Looking for a good Bg1 Slash - Inf Spec
B borim Guest Dec 23, 2003 Thread starter #2 This is a quite nice one... im using it atm Though get a sc set so you get +5 in Envenom (First Str/Con Decrese) and stealth. Stealth: 19 Thrust/Slash: 16 Dual Wield: 5 Envenom: 17 Critical Strike: 21
This is a quite nice one... im using it atm Though get a sc set so you get +5 in Envenom (First Str/Con Decrese) and stealth. Stealth: 19 Thrust/Slash: 16 Dual Wield: 5 Envenom: 17 Critical Strike: 21
B bigchief Guest Dec 23, 2003 Thread starter #3 I capped out pretty easy spec'd as 15slash 19stealth 21cs 15env 11dw
T thegreatest Guest Dec 23, 2003 Thread starter #4 Common specs: 21 CS 18 Thrust/Slash 19 Stealth 15 Envenom 5 DW or 21 CS 16 Thrust/Slash 19 Stealth 17 Envenom 5 DW I played both specs and they are both ok, no big differences between them...
Common specs: 21 CS 18 Thrust/Slash 19 Stealth 15 Envenom 5 DW or 21 CS 16 Thrust/Slash 19 Stealth 17 Envenom 5 DW I played both specs and they are both ok, no big differences between them...
Z Zonder Guest Dec 23, 2003 Thread starter #5 You could try something different though.. 21cs 19stealth 18slash 15dw 5env.. more melee based or 10cs 19stealth 21slash 21dw 5env.. even more melee based I prefer this one though: 19ste 21cs 17env 5dw 17(?)slash There ya go
You could try something different though.. 21cs 19stealth 18slash 15dw 5env.. more melee based or 10cs 19stealth 21slash 21dw 5env.. even more melee based I prefer this one though: 19ste 21cs 17env 5dw 17(?)slash There ya go
M mincepie Guest Dec 24, 2003 Thread starter #6 Cottage usually goes 19 stealth 21 CS 6 DW (put 1 point in stealth at start then respec at 20, this works with /level) 15 envenom 18 Slash/Thrust
Cottage usually goes 19 stealth 21 CS 6 DW (put 1 point in stealth at start then respec at 20, this works with /level) 15 envenom 18 Slash/Thrust