Bf42 League?



I guess we are still exactly where we was right from the start, with Barrysworld wanting a subs only league, and far too few actuall subs payers/players to make such a league a worthwhile proposition.


I have been hassling BW peeps to start *something* or even *anything*.

What I would like to do, or see done, are two subbers activities.

1. Squad Challenge. This will basically be a 3v3 (or 2 or 4) tourny, maybe ladder system, on small maps with low ticks to start etc etc.

2. Skillz Tourney. This will be an individual skills knock out tourny of some description. Basically think jeep racing point to point, one on one dog fighting, furthest FF off detpack jumps etc etc.

I am totally willing to help start this up, just aint heard back from ANYONE on it :)

Cmon BW peeps and BWBF liasons ......



I've tried to set up a league since the game first came out - but the problem is that we're still waiting for the rcon to be sorted in the game so that it can be brought under BWs GM3 game manager.

Until then, no server control, no bookables, and no league servers. The moment this is sorted, I will organise the first league - but until then my hands are tied.



Hmm, ok then.

Isnt it possible to just get the OK to password out one of the servers once or twice a week in the evenings?

RCON works fine on the clan server I play on, or are Barrys saying "all or nothing!" ??

Forget a huge league for now, lets just get some fun stuff going to maintain the interest ....

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