BD or Necro



hey guys, i started playing Prdy beacuse i got bored of getting pwned/zerged/bitch slapped on my ranger, atm on prdy/alb i got a 21 necro and had loads of fun in bg1 yesterday pwning mids, but recently read the topic called something like "dont make necros for rvr they sook" :p, and it came up with some issues i ddint think about..

necros seem gimped @ lvl 50 PvP beacuse of theyre shite pets but good at PvE apperntly.

but BD's eem to be excellent @ PvP & PvE.

anyone got any hints/suggestions/piss takes? :p

dunno what to choose :(


Supp BD, fotm for the win... 600-800 dmg output every 2 seconds or so fully buffed.



rofl i wish, not even on a grey con, well maybe if i crit for over 300/400 might just make that 600


Originally posted by quiescent
Quiescent 50 Shadowblade- Elding Vakten
Decimator Dave 50 Savage - Flammen Vakten
GM of Maelstrom #guild (quakenet)

hahaha lets moan about fotm Mr Savage ?


Yes Bonedancer's are overpowered (some might think otherwise) - they must be fun BUT they are not Albion - so before you choose you also have to choose your realm. I would be playing BD but I'm mainly an Albioner and I love the realm - I hate Midgard, its so dark, sad, depressing, its just not cool, maybe if there was more snow in the lands (like 100% :)) then I'd be BD'ing :p

The choice is yours - remember - this game centers around PvP, if it weren't for it then I wouldn't be playing it.


Originally posted by Nivellen
Yes Bonedancer's are overpowered (some might think otherwise) - they must be fun BUT they are not Albion - so before you choose you also have to choose your realm. I would be playing BD but I'm mainly an Albioner and I love the realm - I hate Midgard, its so dark, sad, depressing, its just not cool, maybe if there was more snow in the lands (like 100% :)) then I'd be BD'ing :p

The choice is yours - remember - this game centers around PvP, if it weren't for it then I wouldn't be playing it.

that makes me feel like playing a BD as they can Pwn me bad, ive only ever killed 1 BD, EVER! lol


My Advice to you is dont make a bonedancer make a more group friendly charecter like suppresion RM for the 6sec PBT you will be loved in groups, and delete your necro as fast as you can... albion ewwww.. its just looks plastic


Originally posted by brite
albion ewwww.. its just looks plastic

You're not confusing albion with your breasts right? :p


i dont see what the big deal is with BDer's sure they are tuff as hell to kill melee, and the range on the LT is way too high, but err from calmlann experience BDer's dont stand up to bolt casters...

played both BD and runie to test it, my BD got nailed in 2 bolts easy every time.
and my runie could bolt orange con BDer's easy enough...

anyways back to topic... i thin the post about the necro was just a bad experience, i played my necro in BG1 for 3 / 4 days on and off and loved it, even when i was inside the keep.
the pet pathing is a huge issue, and i did have a few probs but passive and here commands seemed to sort that out.

not sure how the pet would behave in real rvr with larger numbers though, lag etc could be a huge factor with the pathing bug.

i am gonna lvl to 50 with necro (not like its hard) and see i guess, if nothing else i have a good money maker / PL bot.


Yea and I think its kinda unfair with BD's - once in Thidranki, while playing my armsman, who is very well equipped, with a nice sc'd and proced weapon I met a BD. It was 1 vs 1....

now take a simple situation

pure caster vs. pure fighter - surprise attack by pure fighter, fighter is fighting with caster from short range... well such a situation is usually resolved in 2-3 hits and its certainly not the caster who wins

but replace "caster" with "BD"

what happened is first of all somehow my hits didnt do as much damage as always, I took down 1/4 health with first hit, dude got healed, I was getting hit pretty hard by what I suppose was the instant - I had a lot of health though... and our health was going down pretty much same, even though BD was getting healed - after 20 (about) secs fighting we both had like 1/10 health and aaaa I missed! My mind told me I only had about 3 secs of life left until the insta hits me but omg! BOOM!! A glorious sorcerer comes to the action and kills the infamous BD! Oh what a victory! That made my day :) - but if it werent for him I would have lost

