


It has recently come to my attention that some of the members of our guild have been begging around Albion. I am not going to name and shame and I would appreciate it if no-one else did either.

What i would ask, if that if anyone sees any members of the Dead Dragons Society begging, please message me, in game so it can be dealt with.

Our guild will not tolerate begging, and we have a 3 strikes policy before 'booting' that member.

If you feel that you have been 'begged' please let me know. If you feel that their actions are acceptable, then don't.

I can be found using any of these characters -

Talen, Metallica, Akashic or Toyan.

As I say, please don't name or shame here, as the offence is a guild matter, not a public one.

My thanks,

Talen Sun


I think many guilds have that problem...

But to prevent 'booting' members my standard reply to those who have been asked for money is : Make a screendump ('-') of the conversasion and send it to me by mail (in .jpg)

(We have only encountered one, tho, but he (who's name shall not be spoken) was making that silly mistake talking in guild chat while begging... He is no more ;)


I've a simple philosophy...

If someone begs and aren't in a guild I give em 1gp to shut 'em up and to stop annoying people but won't recruit them on a matter of principle.
If they are in a guild I tell them in no uncertain terms they are in a guild and their guild should be sponsoring them.

Hope this philosophy helps.



This is my whole point, is that they should come to us, and not to beg. We have enough officers who can afford it, and if I also hear of our officers not giving our new members enough cash to get started, then words again shall be spoken.

I know sometime it is inconvienent for an officer to get to a low member (the officer is levelling in Lyon, and has waited for a group, and the new member is in Cam) and that is where patience comes in.

So, to the officers - please make sure you are helping new members.

To the new members - please have patience.



yea but what annoys me is as i bind in cots as all i mostly do is RvR now, when i end up at the bind spot i always get those ppl gathering around asking for cash, they need to buy new armour or some weapons or something like that..well i get that too often and it kinda gets annoying after a whiel....the funnyest one was when some1 wanted me to give them 300 gold for thier emblem...that was way over the limit,..


while we're talking about "begging"
I borrowed some Gc from some dude outside prywen with my alt named BigBadBuff, but after some hard drinking this weekend i cant seem to remember the person:p so can you step forward and recive the gc i owe u?=)

I will recon the person when i see him so dont u come say it was u when it wasnt=).

msg me ingame either as BigBadBuff or Second:D

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