Best headache/hangover cures



your suggestions.

My dad says a bit of whisky in the morning helps to calm hangovers, is this true or is he an alcoholic?


Yup, this is the old thing called hair of the dog.
The idea is to stay pissed to avoid hangovers. It works! Until you're sick.


Now this is a subject I know lots about :)

My favourite is hair-of-the-dog. NOt only does it get u back to a more pissed state where u care less but it also helps ease withdrawal symptoms from alcohol.

Hangover has several major causes though. First is dehydration. Ethonol (the form of alcohol we drink, there are other types such as methanol :)) causes your body to want to piss a lot (as I'm sure u all know.) Drink some water before bed. U'll have to get up for a piss in the night probably but it's worth it :)

Secondly your body will be flooded with acetaldhyde. Your body breaks down alcohols with the enzyme acohol-dehydrogenase (if i spelt it right.) As the name suggests it just removes a hydrogen atom turning it into acetaldehyde. This is not very good for the body and is another cause of feeling baaaad. Your body the uses the ezynme aldehyde-dehydrogenase to break this down into something else. I can't remember for the life of me what it is but it's a lot better after that :) To aid your body's aldehyde-dehydrogenase you should try to get some of the suger fructose down you. This is present in fruits and honey if I remember rightly. (Incidentally if you do drink meths then the by-product of that alcohol is formaldahyde rather than acetaldehyde so you'll go blind eventually. I believe this applies to cheap white cider too :D)

Thirdly your body will be low on all sugars. Try a 'Sprts-drink' as that will provide liquid and easily absorbed sugars at the same time :))

Best advice of all though. STAY PISSED !!!


I have heard the Drink water b4 but even if i drink 2 gallons of water b4 i go to bed i wake up in the middle of the night with my mouth so dry my toung is stuck to the top of my mouth, it takes some work to get them apart i can tell you. Now my dad is a doc, i suppose i could nick a drip and hydrate myself automatically.


One thing, you will be wankered.
ever tried fitting a drip into the veins in your wrist while wankered?

I know I have.
My God. What a sorry sight.

And how will you remember all those -aldehydy enzyme processes? jesus, you won't know whether to fuck a duck or drink meths.

I know I didn't. Another sorry sight. And an embarassing confrontation with the RSPCA.


Yeah, get it all out.

Erm, is it just me or does anyone else feel the need to drink shitloads of water in the morning as you are as thirsty as hell with a minging hangover, and THEN i think my body thinks im drinking waaaay more alcohol and then i spew.

usually its all over some ducks. How the hell'd they get in the house?


Ahh yes, i'm usually sick, but in the morning. I think i have the worst hangovers out of anyone. I was sick about 12 times the morning i had my last drinking binge. Although i was drinking de-icer, which wasn't a plesant expirience, (someone spiked my drink with it and told me as it was just about to go down my mouth, I drunk it anyway). But trust me, i am talking so drunk that I wouldn't have the co-ordination to get my fingers near my face let alone down my mouth.

Last time (when my pearents went on holiday) my friend was sick in the toilet and somehow he managed to get it everywhere, all over the walls, floor, in the little crack where the bowl attaches to the water/mechanism container. It took 5 hours to clean and approx 2 pints of bleach (glad i didn't see that when i was drunk otherwise it could have been that instead of the de-icer)


Hazzer you little spammer you, your posts have nearly doubled in a day :)


Forgot to mention.

Hangover cure No. 618 :-

Get out of bed in 2 days time.

This works best after Friday nights obviously :)


Well, its better than revision.

Man, I've not tried de-icer is it good? I guess not.

Also, the old saying 'never mix the grain and the grape' is correct for me. mix these two (ahm, in sufficient amounts of course!) and I spew. Anyone else?

I think 'pissed' stories (the real genuine ones) have to be the best and most funniest stories present on this earth.

And mysterious memory-loss: did you even participate in that night? or where did that little puddle of sick come from?- and that one?- and that one?

oops, this is a games forum


I still havent found a better hangover cure than a cold bottle of Irn Bru. It was invented by the scots for that purpose, and boy do we know a thing or two about hangovers....:)


/me nods

'tis true. We scottish ppl own hard at hangover cures, as anyone that watches TV in England knows that we're always pissed. Really, we are. Always believe what the TV tells you.


you have to be pissed constantly to survive the temperature.


Originally posted by MeanMrMustard
you have to be pissed constantly to survive the temperature.

ahh yes, the well known 'beer coat' theory. Whe you are sufficiently pissed and are completely numb to ANY outside stimulus you are said to be wearing your 'beer coat'! yaay.

This is similar to the 'beer goggles' theory whereby a borderline boiler is mininterpreted to be as fit as fuck and so you set your sights on this beauty. You will then realise your mistake waayy too late. You did this becasue you were wearing your 'beer goggles' yaay.


fo real


well, i for one dont suffer from hangovers, only hangover i had wasnt from excess ammounts of booze, but from been listening to music at about 150 decibels for like 5 hours

ooooh my ears

anyway, ive been sick, and i hate it, I HATE IT, so i dont normally get that pished, just to the point where everythings funny.


Frankie, 150dB can cause permanent hearing damage within a number of seconds :D

Testin da Cable

Originally posted by TUG
150dB can cause permanent hearing damage within a number of seconds

why is it that the music in the clubs and such /needs/ to be so loud? it seems that it's even louder now than it used to be. I can remember endless nights of clubbing and coming home without telltale ears ringing. Nowadays [gosh that makes me feel old] it seems my m8s and I have to shout at each other in order to hear what we are saying over the music.

/me ponders


LOUD is good, as long as it sounds nice :)

I hate shouting to ppl tho to try and talk to 'em :(


A nice greasy fry-up does it for me... had one today at 15:30... heavy night last night ;)

Testin da Cable

aye me too TUG that really suxorzors.

and Luap, I'm only 25 =P , but when I go out and see all them fresh faced 18 year old pengers well.....
anyway at least they give gramps much respect :D
and of course the added boon of being 'totally interesting' to all them young grrls :D:D


what was I complaining about again?


This is what, in my long years of suffering, I've found to work as far as avoiding hangovers goes:

1) Don't mix. Anything. Stick with one drink all night.

2) Keep the volume down, and the proof up. For me this means JD & Coke at the start of an evening, evolving into neat JD as the evening wears on.

3) Lots of water and two Nurofen before going to bed, and a big pint of water on the bedside table for when I wake up in the middle of the night.

4) Stay asleep for quite some time the next day. I find nothing cures a hangover better than re-hydrating and letting your body get on with processing all those -aldehyde thingies.

Unfortunately, I end up ignoring all this most of the time, and frequently start with lager, and through a vicarious process of wines and spirits, end up at neat JD only at the end of the evening. Then I'm too pissed to drink much water when I get home, and have to wake up next morning and go to work.


Originally posted by Horus
Unfortunately, I end up ignoring all this most of the time, and frequently start with lager, and through a vicarious process of wines and spirits, end up at neat JD only at the end of the evening. Then I'm too pissed to drink much water when I get home, and have to wake up next morning and go to work.
Know this one far too well.

lets see, lager for a while, vodka mixed stuff, vodka shots, women/puke (one or the other) ... wake up in morning & drink gallons of water, sit in bed till a reasonable time. Repeat Ad Infinitum.

Lo alkyholic.

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