best PvP class - revisited



is it an Enchanter? Infiltrator? SB? no! it is almost definitely a skald. I have been playing on US PvP servers and have worke out why a skald is superior, 1. instant mezz makes it brilliant against stealthers which trust me you see alot of! 2.the mezz disrupts casters which works a treat on PvP since theres plenty hib/mage classes about3. run buff means you can get away from almost anything.


old news, and bound to change within the next few patches due to further mez nerf and a boost to tanks


im gonna eat skalds with my thrust infi :clap:


Imo if you can lvl one and want lots of rp's a scout is best for pvp :) . uber dmge . stealth . shield spec .

some peeps will say nah cos of assasins see hidden . but due to the LACK of bow chars on pvp servers and the ABUNDENCE of casters ie- chanters . most assasins wont waste the ra pnts it would cost for see hidden when im sure they can find other more usefull ra's to buy with them . wont be many snipers on pvp so imo they have an edge if most assasins use there head and dont waste precious ra points.


Skald is one of the best yup, and therefore also one of the most played :D

10 out of the 50 top rp holders on the 2 US PvP servers are skalds, but they're still beaten by stealthers.

I'm actually changing my view on class as time goes by. Was mainly thinking of going the infil. road but the more I play a Friar the more I like it. I hope there won't be a huge amount of healing classes, thus making it more attractive to play one. Not to mention enhancement has all those wonderfull specline self buffs and some pretty decent baseline other buffs.

I think I will be going with a Friar :D


I played a Thane, Mentalist and leveling a scout at the moment.

Thanes were ok until 20 when Skalds got chain, and since most of midgard's population are skalds it got alot harder to kill people :)

Mentalists are alot of fun, mana specced at the moment with a bit of light for pets, can take out most even other than pure tanks without a pet and with a pet most classes drop, simply a case of DoT, DoT, nuke, sic pet on em and kite away :) if they stop to kill the pet I continue to nuke or maybe stun. I really started one for sever the tether though :D make those chanters pay for trying to be uber.

Haven't got my scout to 10 yet but what a previous poster said will probably be true, going for the old fashioned sniper template of high stealth and high bow, I may respec to shield at 40 though for stun. I don't see myself taking a scout past 25 though, my main being a hunter I know that when bt, pbt start getting more and more common it gets alot harder, espicially since most people are either casters or stealthers (casters = self bt minimum, stealthers = no chance) Gonna see how it goes anyway.

My advice it to not play a class because it is "the best" but one that you like playing, most people seem to think that chanters are unbeatable in one on one, every class with a mez and some form of damage spell should be able to kill a chanter, for my mentalist it was just mez pet, dot, dot and watch em die....... silly luri' don't have much hp :D

Ohh and one a side note, chanters are pretty much KoS to everyone who can kill them, makes leveling pretty hard 20+, thats why you tend to see less chanters after 20, with kill tasks gone and soloing a pain most just turn to ganking.

Generic Poster

It's true that you should play the class which best suits your style. Unless you want to end up like people who level a class to 50, because it's uber, then quit playing within a week.

No matter which class you choose, you will get ganked.

I'm pretty fixed on a skald atm, because I need speed and I hate switching between drums/weapons. Decent melee ability and minor crowd control, gives the class more versatility aswell.

As for an assassin, it's widely agreed that Shadowzerkers are one of the most efficient. They're damage machines, and that's before applying poison!

But! the assassin class I'm going for is a demented Lurikeen Nightshade. Insane, and a true PvP ganker.

My other 'ganking' class will be a sorcerer. There is soo much mischief you can cause with a pet and mezz! I will start wandering around salisbury plains at lv9, find some likely victims, wait for them to pull, then I mezz their healer and send my pet on their caster. I mezz anyone not agro'd by their pull and systematically kill everyone in the group.

(I don't expect my 'ganker' characters to get anywhere far... but it will be fun for low level ganking :) )

Tank Init

running is one of their many talents :) and they do it well

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