Beware auto subs


Bleri McThrust

Just received an email from GOA informing me that my subscription has been renewed and i have been billed accordingly.

Ok so I was going to renew and I was going to pay the same way.

BUT how did they know that ????

An email informing me that my subscription was coming to an end may have been more appropiate. That would have given me the option of subscribing or not, changing my subscription length, and maybe my payment method.

Certainly dont remember opting for a rolling 3 monthe subscription.


If you subscribe for a 1 month subsciption it keeps going until you terminate the current one and after that current one ends your account is closed (until you make a new subscription).
This is normal in all MMORPG's... still have the same option in Ultima Online.

The chances of quitting exactly on billing day and pressing terminate after a renewed subscription are quite slim (1/30, hehe) so generally you would terminate at a time during a current subscription and it will go the end... then, closed. So really not that much need for an advance warning...

EDIT: From

2 - Duration of your subscription - Termination of your subscription

The duration of your subscription depends on the type of subscription selected on the subscription form (' Subscription period '). The minimum subscription duration is one month.
Your subscription will begin as soon as your Player Account has been created and you can access DAOC immediately.
If you subscribe to any of the payable types of subscription referred to in article 3 during the subscription period included when you purchase the DAOC game, you will continue to have access to DAOC and the starting point of your subscription period will be extended to the first day after the end of the initial period.
Your subscription will be renewed by tacit renewal on the anniversary date of your subscription period, for an identical duration to the duration chosen for your first subscription.

If you wish to end your subscription, you must inform GOA at least seven (7) days before the end of the current subscription period by going to the heading ' My Account ' accessible on the site and by clicking on the link ' terminate my subscription '. Your subscription will then be terminated after the end of the current subscription period.
If your subscription is interrupted or terminated, GOA can not guarantee to maintain your player data should you take out a new subscription in the future.

Sharp Thing

same happend here and to my guildm8s, cant complain, dont have searhc for a VISA now :)


lol :D

It's like "yeah I [cough]didn't[/cough] decide[cough]d[/cough] to continue my subscription" "Ok."


Had the same thing.

Was going to renew but wasn't sure if I'd go 1 or 3 months but it's gone through for 3 so saved me the decision.

It's only £17.00 though so no big deal, about 1/2 a night on the piss excluding cabs, kebabs etc :p


Yup, not much money... 40 euros goes easy in just a bar... not even including club entrance fees or food. Talk about OT... lol...

Bleri McThrust

Ye it was no big deal I was just surprised thats all. And as Congo said it decide for me how long I was gonna subscribe for.

I was just surprised, never having come across it before.

And I will admit to not reading the whole of the Licensing agreement :p how many do :)


I just received a email telling me my account has been suspended and i just paid yesterday for 3 more months,

WTF has happened?


Anyone else got this problem of accounts stopping for no reason?

did it happen today?


Its happenned to me twice before. Contact Rightnow.

If they use French words in the response, tell them off.


If you were charged and dont think you should have been you probably have Direct Debit chargeback rights.


Originally posted by SFXman
Yup, not much money... 40 euros goes easy in just a bar... not even including club entrance fees or food. Talk about OT... lol...

Just out of interest, what's the legal drinking age in Finland (to get into a bar and buy drinks)?


Originally posted by stormcrow2002
I just received a email telling me my account has been suspended and i just paid yesterday for 3 more months,

WTF has happened?

You've been a naughty boy? :p

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