Short version: NERF BD's!


imho oppinion go back to hib. Rangers are good chars if played right and are really fun. Dont play becouse you want the strongest class in the game (eg BDs, and dont go to Mid or Albs they have enough players der.), play for the challenge ! :)


Originally posted by myrnith
imho oppinion go back to hib. Rangers are good chars if played right and are really fun. Dont play becouse you want the strongest class in the game (eg BDs, and dont go to Mid or Albs they have enough players der.), play for the challenge ! :)

why play for the challenge when ur always out numbered and cant do nothing vs 3 SB+3 hunters + 3 blue con pets? or 4-5 infils + mincer?


oh and yes my ranger has all mp gear sc'd, albatives etc, mp weps also.

ps. and ofc u got all the mid zergs, in 2fg+ like albs do on excal. then you got all the infils bitching about ppl not solo'ing, ppl start to solo, u fight a infil, and it bafs 2-3 m8s

etc etc

enough is enough imo


Originally posted by myrnith
imho oppinion go back to hib. Rangers are good chars if played right and are really fun. Dont play becouse you want the strongest class in the game (eg BDs, and dont go to Mid or Albs they have enough players der.), play for the challenge ! :)

Lol, thats actually true Rangers rock! They can buff their speed, use bows, use dual wield, buff strength, stealth, and a bunch of other spells!! They are killing machines!


be wise, u made it this far 50ranger, hardest class in hib to lvl. Make your own grps, get friends to help. Not worth giving up a 50ranger , even if i get owned all the time. I personally chose hib after Alb cos they were just overpowerd its fun haveing a challenge once in a while.


Originally posted by Albion_Exile on VN Boards
Although the bonedancer class is strong in 1v1 situations, the bonedancer is not overpowering in realm vs. realm combat including on PvP servers. Experienced RvR players are very effective at dealing with bonedancers. The secret is not too surprising, group with other players for better RvR results. Although a bonedancer can beat most classes 1-on-1, they are not an uber or unballancing class when other players use group combat tactics. Please stop your whines to nerf bonedancers. You don't have the data to back it up.


Necros aint gimped in RvR at 50, only hard to play in the right way.
and it will get bether next patch, when all resists gets transferd to the pet..

and bds are far to owerpowerd, and im not going to yell NERF BDs, like most ppl, im going to explain why.
the lifetap was a huge range, make that range aboute the range of a necros lifetap.
its recast time is far to short.. make it 5,7, or 10 mins, or remove the healer pets, or make it a normal normal spell, not insta cast.



they cant change the BD life tap too much, you tried lvling a BDer? its fuckin solid trying to keep the fat git alive, specially with the healer pets wigging out and running all over the damn place.

egsample: sitting resting getting power, stand up to check around for mobs, commander pet: stuck to me, healer pet: wtf? where is he off to, shit inc!!! (the healer proceeds run around like a drunken midget through walls in random directions)

that with the commander not caring if the healer is dieing or not dont help much

the 4s is just good enough to lvl, since the commander pet cant seem to hold taunt from the healer pet meaning the caster has to tank, its the range that bothers me, they need to drop it to say 1000 units, instead of 1500. at least then the BDer has to be right in the shit to be effective.


Originally posted by Nivellen
The choice is yours - remember - this game centers around PvP, if it weren't for it then I wouldn't be playing it.

If the choice is his, he don't have to choose to center on PvP! There are plenty other things to do that are PvE if u like that more! :p


they could fix the healer pet u know. or fix the comander.. the lifetap is far to powerfull when laped ontop of 2 healer pets.

i solo just fine with my BD withoute the lifetap.
healer pet only runs around when geting hit.


