Betweeen the QQ's, whines and the normal disorder..


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
.. I have a small question about my little thane template i am still struggling with..

So while you all wait for servers to come up i'd hope to get a little help .)

I try to aim for a balanced template with little of everything...

Below is the outline as it looks now:

Str: 97 Int: 0 Hits: 320
Con: 86 Pie: 75 Power: 0
Dex: 86 Cha: 0
Qui: 37 Emp: 0

Body: 22 Energy: 20 Crush: 27
Cold: 27 Matter: 21 (5) Thrust: 26 (2)
Heat: 27 Spirit: 4 Slash: 26 (3)

11 Hammer
11 Shield
4 Parry

Cap Increases
10 Dex
5 Qui
120 Hits
15 Str
10 Con

Other Bonuses
9 Style Damage Bonus
4 Spell Range Bonus
4 Spell Damage Bonus
5 Fatigue
5 Melee Speed Bonus
7 Melee Damage Bonus

Now the questions..

1. Resists.. I've allways wanted to max resists, now i can't it seems and i wonder what resists I could live without if any(most resists is on jewelry).

I also havent really undestood if resists just cut's off the efficiency of an attack(hit, spell, debuf) with a certain % or if I have a resists maxed I also have an increased chance of resisting the attack totally(as in totally resist a DoT for example).

Trick question.. As i don't rvr alot but still enjoy the moments i do, is it that much important to have resists on 26+ or would 20+ be enough(not from a 'leet' point of view offcos)?

2. As you can see i have 5 meleespeed bonus and 37 qui which is rougly half of what I can get. Would that even out as if i had +75qui/0 meleespeed or +0 qui/10+ meleeespeed? which is most 'valuable to have' of qui/meleespeed?

(I checked the nisrv site speed calc, but note sure i do it right, specially about putting in qui, buffed, sc'd or not..)

Any comments and suggestions are most welcome.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 16, 2004
1. Template looks good to me, the two resists you normally can disregard as a mid (for rvr purposes) are Spirit and Matter, none of these will be vital to have.

Trick-question Answer: from a not-leet point of view, I would say 20+ is fine ;)

As for other things in your template to possibly down-prioritize (to give room for more needed things); do you need 75 piety as a Thane? And do you need the +11 to weaponspecs? I am a Thane noob, so I am just curious. Maybe you do need the +11 due to low WS to begin with at lvl 50, but what about the 75 piety?

2. I would go for 10% melee haste, and screw quickness. Or at least try to get melee haste as high as possible...

Good luck with your template, I know making thane templates is teh hard.. btw, what artifacts do you plan on using?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Klonk said:
1. Template looks good to me, the two resists you normally can disregard as a mid (for rvr purposes) are Spirit and Matter, none of these will be vital to have.

Thanks, nice to hear.

Klonk said:
Trick-question Answer: from a not-leet point of view, I would say 20+ is fine ;)

Then I might be able to make this work .)

Klonk said:
As for other things in your template to possibly down-prioritize (to give room for more needed things); do you need 75 piety as a Thane? And do you need the +11 to weaponspecs? I am a Thane noob, so I am just curious. Maybe you do need the +11 due to low WS to begin with at lvl 50, but what about the 75 piety?

Well.. As thanes do have a lil less WS the zap's are there to even things out as i see it. pie DO give some nice bonus and make my bolts feel some ,-) and the +11 is also there for the same reason. I don't really know how much +9 does compared to +11 though.. i'm closing up to RR4 now so that will be another +4 to count in..

Klonk said:
2. I would go for 10% melee haste, and screw quickness. Or at least try to get melee haste as high as possible...

Okie.. Will try find items with +melee. I am a troll though so my qui is pretty low .)

Klonk said:
Good luck with your template, I know making thane templates is teh hard.. btw, what artifacts do you plan on using?

Thank you. I won't stopp until Im satisfied.

In this template I use GoV, Malice, scalars, CB and Ogli belt(yea.. levelling pain..), 1 ML drop and some ToA quest items.

I am however working on a near arti-less template to if I decide levelling artis will take to much time and I change my mind... Or find a better solution... ,-)

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