Best for soloing?



Well scouts are pretty good soloers from what i have seen. I can drop 3 yellow con mobs from a bar of endurance. I can then do the same about 30 seconds later assuming mobs are available.

Lev 47 Scout
Ferus Legionius


inf or friar id say for melee
infs can do reds mobs PvE, but only 1 50 so not much to compare with.
cabas a natural solo class, not tried 1 but seen em in action


many peeps wont beleive it but earth wizards r good for soloing at most levels. Bolt, Bolt, DoT and leggit...wait for the mob to turn and DoT again. 15% mana to take down an orange con and 20% mana for a red con aint half bad. Then at 40, respec to ice and voila, you are refreshed with a new char to grp with and will keep u amused for longer :) Thas what I'm doin anyways :D


Would rather not solo my earth wizz :p

I find the second bolt misses about 70-90% of the time :wall:

I am guessing, that if the mob anit too fast,
it is possible to solo most mobs, as the DOT takes 25% off of
a hulk..

But still would rather grp ne day, base line nukes eat power too :(

I would say better to go fire or ice till 40, then respec to a gimp :p

GT does rock in RvR.. but thats about all i am good for :hat:

Cap'n Sissyfoo

~looks at the above posts~


Scouts and infis are okay at soloing if you like a bugger load of downtime to do your knitting.

Sorcerers are possibly the BEST soloers in albion, with the possible exception of cabalists.

I was spec'd full mind till 34 which made soloing the earlier levels kinda dull but not hard. Basically, you pull the mob with your debuffs, send pet in to get aggro, DoT it and then life tap till dead. When you hit 34 I started to spec in Body which made soloing even easier as it gave me access to the Body nuke. Eventually, with a bit of practise you will be kicking the crap out of any mob that comes your way.

With the new changes in 1.60 the sorcerer will become the best soloer bar NONE! Power regen buffs and the ability to charm any mobs will mean that he can solo wherever the bloody hell he wants.

Cabalists are good at soloing but I found them a bit dull at times. It is basically a case of send in pet with damage shield, DoT, DoT, life tap. Easy peasy.

Fire wizards are good at soloing the early levels as it is just a case of bolt, bolt, nuke till toast. I have begun to find the 45+ levels hard to solo though as if the mobs resist a couple of nukes AND your root then you are in deep shit. Bolts missing is the cream on top of the cake. :/
However, if you are looking for a class with a bit of versability then the fire wizard is a bit lacking. It is just a case of bolt, nuke, nuke ad nauseum. I have grown totally bored of my wizard at 46...which is a shame. I will just have to make the effort to ding him to 50. :p


If you have a buffbot then you can chuck all my advice out of the window. Any class can solo with a buffbot in tow, even a gimped infiltrator equiped with a shield and fully spec'd in DW.

Oh yea, friars are good at soloing as well. ~cough~


a rejuv-cleric is the best for solo :D HAHA !!!


Um, noones said necromancer yet?

Lifedrains + powertaps = no down time

And apart from that its new, cant hurt to try one :)


Necros are meant to be the best now according the the americans.

Otherwise theurgists are pretty good, can take down reds easily, just slow power-regen.


Necros, Cabbies, anything with pets, maybe friars too.


Friar is lots of fun to go solo. You can hit like a maniac, self and group buff, pull, and rez & heal. Well rounded character class. Kicks arse in both PVE and RVR.

Eg. my level 29 Friar can easily demolish orange cons, and do some serious damage to reds.

Of course depends how you are specced, what equipment you have, and mroeover what sort of a player you are.

That's my 2 cents.


fire wizard, assuming he is twinked ofc. solo oranges non-stop once u get mcl. scout is a good soloer too, but arrows are expensive as are bows.

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