Best RvR Class



Hi peeps

okis there most prob isnt a *Best Class* but i want to have a char that is purely gunna be for RvR i have a lev 38 enchanter on pry but wanted a change of scene, so im a total n00b to the middies realm :) your help here would be much appreciated ;)

I want a char that can take some damage as well as be good in melee ro can be good at using a bow for long range & maybe have a mezz spell, in pry Trolls seem to be good at melee but what are they like for long range? like i say, im a total n00b to the middie realm! but what i dont want to be is a healer/rezzer simply cuz i prefer to be attacking thatn healing etc..


I would like a char that is good at stealthing & can use a bow like a ranger does in Hibby's but what are stealthers like at taking damage in middy's?

Also what are the best spells do each of these chars get that are good in RvR, & what would you recommend i put points into etc.. i know im asking alot! but i wanna get it right 1st time as im planning on a long stay at middy's & wanna get levelin AsAp ;) if you know of any good webby's that give details for each class that would be a great help :)

would be cool if you could give me recommendations for the starting points i get & where to spec with them ;)

Last but not least, which of these classes above seem to be suited better for RvR like i say i want a totally dedicated RvR char ? ...thanx in advance fellow middies.. hope to be going on raids wit you all soon :)


46 battlesongs
44 weapon of your choice
parry - whatever is left over

and ofcourse a sexeh norse female

edit: doh, skald ofcourse


Well defenetly skald as non stealther to take and deliver dmg so as good spells (battlesongs) either good in rvr and in pve.

As stealther well that leaves u 2 choises:

Less dmg take and melee dmg

Better dmg taking and ranged / melee dmg with spells

I will give u a tip to take over this second option named Hunter.
(with a full free discription) :p

For a start u can chose one of this 2 classes

Kobold or Norseman

The difference between them is very simple, kobold is less life and str but better dex / quit and obviosly the norseman is the oposite with better life and str and less dex / quit

I would chose kobold even just because i think norsemans are not good looking :) but i prefer they're overall

Now somewhere here u put 10points in Dex 10in Qui 10in STR

As lvl 50 hunter i would say u should be something like:

35Battlecrafting (or whatever is it called)

This is a balanced template for a hunter

About the spells well none of them is directly offencive but in BC u can control pets to defend yourself even if u'll have to learn how to use them correctly so they don't say where u are just straight ahead.
In the rest of the list u'll find 2 self buffs and a insta cast spell that gives u speed buff

If u smell the danger of an assassin and u don't wanna take the risk just press the bottun and u'll be running like mad :)

Hope this post was usefull :)


i'd say runemaster, played properly, is fairly fearsome in RvR
26suppresion, rest runecarving
PBT, bolts, AEDD, 45%nearsight, GTAEDD.... much of these in a dmg type that it's hard, in albion at least (dunno about the other 2 realms) to get resistance for. (energy)

edit: Obviously being a cloth caster, you are not going to be soloing. But.... well, if you want to solo, i agree with the post above =)


yeah youre right

skald IS the best char for small ambushes... and takin out freaks like minstrels and infis...

but midgard definitely needs much more healers / shamans

without them we cant win any large battle... just the small and medium ones cuz we zerg and zerg

in 30-35 bgs you see at least 10 clerics and a maximum amount of 3 healers 1 shammy at middie side... sux =(


cool :)

thanks very much for this info & its helped alot ;)

so ive decided to go either a skald as he seems to be my kind of char :) and it will be the first time ive tried a melee char, am i right in thinking a skald can use a bow? :eek: as mentioned do i split the points i start with between Dex, Qui, STR ? also 1 last thing is there any1 who could kindly show me around just a little bit like places where to hunt for a n00b etc.. as ive never been in mid before :eek: my in-game name will be the same as ive used on the pry server "Bebop" :) thanx again peeps you've helped me alot already & i've not even been in mid 1nce yet! /em goes to create his skald :)

cyaz all soon :)


skald can't use bow, pulling is not a problem for PvE because of the range on snare and for RvR you want to get into shouting range anyway so it really isn't much of a problem, when creating i would say definitely put 10 into charisma, it is from charisma that a skald draws power, and as shouts eat up a lot of power you want this to be as high as possible, then i would put another 10 in con and the remaining 10 depending which race you choose, if norse i would put into str, if troll then dex or split between dex/qui, as for kobold and dwarf i don't consider viable races, the extra dex and qui from kobbie will not compensate for lack of str/con as skalds only get evade 1 and dont have many spec points left over to put into parry so a defense orientated skald just isn't going to be beneficial in the long run, as for dwarf they get 10extra to start with in con compared with norse but lose 10 in str as a result and as all weapons you will be using are purely str based i don't see the merit in this

