Battlegrounds guild ?




I plan to create a guild for lower level players who enjoy their first experience on battlegrounds. I find that everything happening there is mostly chaotic without any idea behind.
I belive we could have more fun staying organized - at least a little ;)
Long term plan is "serious" RvR when we get some more levels

Anyone would be interested to join ?

my in-game character: Goerraeth, Cler 25


Mid Pry

I currently xp and rvr with a guild called the Vikingar on Pyrdwen.
We are a close nit guild one of the smaller better ones.
Only about 15 of us in total but i would haveto say we are a Bg guild. we constantly lvl chars to 24 and go out to Thidranki and have fun. try new characters out and try to kill those damn Albs and Hibs on that server.

I have more fun at lvl 24 than i do at lvl 40 tbh and there are things you can do in the Bg that you cant in real RvR.
When we can follow the footsteps of one of our guildies (Aseli lvl 48 warrior so far...) We should be a well oiled rvr machine.
We know how to work together very well and i have witnessed 3 of our guild members take on 4 to 1 odds and win.
its all how you play and what tactics you use.

I congratulaye you on this BG guild and hope it works out the same as ours has by accident :)


Well, myself I don't really plan on going any further than 24, and right now I'm letting my guildmates level so they can reach 20 as well and join me in the grounds.

But we're not specificly just for the BG. That is their choice.

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