<laughs> this is pointless thread but i got knocked out the world and cant get back in at the moment to taunt you Boney.
It was a good race from erasleigh to sauvage but i afraid to say you are just too slow and old to beat this little nerc. my unplanned shortcuts worked well, plan a better route and i race you again, sitting around a couple minutes waiting for you was a bore <grins>
see you in realm and i hope you had fun defending your guild keep in emain. till next time the trophey is mine <smiles>
It was a good race from erasleigh to sauvage but i afraid to say you are just too slow and old to beat this little nerc. my unplanned shortcuts worked well, plan a better route and i race you again, sitting around a couple minutes waiting for you was a bore <grins>
see you in realm and i hope you had fun defending your guild keep in emain. till next time the trophey is mine <smiles>