Inca said:For a final template use MP.
Aside from anything else if your going to use artifacts like GoV (30 plat arti + 20 plat scrolls) Battler (20 plat arti + 15 plat scrolls) and the rest of the decent drops etc, then why not spend 10 plat on 5 armour pieces?
Thornar said:Sycho nice template, although those Moirai item's are afaik very hard to get.
If you have them already it's no problem of course.
I recently made a new template with 10 melee speed,
8 melee damage and 9 style damage, 25 str cap 23 con cap,
10 fatigue, 25 af, 11 sword, 11 left axe and 4 parry (harpy cloak).
Dex is about half and qui is only a little, dont need this tbh.
Resists are high where needed, matter and cold are ignored. Have
had lotsa fun with this template. Won't post it here since I use a
rog jewel.
Sycho said:You do NEED capped qui trust meand moirai items aren't that hard to get, just get a fg with 1 suppression sm and 2 warriors+damage dealer aswell pac healer, easy then.(just make sure you got a healer with decent mend spec too though incase a lot of snakes pop, healfont and powerfield are useful too)
Znip said:Matt, I was thinking about that Qui thingy earlier....before ToA I saw one online calculator which made it possible to calculate your swing speed given that you put in some values like your Qui stat, Weap speed, Attack speed buff, Dex/Qui buffs etc.
Now to my question, how does this new Melee speed bonus that comes with ToA affect these calculations? I mean, how much does it really do for the total attack speed?
I was wondering since I thought it might be possible to calculate the final speed (including Melee speed bonus) to avoid putting points into Qui if you already is at cap swing speed when being all buffed up with less than capped Qui.