Beware of Goa's billing!!



When it was time for me to renew my subsctiption I changed from 3 months to 1 month this time. This was done a few days before my subsctiption would have ended, and I saw that it was confirmed after changing it. Nevertheless when I was billed they billed me for 3 months instead of 1. I of course reported this through RightNow, and got an answer basically saying that I have a one month subscription and should have been billed for that amount, and that Goa can't at all check their billing system to see what I was billed. WTF is up with that??? I mean, if they are charging me money they should damn well know how much money they charge me for, right? Well, I've replied yet another time, I hope this will work out.

This post is mainly a warning to all you people out there. Check your accounts carefully, cause Goa might be ripping you off......


I've always paid month by month. easier to bin when I really get sick of it.


If u had read the supscription iformation it says

If u wanna change or cancel ur account u most do it 1 week before expire date

thats all


1: That information concerns termination of the subscription, not changing the length of it. I just read it through more carefully.

2: I'm pretty sure I did it at least one week before the period was over, but unfortunately I'm not 100% sure on that part.

3: The invoice states that I've got a 1 month subscription, but I still got billed for 3.

I still say Goa f*cked up somewhere along the line here.


Goa probably had a banking f*ckup. It can happen ;)


I know things can happen, but in situations regarding clients CC's, it would be in the companys best interest to actually see to that it never happens. That the connection to the servers get somewhat unstable now and then is one thing, but this IS more serious. I'm not the kind of person who sits quietly and wait when serious issues like this happen. No, I go out and tell people, because people have the right to know that Goa has serious issues with their billing.


A quick phone call to your bank will stop them rebilling you when you cancel or change billing amount. Just ask them not to let them have anything over a certain amount and Goa wont be able to get it, within a week before the next billing date or not.

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