



My alt is a lvl 23 Scout and I have spent the last couple of days playing on Thidranki. In that time I have killed about 30-40 enemies (sorry!:p ). Some of them have said 'they have been recently killed and are worth no realm points' or something like that which is fine but most haven't said that. Even when they don't say that most of the time I am getting no realm points at all! I think 5 of the casualties have given me realm points of there abouts. Am I doing something wrong? Do we get no realm points if they are range kills or unless we are grouped or something?

Thanks in advance.

Brannor McThife

It works on the same basis as full RvR. Depends on your lvl vs their level and your RP vs their RP. If you're L24 in Thidranki, and they're L20, and you have 250 rps and they have 1. You probably won't get any. Reverse that, and you may even get 4/5 rps.



Ah, thanks.

Still a little confused as to why my first ever kill when I had 0 realm points who was an orange Kobold still gave me zip?

My RP's now are only 16 so surely most enemies should be worth 1 point at least? Is there a random element?

Thanks for the info m8.


PS My best so far was a Kobold I hit with an arrow for about half damage who ran off. Someone else must have killed him 30 seconds later and I got 4 RP's! What's that all about? :)

Brannor McThife

Another element is damage dealt. Same as with creatures. You can shoot a creature and run away...and later, someone else kills it, and you'll still get some XP.



If your picking on the recently ressed, they dont give RP's either


The most RPs I've ever taken in Thidranki is 4.
If you don't get RPs, don't worry as it's a good thing ;)

If, for some absurd reason you want to gain RPs quicker, you could always group and no matter who does the killing in the group, you'll get RPs for it.

Bewarned, once you have 400RP, no more Thidranki :)


Cheers fellas. Is it possible to kill a recently ressed and not get the message saying so?

I do actually want to get the RP's quite quick, I want to earn them and move onto the next BG. I've spent about 6gp on arrows recently and I don't have a bottomless pit of cash! If anyone has stacks of spare gp's or stack of spare footed flight broadhead chappies then please contact Celeb :)


I think there's a bug that gets fixed later with getting 0 rp and no message saying so...

no idea when it gets fixed though


Another possibility for getting no RP's is if they had been killing mobs and so you XP killed them ?


Thanks peeps, I certainly didn't get any xp, just said 'You killed soandso' with no RP or XP message following. Maybe they had res sick and I didn't get sent the message but I doubt 80 percent or more of the players were res sick?


You would never get XP, what I meant was they could lose XP as it would be treated as a normal death by any mob. Don't know the complete details, but something like if they have been damaged by a mob (before you, or more than you ?) and you kill them, then it is treated as if they were killed by the mob - they die, lose XP and CON and leave a grave when they release (if not rezzed). Thats why XPing in the frontiers is dangerous and there are aggro mobs in the BGs - just another possibility - think you still just get the standard you killed soandso message as well.


i am 99% sure that there still is a bug in the game that causes when you kill someone no RP is rewarded at all

i have often (1/5 - 1/10) of my kills experienced that it just says "You killed xxx", no msg about getting RP, and no msg about not getting RP because they have been killed recently.

Some times these have been "fresh victims" that just warped in from albion.

i can think of a couple of explanations

1. they jumped down to their warp platform, and lost 80+% hp just before they warped, and therefore the kill isnt awarded to me (even thou i shoot them down from 100% health), (perhaps they have been xping for a long time before warping, and the many mobs claim the kill?)

2. they have been fighting mobs (i've heard a rumor that that can be a cause for no RP rewarded) (again the people i've killed have had full health, so it sounds weird)

3. this happens most often when i 1-shot people, leading me again to think that it is a bug. (this may be a bow & arrow related issue)

4. Sanya from Mythic have stated that sometimes players are not rewarded RP because if a antifarming server rule, but she didnt go into details about the rule.. maybe i killed the person more than 50 times the last month, who knows......

bottom line, i kill a player fair and square, get no rp message, and no rp.. looks like a bug, and smells like a bug


hmmm no-one can agree on this. I've heard it's 300/350/400 :/


Certainly seems the 1 shot kills have given me 0 RP so far, kinda means I am better off not crit shooting a sitting Kobold just in case of the kill!? Seems very daft but it does sound like a bug. The fact my highest RP award so far was from an enemy I shot and didn't kill would seem to add to the evidence for a bug stopping the kills. Quite a lot of my kills have been taking weak characters out as they run from the front line, still expected to occasionally bag a RP or 2 tho :(


If ive remembered correctly the XP / RP deaths are calculated on who hit the person first to take off the 1st percent of health. And until the person heals to 100% health again whoever hit them first will be used to calculate the XP / RP death. ie mob hits first then they get shot up by an enemy realm then its an XP death. If they get hit by an enemy realm first then wander into some mobs and die, then the realmy gets the RP.

Not sure on the 0 RP messages, have read elsewhere about this. However I play a ranger and have had many one shot kills, some i do get XP for, some i dont, appears to be random as to when it happens.

Anyhow, Sheepy will no longer be in thidranki :( - i hit level 25 last night and have moved onto pastures new (mainly the Koalinth caverns, and Treibh (SP?)). Ill be returning to the BG's soon though at level 29 to maim and kill middies / albions.


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