BG Keep Retakes



Battle Grounds is our first contact with the other realms and where we learn to hone our skills to one day fight the good fight in Emain and Odins. The lessons you learn here can be invaluable and you get some nice RA's to boot.

BG3 yesterday was a disgrace. Albion tried to take the CK for over 10 hours with no success. Both keep doors were down atleast 3 times to my knowledge and a handful of Middies kept our forces at bay. So this has compelled me to put down in writing a few keys elements of taking a keep for those who have not done so before.

For the sake of arguement we will assume it's a defended keep, as they are usually a few of the little gits inside waiting to be slaughtered along with the guards.

1. Get in a group. Try and make it a balanced group if poss with a rezzer/healer, speed, tanks etc.

2. Join or make a CG (chat group), Ask some players who are alredy in the zone. You make a chat group by first inviting one person into in i.e. /cg invite xoboll. Make the cg public i.e /cg public. This will then free you from the 5000 PM's who want to join your CG. To join a public cg then type /cg join xoboll.

3. BUY A RAM!!! Obviously not everyone needs to do this but you need atleast one per door and there are two doors. So dont be shy and buy one :) (There are a large number of lvl 50's in the realm and all of us have alts who pass threw BG. So put a little loving into your alt and put some cash on him/her) alternatively buy a Catapult or Balista, both are great fun to use.

4. Pull the guards. Attack the guards on the bridge 1st then the guards surrounding the keep.

5. Know your role.
(i) Take down the archers on the walls. I cannot stress this enough... They will hamper you all the way to the lord and can turn the tide of a sucessful raid. Ranged casters/archers take out the archers on the wall.
(ii) Infil's get inside with a 2 or 3 of your other friendly wall-climbing stealthers and take out the ones which cant be seen from the outside.
(iii) AOE the doors. Mezz, DD, DoT what ever you ahev in your arsenal. The infil's inside can let you know if anyone is near the doors so you don't waste power. WORK TOGETHER GUYS !!!
(iv) Tanks if your not the Ram controller then hack at the door, take down any guard repop, attack incoming reinforcements to keep.
(v) Healers keep everyone alive and rez the dead. HEAL THE TANK USING THE RAM. If he dies, then rez him asap.
(vi) Mincers/Necro's give power to those that need.

6. Storm the courtyard. After the majority of the guards have been taken care of move into the courtyard together as a group. DO NOT GO TO THE LORD !!!! Rushing the lord is the biggest mistake made on a keep raid. I know, your blood is pumping, your eyes are bulging and you want to kill! Well just hold on a sec Sparky, you can't solo the lord (many have tried & died) so just be patient.

7. AFTER all the guards are cleared from the courtyard, then move to the room BELOW the lord. Send in a sacrificial lamb into lord room. One person who is in the cg can be sent to the lord and give info on the number and what classes are at the lord. (Don't forget to rez him/her later)

8. Casters/Healers at the back of the room tanks at the front. If some idiot runs down the stairs to you target him and aoe as he runs back up. When rdy send in the tanks to take out the casters/healers followed by our casters then the healers. If successful the hoards of ugly gits will be dead in seconds. All on the lord and kill the bstd :))

9. Celebrate like mad and keep the damn keep for 45 mins so you can claim your medal.

As in all warfare, communication is key. Talk in the cg but pls dont spam it ;)

One interesting point to note; I have seen some excellent use of catapults and Balista's in BG. Why don't we do that when attacking a keep in Emain/Odins ???

I'm sure I've missed loads. So feel free to add/flame your comments. I hope this helps some peeps and we take all the keeps in BG. Emain & Odins. Now that would be something to tell the grandchildren :)

Moonshae 50 Armsman
Dizeased 4x Cabby
Skunk 3x Infil
Mortician 3x Necro
Ereck 2x Scout

Co-GM of The Corporation


You don't need to hold a BG keep for 45 minutes for the medal.

It needs to have been held by the enemy for 45 minutes before you took it.

As indicated by the banner.

Same goes for the medals in real RvR.

As regards catapults and ballistas, the reason you don't see them in emain and odins is that the battle covers too much ground too quickly, and is not centred on a single area like the BGs, as a result stationary siege is extremely limited.

The reason you don't see them much in real RvR keep takes is that before the last patch catapult and ballista damage was pitiful, and even since the last patch a ram is, in general, more likely to be useful.


I was in BG3 yesterday and as a complete and utter n00b I am very gratefull that you and other experienced players try to lead, even when the n00bs are are a disgrace :)

Anyway, just wanted to thank you for posting your thoughts. I am sure more people than me will learn from them.

Trord, 35 friar


If i may add a tip...

First of all: Know the keeps. There are 3 different versions of keeps (1 for each realm) and every bg have a different one (dunno about the new BG though). So when you enter a new BG check out the keep first of all :).

And there is one very critical point where the defenders really have their chance to alb and hib keeps the enemy will put their pbaoe nukers (point blank area of effect, a aoe spell that hurts alot but with a very limited range) in the lord room and nuke you through the walls when you run up the stairs. And in mid keeps they will try to hide on the "balconys" outside the lord room and try to nuke you when you just enter the room/attack the lord. So the key to avoid this is to rush past the critical areas and kill their casters as fast as possible, or have an earth wiz gtaoe nuke the room to interrupt their nukes. PBAOE spells do less dmg the further away you are from the caster, so try to stick to the wall opposite to the lord room if possible.

Now i have been on keep raids where we thought the victory was ours but then they killed us at the lord, so keep this in mind.

And ofcourse this little warning could be a tip to if you find yourself defending a keep :).

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