Best way to spec a pally


One of Freddy's beloved
May 17, 2004
Ok i am playin a pally on Camlann, But if i posted it there it would be spammed with bullshit , sooooo , which is the way to spec a pally , i was going to go 42 shield,48 chants,30 slash, rest parry , But ppl have been saying 50 shield on a pally is needed ,

Also my second question is Double speccing , Not that i am going to go 2h, But still , if i have 39 slash and lets say 11 2h for the back style i fink , will it still hit high dmg if i use a 2h slash ?

Thnx in advance ;)


Loyal Freddie
Oct 18, 2004
Palas hit like babies, dont forget that.
Go 50 shield imo, regarding 2h, go 50 or forget it


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 7, 2004
Double spec'ing can't be recommented, either go full 2-h, which some guys like. Or s/s.
My own spec is 44 Slash, 42 Shield, 46 Chant rest parry


Fledgling Freddie
May 9, 2004
Specc either 2h as they say or if u like to go s/s specc 50 sheild :D. that is a must.
My pally is specced: 50sheild , 39 slash, 42 chants, rest parry ^^.
Chants dosen't have to be higher.



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Or, autotrain slash and chants for 156 extra points and go 50shield 46 chants 39 slash, although that's not really very RVR suited as you will be majorly fucked vs DW.

But I'm just a blockbot.

A ML10 TOA templated one :p


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 28, 2004
or go 42 shield, 44 slash, 36 chants 28 parry


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
I am 39 slash 46 chants 42 shield rest perry, I like that spec very much, compared to my old spec, think it was 50 shield 34 slash 46 or 45 chants rest perry. I can take much more beating cause I have a higher defence with the relatively high parry, I can even wack some DW'ders sometimes with this spec :)
Still I do crap dm but thats the life of a paladin I'm not using him as a dm dealer thoe as a blockbot.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
on camlann you dont really need 50 shield tbh ;)

42 shield, 39 slash, 46 chants rest parry will do there :)

with this you get good end, good heal, good af, good dmg chant
also proper blocking (4% extra can be cought with moblock, which you could got with 50 shield), good enough melee dmg. Parry will make you survive dual wielders long enuf till they out of endu.

Problem targets; bd's (you can't kill them solo as a paly). You'll also have props with high RR's and ToA'd classes, however.. this is for each class you pick

Note: Don't go 2h.. a 2h pally has to sacrifce too much compared to what's given. If you want to go 2h, roll a warrior or hero/champ


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
My Pala is fully auto-trained and will be:

50 Shield
46 Chants
39 Slash
Remainder Parry

I'd love to say that it's worth having 50 Shield over 42 Shield, but the reality is you last less then a second when you get stunned and nuked to oblivion...

Nerf casters IMHO :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 4, 2004

hi, my paladin is speced 50 shield 42 chants 39 slash and rest parry, i like this spec ALOT couse i block very good couse i have 50+11 + MoB2 ( without ToA temp atm... but its soon done ) imo if u want a good rvr spec u should go this spec couse u with 42 chants u have red end.. and thats what the rvr grps want... and as a pala u only bg/slam bot anyway... no assist train tank..
/ Denethors 50 Paladin


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004
my pally was 50 shield 48 chantes 29 slash 11 parry? i think (might been 12 as i auto'd till 20 with teh h4x of d00m) saracen. Pre si that saracen was blockbots, but who cares ;/


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 27, 2004
the real dilema you face here is 42 shield or 50 shield from the input given by the rest.

The decision is on how you intend to play really. if its more RvR orientated then 42 Shield would suffice as your going for the slam move and BG will do most of your guarding. if you prefer Solo RvR or simply to Farm in PvE < and there's plenty that do just that> Then 50 shield would be a better choice for your own personal Defence.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Merrow said:
Specc either 2h as they say or if u like to go s/s specc 50 sheild :D. that is a must.
My pally is specced: 50sheild , 39 slash, 42 chants, rest parry ^^.
Chants dosen't have to be higher.


50 shield is not a must at all :twak:

hi bg/grapple

If you going s/s id go 42 shield and increase slash to 44. But ofc its up to you :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Tualatin said:
Note: Don't go 2h.. a 2h pally has to sacrifce too much compared to what's given. If you want to go 2h, roll a warrior or hero/champ

For RvR purposes, DPS is king and 2-H pallies do very respectable damage, have superb styles and generally kick ass. I went from playing S/S pally in RvR and quite enjoying it, to 2-H and loving it. You sacrifice more in RvR going S/S than you do going 2-H.

For PvE, its the reverse and I would recommend 50 shield for the pure PvE Pally.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Marc said:
50 shield is not a must at all :twak:

hi bg/grapple

If you going s/s id go 42 shield and increase slash to 44. But ofc its up to you :)

Marc likes eating fish :(


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004
i recall 2hand pallies do fucking mad dmg coz they got rear style bonuses increased afaik and other nifty things coz of the low utl. 2hand offers pallies and armsmen


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 27, 2004
Huntingtons said:
i recall 2hand pallies do fucking mad dmg coz they got rear style bonuses increased afaik and other nifty things coz of the low utl. 2hand offers pallies and armsmen

The Side Chain bonuse was reduced actually. Your probably remembering that video of the rr8 Pally on a US server. He did hit some big numbers alright but that was pre-side chain nerf, on slash weak armor mostly and around the SI realease-ish era when few had capped resist's.

The Rear move was indeed boosted a little but to be in line with the current Side move Growth rates at the mo, back chain 2nd move actually does most damage atm anyways.

Sendraks said:
For RvR purposes, DPS is king and 2-H pallies do very respectable damage, have superb styles and generally kick ass. I went from playing S/S pally in RvR and quite enjoying it, to 2-H and loving it. You sacrifice more in RvR going S/S than you do going 2-H.

For PvE, its the reverse and I would recommend 50 shield for the pure PvE Pally.

For a Purely damage dealing tank perhaps. Paladins are sort of the best defensive tanks in the game when spec'd properly and the loss of them to a group is pretty huge. The arguement for 2h Pallys nowadays, in the era of Toa, thou is pretty legitamit as with Bodyguard you can protect nearly as well as a s/s pally and yet still offer the group that lovely End / heal Chant :). your only problem is that with a 2h you cant really go off and kill the enemy support as they'll either be BG'd or your 2h simply wont get past a shield. Or you can stay back and try to smack any tank coming at your support. Problem there is, against normal Light tanks 2h hitting them isnt something they generally have to worry about, which I could elaborate on further but isnt needed as people know already :).


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Vindicator said:
your only problem is that with a 2h you cant really go off and kill the enemy support as they'll either be BG'd or your 2h simply wont get past a shield.

Heh, its not so hard to get through a BG and kill the support. I've done it enough times to know that if you're going to do it, you need to do it fast and for that, you need the damage.

Against a shield user, yeah, I can see how that would pose a problem. But I really don't see that many shield users out there these days, just legion upon legion of zerks and savages.

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