Originally posted by amuse
Necros aint gimped in RvR at 50, only hard to play in the right way.
The various bugs mean that any necromancer facing a decent group will be mezz'd/stun'd for the full duration of the fight.

Theyre almost a fun class, almost a worthwhile class - if your opponents really suck. If your opponents know what theyre doing your a waste of space - your group would be better off with any other class in your place.


go BD, with DD you can get 600 dmg every 4 secs (not 2)

and you can tank, which is always a bonus.

and you can solo 20-40 easily...40+ it is a tad differcult because it becomes so slow and dull.

necros suck big time in the necro needs good pet AI, and that doesn't really exist.

if you want a good rvr spec, go 47 supp 26 dark, there is little (if any) point in speccing 48 supp, as all you get is a healer pet, and the 42 spec is 1 lvl below lvl cap, and the 48 spec is 1 higher.

but you need the 24 dark spec body debuff, forget about BA if you want rvr.

BA is only good imo mas a pve spec line, it just lacks the punch in rvr.

dark spec is really crippled by crap pets and that supp BDs can out nuke them.


Originally posted by amuse
Necros aint gimped in RvR at 50, only hard to play in the right way.
and it will get bether next patch, when all resists gets transferd to the pet..

and bds are far to owerpowerd, and im not going to yell NERF BDs, like most ppl, im going to explain why.
the lifetap was a huge range, make that range aboute the range of a necros lifetap.
its recast time is far to short.. make it 5,7, or 10 mins, or remove the healer pets, or make it a normal normal spell, not insta cast.

5/7/10 minutes... that's a joke. You're forgetting that Bonedancers are still CASTERS and as such their lifetaps can be resisted - and being body damage, they'll get resisted a lot by people who capped their body resists for mez. Bonedancers are beatable unless you have the tactical brain of a newt, just because you can't breeze by them like other casters it does not mean they are overpowered, but that other casters are underpowered.


Necro's can be fun in rvr ... if you can put up with the pathing issues and the slow response form pet to " HERE " commands .
Only char i have at 50 is necro and i rvr quite a lot with it ...
Even managed to discourage 1 fg hibs trying ot take a keep with it .
Granted i only managed that cause they had no NS with them , but i did kill a couple . Great thing with necro is , if you back off just before your pet dies and theres no-one who can climb keep walls you'll stay alive 99% of the time .
Now i am RR3 atm , not much i know but its a start , and the Powertap is a godsend to clerics , ask any that i have grouped with ( Conoor , Thwaker etc ) .
Also as i have MCL 2 and Raging Power i'm kinda a walking battery which is great in high healing situations .
Learn to use Facilitate Painworking ( FP ) and use it to powertap when needed you'll do fine in RvR unless completely zerged .


and bds are far to owerpowerd, and im not going to yell NERF BDs, like most ppl, im going to explain why.

Heehee oh really? This board needs bigger capslocks tho...

the lifetap was a huge range, make that range aboute the range of a necros lifetap.
its recast time is far to short.. make it 5,7, or 10 mins, or remove the healer pets, or make it a normal normal spell, not insta cast.

I think one or two BDs might call that a somewhat neeeerfish thing to do tho...

Anyways to the original question asking person, pick any of the two, sóunds like they're both good choises to you. Which ever class and realm you like more.


/me puts on his redneck hat

We dont like your kind of folk around here.

(excal folk that is)

/me takes off his redneck hat


Played both BD and Necro but only in pve.

Supp specced BD, chainpull blues/yellows without downtime, orange with a lil downtime.

Deathsight Necro, chainpull blues/yellows/orange without downtime, even reds is not to hard.

Necro with Enchancement Cleric is a real killing machine, chaining yellows/orange/red without downtime.

BD with Shaman is also fast killer but a bit lesser then Necro/Cleric combo.

Started BD/Necro as a farming machine to fund my crafting.

DS Necro is bad for rvr but if you want a good gold farmer its the best class for it.

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