i heard a hunter was defening it at 2hours, and on that time u got first door down :D, then i asked him if any action and he told me 10albs were trying to take the keep and i quick logged on my SB (Braugord)..... and when the second door was at 20% i called ppl from guild to come and help, and one of em (dont say his name) could repair the door, and that took u some more time :).... and i got like 4 ppl from my guild inc :)..... guess we have to take it back soon then :)..... oooh and i just love the Wallclimbing thing :), but ill guess ill have to lev to 35 so ill get easier to kill u all :)

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