Battlegrounds , Your opinions ?



originally posted this in "rvr excaliber" but think get more replies here.

posting this to ask those who bothered to playin the lower lvl battlegrounds what they though tof it.

i myself thought it was brilliant and when more people start comming im sure it will be even better , it's good lower lvls who dont intend on lvl up into the high 40 to be able to goto a area where they can find and fight people within a reasonable distance to there lvl . tonight i ONLY saw yellows and blues and the odd orange cos my char is 28 "20-29bg" no red and no prups which for me is a blessing ,

one thing i hope that does change though is the realm point limit . i personally dont give 2 shits about realm points "although they are a nice trophy of your kills" . i would like to see mythic/Goa keepo the lvl restrictions and do it so we DONT get rp's or bp's . maybe sumin like a kill counter . every person we kill it clicks up one . that imo would be awesome so we can actually see how well/bad we are doing instead of farming the rps all day . but let us stay in those particuler battlegrounds if we want to. for as long as we want because after all not everybody has the time/patience to get to lvl 40+ which is the only viable lvl in rvr these days and even then high 40's at that .

i really hope to see more folks in the 20-24 and 25-29 bg's tomorow . and then we can have some more good fun ,,

if anybody else participated in the bg battles tonight please post your opinions as to what your thought to it are...

p.s small moan " the area is very small"

p.p.s is kemor reads this PLEASE suggest to your bosses or who ever makes the descisions , and ask them to take away the rp limit . and ask them to aboloish rp's in bg's or cap it so once somebody gets the caps for that bg they can stay in there for as long as they want but NOT earn any rp's or bp's .. im sure everybody in bg's plays there for FUN . and dont really care about rp's its just fun being able to battle with similer lvl chars and know u got one over on the enemy . rp's are unimportant .


I just got my Troll skald to lev 20 today, on Morgan Le fay,
Had my first go in battle grounds, 20-25,

Hibbs had the keep when we arrived...

me and my army of 5, ran to the birdge, there anuther middy group were holding off albs, we joined in, after a battle of the mezzes for 5 mins, us trolls just ran at them, of corse some were killed, but most ran.....

then there was the keep, Hibbs at the doors and windows, bolts ect comeing at us, Best thing was, there was quite a few people on the BG, but my computer was nice and smooth still....

We then had lots of trys getting the hibbs out the keep, up and down the little keep hill, again battle of the mezzes... but very fun,

Then, we made a plan, we use decoys, so we sent them up, and as soon as the orange bard when for them, i ran up, mez, smack with me Hammer, ect ect, dead bard hehe....

Then, hehe we had no ram, chop,chop,chop,chop,

But chopping is useless, as there was still hibs shooting from inside the keep.

Me and my beserker friend then decided to go look for people who just had no clue hehe, but one are way to alb PK, We heard a big warning on the chat screen about a surprise attack, we then ran back, and are lil middy army was gone. we were out-numkbered, but we gave them a good fight...

Later on, there was just me, a thane and a healer, 2 shaman, we went to see what was going on, fighted are way to the birdge, were we met abot 10 albs. gave them a good batle, but they ahd to many, soon enuth there was 20 of them, are shamen were dead, i tryed to mez, but got rooted and killed, after seeing the last 2 flee, and 20 or so Albs run over my body..... i new it was over.

The Albs had got the keep......

Well this all went on in a hour, and it was the most fun ive ever had in DAoC, am only lev 20, and plan to get to 24 and give it a try, i still had a blast...

Just remember, always move, stelthers are everywere!!!

Hope you into the BF, they are great


I fought the whole evening in Thidranki last night (20-24) as a lvl 23 infiltrator.

Damn I had fun, my first encounter - I think Gorre worked about 15 minutes then - was a yellow Kobold Spiritmaster named Leimar. A merc whom I grouped with pulled his spirit and the poor sm started casting, I ran to him, bam he is dead. 1 problem tho, those masters of runes have a terrible range :rolleyes:

My first 1shotted caster :D

Later on I grouped with some other players, another infil, a cleric and 2 minstrels, and boy, we had fun :)

We were able to gank alot of hibs (minstrel mezz owns) and it's fun to see them running because their friendly elf got 1shotted :clap:

I had aprox. 35 kills last night, with only 2 deaths (gg motorheadii and the other enchanter, I need to remember not to gank droods ;) )


