BG keeps.



Does anyone else have a problem in getting LOS to the enemy when shooting from the top of the battlements?

Cause my first time into the 30 to 35 BG I was with a load of Midies defending the keep there and found that the enemy archers and spell caster could target us all with spot on accuracy.
Yet I could not get a bead on them.

Also the keeps are badly desinged as they only allow you to defend the doors from one spot, and that is often guarded by a enemy assassin.

So either there is a bug or the keeps need a re-design. Because you can not defend the main point of entry into the keep from one spot


ermm I dont think so . pbAOE to work it needs to be on same level as the enemy is that right ?

Also these guys where casting from half way between the wall and bridge.


Since patch theyve tightened up on LOS ie not shooting through brow of hills etc but in keeps unless u actualy do have striaght LOS its a case of climbing up the steps of the battlements and hoping u dont get hit with a crit. Pain in the ass for casters but ok for archers. Thers also some who manage to get on the top of the battlements roof but i havent quite figured how they do it yet.


Damn I think they might of tightened it up a little too much.
anyone got a crate I can use to help get me short dwarven arse up ontop of the keep wall ?


There is nothing wrong with it. People from a higher position can target a little further then people that are lower. And there is nothing wrong with the keep (or every keep out there is wrong and I don't think that is the point..)


Khalen I think you misunderstand me .

I am on about the LOS from a keep defenders point of view. As in you can not target anything from the battlements unless its with in a 20 degree arc of the gaps in the battlements. As the range increases so does the area you can target but no runemaster spell other than Suppress sight can hit as its out of range.

Also there is only one spot in the BG keeps where you can target the gate. ( at least on the midgard one that is) This to me seems wrong as most keeps where built up so you can defend the gate from various points along the battlements.

In ages past these keeps in game would not last a day against a siege.

I am not talking about range or how high you are. I am on about LOS from the top of the battlements. And being able to shoot at people attacking the gate from more than one place along the wall.


Agreed - Mythic need to recreate some ancient castles :)

I'd like see a Tantallon-like castle out there somewhere :)

(castle is on a promontory surrounded on 3 sides by sheer cliffs. other side is protected by a curtain wall, tower at each end. Basically it's more of a wall than a castle :) but it's cool)


LOS at keeps is screwed beyond belief, how can a 3ft wall that comes to your below your characters waist block all casts + arrows. I can understand the shortass luris + kobolds having a problem, but why can't you cast when you can put first person view on and not even have the wall in view.


I think LOS is foot to foot ....

could be wrong :)
so if you stand on your head you won't be able to see but you can probably still kill em

actually thinking about it it's most likely to be the centre of your character that determines LOS...

bad design decision that if it is :)


Ok, I understand what you mean now. And yes that's pretty weird. But think about it the other way as well. If all nukers would be able to see everyone in front of the gate and could nuke each one, I don't think anyone could take a keep at all anymore.

I don't know if you were there yesterday but we had a hard time to defend the fort at BG 30-35 (Caledonia). But still we managed. Some brought wood with them and my occaissional gatekeeper trips were fun :) Especially when I mezzed the nukers outside :)

And I got report it is even possible to be lvl 36 in BG 30-35 by killing some greens to lvl. I wonder if you can stay inside there all the time that way..


Originally posted by Khalen
Ok, I understand what you mean now. And yes that's pretty weird. But think about it the other way as well. If all nukers would be able to see everyone in front of the gate and could nuke each one, I don't think anyone could take a keep at all anymore.

I don't know if you were there yesterday but we had a hard time to defend the fort at BG 30-35 (Caledonia). But still we managed. Some brought wood with them and my occaissional gatekeeper trips were fun :) Especially when I mezzed the nukers outside :)

And I got report it is even possible to be lvl 36 in BG 30-35 by killing some greens to lvl. I wonder if you can stay inside there all the time that way..

If ye've got too many RPs or are too high level then the moment you release or log you're booted back out.


As long as you do not log and do not release, you should be able to stay in the BG's...

As for the LOS, it's really buggy... Sometimes stupid low hills sometimes block my sight, I mean, common... Even in First Persion View, I still see some part, so why cant I fire/freeze/etc?



Khalen it's very possible, I was lvl 30 in the 25-29 BG.

I went there on 29.99 and we got agro and I hit 30.
Nothing happened until I released.

I should have tried to relog while in the BG though to see if it let me back in cause it would have been funny to see the reactions of lvl29's seeing an orange con.


Originally posted by -Wedge-
As long as you do not log and do not release, you should be able to stay in the BG's...

As for the LOS, it's really buggy... Sometimes stupid low hills sometimes block my sight, I mean, common... Even in First Persion View, I still see some part, so why cant I fire/freeze/etc?


I think the LOS is taken from foot to foot and not head to head. So therefore you must be able to see their feet for LOS to work.

I can't wait for the runemasters trap spell line to be released. It will help with defending a keep from the inside. We can then trap doors with nukes :)


Originally posted by Olgark

I think the LOS is taken from foot to foot and not head to head. So therefore you must be able to see their feet for LOS to work.

If that is true then being able to see your opponents feet is STILL not good enough to target - you might be standing in a hole or behind a wall.

I was able to look over the battlements and target guys outside so it must be head to foot or something.

Anastasia Lvl 24 Minstrel Pathfinder
-Dead Dragons Society-

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