troll benefits from greater str compared to norse but sacrifices a lot of dex/qui for it so will hit hard but expect a lot of misses, their str makes them more useful for carrying siege equipment in raids, they sure are ugly though :p

weapon choice is also important, all are str based but styles vary greatly, i chose hammer because of the bonus against plate and also the provoke style is great for RvR as it delivers a lot of damge and uses very little end, axe and sword will give bonus against cloth/leather but classes wearing these tend to go down easy whatever weapon you use whereas plate classes take a little more encouragement, also 2handed hammers are relatively easy to find in midgard, you will be using 2handed as although you can equip small shieds you can not spec in them, and as 2handed weapons deliver much more damage it is much more beneficial to use them

btw i am 47 Hammer(+12), 46 Battlesongs(+5), 5 Parry (+11)


ty eos ;)

i did create 1 just but i think i messed the points up already ! good start eh lol, nps i will re-do him & put point where u suggested :) thx again m8y


new i forgot to ask summit!

about the spells, what spell line does what? like where should i put points into to do what spell etc.. im looking at a few webbys for ideas but i thought it b best to ask u lot as you have 1st hand experiance with them :) ty in advance, now im off to print out some maps & mob locations rdy for LvL'n :)


Battlesongs gives you all your spells - DDs, mez, snare, speed etc. etc.

And go hammer :E

Diabolic Shadow


as for spells it's a quite simple choise once u need to spec in one "menu" named battle songs.

About the weapon and the rest of the specs availeble for the skald:


I'll only consider 2hand weapons once i see no use using a shield on left hand since u can't spec on it

2h Sword: This kind of weapons applys slash dmg which is good againts the armors leather and cloth giving 20% bonus or something like that

2h Axe: Is quite the same as sword but it delivers more dmg but in the other hand it applys a bigger time between the strikes, therefor i would only consider this option only for 1hit kill attacks like the Shadowblade.

2h Hammer: I see this as the primary spec for a skald once u will deal more with albion tanks that use plate armor.
Crush weapons apply bonus on Studded (archers) and plate armor.
The attack speed of this kind of weapon is the same as the 2hand axe but it worth the wait because when u hit u don't hit like a baby u hit like a big man :)

I guess that's all... So... Good Luck


keep battlesongs maxed until lvl46
lines you get are;

-war and battle line DD's, both on 30sec timer, will use each at least twice in a fight, short range though so have to get close

-mez, also on 30sec timer, lowest is 11secs, highest is 29sec, will save your life..

-"compel" snare line, primarily used for pulling mobs as its got a decent range (1500), it slows the targets running speed for the duration

-speed song, best thing about being skald, even at lowest lvls its still a lot faster than normal running speed, warning: is addictive, you won't be able to play another class again, affects the whole group - everyone loves a skald :m00:

-damage add chant, pretty obvious what this does, you'll see "you hit...for an extra...damage!", now stacks with thane dmg add so you wont see "...already has that effect" spam anymore which is nice...

-rest song, ok this sucks, give us power regen or something useful! makes your health regen slightly faster, will reduce downtime by a few seconds while soloing..

-resistance songs, these are new and i haven't found them very useful yet, increases resistance against various forms of magic

anyway last worthwhile spell is chant of blood, last dmg add which you get at 46Battlesongs which is why thats what most people take it to..


quote]-speed song, best thing about being skald, even at lowest lvls its still a lot faster than normal running speed, warning: is addictive, you won't be able to play another class again[/quote]

From Healer to Skald, this has probably meant the retirement of my Hunter Alt. Is a fun class, but he is soooo slow.



thx for info,

okis i started a new char as i messed him up a bit wit points! at the mo im lev 6 & my songs is lev 6 & rest in hammer ..if i keep my song pts the same as my level & rest into hammer with this get me to lev 46 songs? if not... how is the best way to do it as i want to put a few points into hammer as well :)

or should i just put ALL points into songs until 46 then go hammer from there on ?


you get 1.5x your lvl in points, so keep maxing BS and put rest in hammer, it will lag below your lvl for a long time but you should still be able to keep it at least 2/3 of your lvl which is where you want to be, with dmg add you'll still hit hard enough to get by quite nicely, its those 1/2 dings at 40+ that make all the difference with hammer and it will quickly catch up so don't worry :)


great :)

well, thanx very much for the info peeps & ty for those of you in-game that have helped me alot already :) (you know who you are!)

see you all soon :)

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