Bet your infiltrator won't be as inactive now. Hadn't had a go at it yet. Can't wait to try though :)


Can't wait til it goes live here in europe :) got quite a shitload of chars to try out :>


Had to love the BG's - wasn't on there long, but DAMN, I haven't had as much fun since I started playing :)

Hope to see you all there soon, on the REAL servers! :D


bg's will make people realize faster that tanks suck bigtime in rvr
(hell you can buy rams to beat down doors so why do you need them anyhow)


tanks will be useful in DF.... I play a thane, and with all 3 power relics, I can kill a yellow hib caster usung spells only

As well as gank most yellow con fighter classes


tanks will be useful in DF.... I play a thane, and with all 3 power relics, I can kill a yellow hib caster usung spells only

As well as gank most yellow con fighter classes

cant wait for my skald to get to lvl 20


Personally I think it will make Excal an even crappier server, you're lucky enough to get 20 vs 20 fights there each night as it is :/


Getting slapped in emain, in 1-2hits until lvl45+ isnt much fun.
No doubt alot of higher lvl's will miss out on the RP farming..diddums

I played Bgs last night, I havent had so much fun in RvR since retail started. All yellow/ purps ganking. My shammy buffed thane was destroying the tin-cans.. 2h hammer on the head soon makes em run :)

GOA Please remove the RP aspect from BG's..People should be able to stay there and have fun, and not HAVE to go through the boring xp grind if they dont want to. The incentive to moving to the next bg's should wanting to see what the next style/spell etc on your character does, not being forced to go.


i agree with you grym a lot of higher lvls "from all realms" will probably not like the idea of battlegrounds because they will have less greys to one hit kill .

there again a lot of higher lvls will love the idea due to the lower lvls going to bg's and not messing up raids/pulling guards etc etc .

but i do think as stated above the rp limit should be taken away "or capped" so we can stay as long as we want and as you stated above not be FORCED out . a lot of people play this game for fun . and in the bg's i had more fun in 5 hrs last night than i had in 3 months of emain.


/em jumps up and down excitedly

Ouhhh it sounds so much fun :) I've not got an excal char above 20 so I can't try it out until the release but I do have a lvl 32 Hunter, a lvl 15 Skald and a lvl 5 Shadowblade, think I'll be calling on alot of favours to get these guys up to 24 and 34 for the BG's :D


Originally posted by Grymshadow
My shammy buffed thane was destroying the tin-cans.. 2h hammer on the head soon makes em run :)

I was that shammie! All I can say is that last night (well til about 2.30am this morning in reality) I had some of the best fun ever in playing DAoC right through from beta.

It was such a laugh running around trying to find Albies and Hibbies and then finding them and having a mad panic over what to do next and making sure you hadn't lost the rest of your group ;)

I got 46 RP last night and it was a brilliant time, the Albies and Hibbies we came across were honourable enemies (mostly) and except for getting totally overwhelmed with the Albion keep guards as well as about 6 Albies at the central keep, I think the overall PvP kill ration worked out evens over the whole night.
Can't wait now to get these in the real game.

Anyone with a lvl 20-24 character on Excalibur should head over to Gorre and give the BGs a try.


Originally posted by Cadiva

I got 46 RP last night and it was a brilliant time, the Albies and Hibbies we came across were honourable enemies (mostly) and except for getting totally overwhelmed with the Albion keep guards as well as about 6 Albies at the central keep, I think the overall PvP kill ration worked out evens over the whole night.
Can't wait now to get these in the real game.

That was damn funny, was one of the alb scouts shooting at you on the bridge :)

BGs are damn good fun :)


hehe that wasme on the bridge shooting them :) i gotta watch i dont die and if i do i make sure i get a rez co after only 1 night and 1 afternoon in the 20-24 bg's i have gone past the rr1 L3 limit . again calling for rp's to be stopped/capped . butlets us stay there longer . i love rvrv and will go there a lot buteven people who goto bgs casually will outgroiw the 20-24 bg in less than a week .


played with my minstrel(lvl 24) on bg last night was way fun :)

tried to stealth past some yellow trolls but my sexy 10 in stealth didnt work :rolleyes:


great fun.

had fun on my hibby alt (21 exploding lurikeen) on gorre - though zargar increased all our groups level to 20.9 the other day so we could test out the battleground! GOA own :eek:

stealthers seem to dominate and the level difference is a pain in the arse even at this low level too.. silly how level 24s hit you for 400 damage when you have 244 hitpoints :(

only thing i dont like the prospect of is having to level up when you get chucked out :/ i wish they'd let people stay but just cap the realmpoints - its great fun.

