Bedroc on reaching lvl 50

  • Thread starter Bedroc the Hero
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Bedroc the Hero

Im sorry for beeing as presumptios as to copy sanyas note. I just wanted to adress another aspect of reaching lvl 50.

Im not lvl 50 yet. please please please dont spoil anything for me... I have but 2 levels to go till I see what happens when you get lvl 50. Ill tell you that I would get disapointed if I reach lvl 50 and nothing special happens but instead its just another lvl this time the lvl nr happens to be 50.

I know you can do the last step of your Epic ( which is VERY VERY cool!!! its right to the spot! ) but thats more of a reward for completing the quest ( which is difficult enough! )

Some things Id like to see in game the day I turn 50:
* My trainer stops calling me soft and hinting I have much more to learn, but instead give me a speach on how impressed he is and what a rolemodel I am for the enitre realm.

* Id like the city guards to salute me on the day I turn 50. Then they can stop!

* I would like an invitation to brigits court to get dubbed knight of the realm ( or something ). With fanfares, getting a medal, etc. Id like a scribe to read out aloud what accomplishments ive reached yet in Hibernia. How many monsters Ive killed, Name the epic mobs ive helped to kill, tell how many invaders I helped kill, The nr of keeps iv helped to take. The nr of quests ive completed etc. I want music, spectators, etc. I want a medal from brigit and a kiss on my cheek. Dancing and rejoice. :) Then Brigit would ask of me personally to go defend the realm. To give me a clear goal in game. End the cermony with fireworks in the night over TNN. Spell my name in stars on the Hibernia that night! ( Think Im asking to much! I think this would be soooo coool!!! I would love this! )

* Id like a plaquet with my name inside the castle. beside all the other lvl 50s. Or if not in the castle id like it near a place connected to me. My birth town, the trainer in TNN, on a pole near the mob of which Ive killed the most nr of times. etc.

* It would be very nice to get an item as well. Not necessary a very useful item. But instead one with a special value to me. A coin with my image on it on one side, and brigits sigil on the other. I could wear it around my neck for all to see. If it gives me a special bonus it would be very nice. Preferable a RvR ability or bonus as now its time to go defend the realm. Id like to witness the making of the coin. the artist doing my image, the casting of the coin made from gold, the enchanting of the coin by a group of enchanters.

Id be happy to see only a tiny fraction of the "rewards" spelled out above! Only the trainer recognition would do! But I also think it would be very very nice to get all of the ideas implemented. It would strengthen the reason to reach lvl 50.

Some form of recognition when you reach a new realm rank would also be very nice. Perhaps get a better version of the coin. Have brigit point me to a new goal.

What do you think? Do you have other ideas? Would you like to see this in game?


id like to see, when u kill someone in rvr, they die irl.

Orin Askhammare

When my character dings 50 he wants to bone Itesta the healer trainer in Gna...


some good ideas there. I particularly like the idea of a unique to you gift.


Phnaargos Resident

id like to see, when u kill someone in rvr, they die irl.

LOL :D Bit harsh isn't it? :)


Seems to me the main reward for dinging 50 is you can get away with flogging your account on ebay in a huff cos dinging 50 gives nowt! :)


Originally posted by Orin Askhammare
When my character dings 50 he wants to bone Itesta the healer trainer in Gna...

Typical! :)

old.Trine Aquavit

While I doubt we'll see it in game I wonder if any of our XML guru's would be interested in putting together a role of honour for the week: i.e. produce a report of those that have hit 50 in the past week and stick it on a page somewhere.

It would be a nice idea for GOA to put on their pages, as part of the news section.

Alternatively you could just post the fact on the boards and read the grats messages*


*Warning: these messages may not always contain congratulations ;)


Cowled, I'll give you 38p for your 50 scout :)

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