BG Question..



Ok something to rack ur brains, no-one i asked in game seemed to know and it wasnt on the patch notes so this is me last option...

Ok as everyone knows in all battlegrounds, there is a central keep that can be taken by any realm. If u take it is also a quest, now i was told if u do this quest then, then cap ur realm points for the battleground then u can claim xp for it.
I am currently in bg0 with one of my chars and instead of rushin ahead and lvling i decided to wait and try and cap me points at lvl 19. This is become rather difficult and boring after the /level command was bought in. So... i was wondering whether i can just continue leveling, and join bg1 to get my rps up to 125, then claim the xp for bg0!?!? Sounds a bit confusing i know, but if u can make sense of it and know wot i am talking about, then any info would be much appreciated :)



The patch notes say you can be one level over the max level of a BG to claim the medallion but i'm not sure if you have to have the max RP before you go to that one level over, or whether you can get the RP during that level also.


If you level up to 20 and get enough RP's, then you can still claim the XP. But if you level to 21, you can't.


ok, will do that then! should be able to farm the rps from thid :)



You dont have to cap rp in any bg, for that bg medal. You only need to help take the ck, if you take ck you should get a "you have completed Thid (or bg name)" message...

Only ones you have to have the correct rp for is merchant keep 1 quest, and Merchant keep 2 quests. For both these you need corect level and correct realm rank :)

Hope this helps


helped take the keep at like lvl 16, and then went to the guy to get medal and he said i didnt have sufficient battle xp, and to come back when i did...

will try 2mrow morning, am off to bed now :) thanks for the help all!


Originally posted by soullessminion
You dont have to cap rp in any bg, for that bg medal. You only need to help take the ck, if you take ck you should get a "you have completed Thid (or bg name)" message...
You do need to cap the RP, it's in the patch notes as a pre-requesite and as shown above it does check that you have the cap for the medal.

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