Mythic: rollon a much larger high level battleground with some other non-realmpoint objectives IMO to get the quake-style duels out of emain....


Battlegrounds are fun, the scenery is varied and you aren't forced to fight in and over zerg bottlenecks like milegates. /cheer thidranki!

- Odies / Snowdonia


i think its the coolest idea ever, and i cant w8 till they come out on the main servers :D they shouldve been done before the game was released then it wouldnt bother peopl if patches were late coz the BG's are so fun. I LOVE THE BGs no more getting ganked by purple minstrels at ligen gate. hehe

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


mmmm yesterday in the bg of 30-35 lvls...
some dualling (duelling?) between about 5 albs and 4-5 mids :)
was bad i had to log :'( mmmm still don't get it why i could almost solo one of them where tank (higherlvl then me even) lost against... ah well...maybe coz they think a robe wearer can't hit ;)
tho i had the feeling the kobold caster (rm)...micron i believed the name was didn't like us evry luch...he kept on nuking us...and our scouts kept on firing at him to let him undrstand we don't want a bloodshed...btw skalds seem weak...except for their shouts who really hurt ;)
these were the person who joined (i think)
wulpse (thx for defending me ;) )
hobbitnimble (can be wrong here was something like it anyhow soloed him tho ;) )

me ;) (olco ;) the robe wearing friar :D )
and some more...forgot their names :(


bwahaha.. i soloed an orange con tin can yesterday!

and no, it wasnt the one you helped me with mr. hunter whos name i forget (you know who you are ;))

must have been a gimp though, she was hitting me for about the same amount as a yellow-con mob :eek:

atm im 21bs (25 with items) 17hammer (20 with items) 2parry (that was a mistake ;)) and i huuuurt :)

20-24 bg is fun.. im gonna try and organize a keep raid sometime, but its sooo easy to spy on gorre that itll have to be uber duber secret ;)


Had great fun tonight, tnx goes to:

Kill, for the many times we slaid each other
Bertmuppet, for being my personal oneshot monkey
Mallis, for showing me spears do hurt :)
Bejay, for not seeing I'm standing 20 minutes stealthed behind him
Chancer, for giving 4 rp and not the usual 1 rp :clap:

And thnx to all other hibs/mids that tried to whipe out all albs in Thidranki but didn't really managed too ;)



Murdaigen (the 25-29) was pretty empty when i tried it.. both Thidranki and Caledonia were packed.

Do people just teleport from lvl 24 to 30 or something? :)

Had a bit of fun fighting some hibs :) hopefully it'll be a bit better when it's on Excalibur, hope to see you all there.


quick! someone powerlvl my 14 cab 12 friar and 8 scout! must! have! battlegrounds!


Thidranki is packed because a lot of people prepared for the bg's and made lvl 24 twinks, it's also used for testing a lot of templates on. The higher bg's are a lot less packed, at least thats my experience on the us servers.

- Odies / Insert random lvl 24 alt name here

Madonion Slicer

Yep i made my Wizard just for this purpose, i would like them to get rid of RP and Limits, i am just there for the fun or having thinking enemys instead of the scripted ones when xp, damn good fun had all weekend, got 162rp and it was a blast.


Originally posted by old.Odies
Thidranki is packed because a lot of people prepared for the bg's and made lvl 24 twinks, it's also used for testing a lot of templates on. The higher bg's are a lot less packed, at least thats my experience on the us servers.
- Odies / Insert random lvl 24 alt name here

Oi! I'm not a twink!
Me and my guildmates deliberately made chars to level 24 and then parked them waiting for the battlegrounds. None of our characters are twinks, we don't have major super armour or weapons, just the usual up to lvl 25 questy stuff so ner!

I know what you mean though, I just wish we had a few more lvl 20-24 Middies to come and show you Albies the rest of the beautiful Thidranki countryside away from your central keep ;)


why was i worth soo many RP's tough ?

and i had a great weekend as well ill be back there tonight :) i got 72 rps now as well

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