Battle grounds



Please don't reply that this belongs in BG discussion..doh you will anyway won't you.

The 20-24 BG is becoming a game within a game, with players including myself, leveling chars just for use in there, some even deleting them when they get kicked out.
No one is bothering with the other 2 BG's.
People, myself included again, are refusing groups cos they don't want the rp's!!
This is a rather strange situation and I feel it's starting to undermine the game a little.
Does anyone know how this has played out on the US servers, is the setup the same there with a 20-24 BG full of twinked alts?
I get a tell to join xp grp as I'm running to the teleport, normally I'd be pleased, but I'm 24, don't want xp, do you think Mythic should drop the rp cap?


Originally posted by old.job
do you think Mythic should drop the rp cap?

Nope affraid not, BG is only meant as a first taste of RvR not RvR substitute, it was implemented for lower levels to ease the PvE grind as low levels cant really participate in regular RvR. So nope i cant see the cap going anywhere :)


get these people refusing groups

tell them to get into Murdaigean and Caledonia - thats where you'll get another 6 realm ability points from too :)

That or reroll - 24 ain't hard to get to after all...


I can see their point ,with no cap people would never leave, at 24 you are effectively a lvl 50, and with twinked armour you've dressed in Epic, you're only missing high level abilities, but as noone has them it doesn't matter.
The single biggest reason I prefer them is because I can play without the dreaded 200+ peeps slowdown from E-main.
Hopefully new engine will fix that.

The Real Redi


When i was of an age i could attend Thidranki, i hated it, as being a merc, and being surrounded by so many 'glory hound' armsmen and the likes who go charging off being all heroic, getting mezzed, then as i run in to try to back him up, the rest of the party panics and runs back to the bridge/keep/pk whatever.

Now it appears that there is quite the hardcore forming there, and i agree, Murdagien and Caledonia(?) are being totally ignored. Its a total shame, because without the support of several 40+ members of my guild (Im only 32nd) i dont last more than five minutes in RvR . (Unless the Dwarf who Redi fought in Odins the other day is reading this. Purple eyes, and the only reason you didnt beat me was for your healing norse friend. Thank you, whoever you were, great fight, and all Kudos to your friends for letting us fight, no matter how unfair you having a healer was :D )

I need some more practice at RvR and PvP even, and earning some more RP would do my Realm abilities the world of good. Perhaps if theres a group on Prydwen/Albion headed to Caledonia, they wouldnt mind me tagging along?

oh, and dont forget folks, The Goblins in Thidranki are great training for early twenties... (just to the right of the Albion PK is a good camp)


take a group to Druim Ligen

(or sauvage or svasud faste)


go take a keep and defend it (with some friends of course)


i think BGs should only be lvl based, not rp. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

aahh :m00:


I myself would never repeatedly make a character just for Thidranki then delete it after I hit the cap and make a new one...
I'd say people have to continue on to the other Battleground's as well at least.
I find it highly annoying and disappointing that no-one is in Murdaigen or Caledonia. All I wish for is that those would also be popoulated :(


Mythics idea was to give players in the 20-35 range some RvR because of instant gankage in real RvR. The battlegrounds was the solution. Sadly, the implementation was bodged. The way RPs are distrubuted and the low RP caps means people generally don't like to group. This instantly makes it utterly unlike real RvR.

Having just been through Thid with a smite cleric, I can say it was the best fun I have had in daoc for ages. I was gutted when I capped. I think it would be good to let players choose upon first entering whether they get RP or not. This way the sub-game that is the BGs (and it is distinctly different from real RvR) could be enjoyed for longer periods and everyone will be happy.

One last point, yet again the RP system in the BGs shafts support classes. As a smite cleric, I wasn't particularly aggressive, my main duty was healing/ressing. I rarely took the fight to the enemy, so I gained RP slowly when solo. But my skills (group heal, insta heals) are best used grouped, so I grouped and gained RPs too quickly for kills I played no active part in :(


Originally posted by old.Arctic
i think BGs should only be lvl based, not rp. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

aahh :m00:
Total and utter disagreement there, other BG's need people too! :)


Does anyone know how this has played out on the US servers, is the setup the same there with a 20-24 BG full of twinked alts?
Pretty much, at least on Palomides. But I have heard similar complaints from the other servers.
do you think Mythic should drop the rp cap?
Yes, I'd like to see them let people stay in Thidranki as long as they want to. Of the suggestions I've heard so far, the one I like best is to have them cap your RP total inside the battlegrounds, so that in Thidranki you could keep killing people but your RP total would never go over 349. If you went in a group into the frontier and got a few RPs, then you would be over the max, and unable to get back into Thidranki from that point.

I have no idea if this is possible to implement but I think that it should be - they were able to stop players from getting bounty points in the battlegrounds, for example.


Originally posted by SFXman
I find it highly annoying and disappointing that no-one is in Murdaigen or Caledonia. All I wish for is that those would also be popoulated :(

Thidranki will always be more popular because it is the first BG. After 20 levels of kill tasking, at level 20 most characters get new skills (chain, plate, dirty tricks etc..). Basically at lvl20 your character has matured, and won't change much after that (just more powerful spells/styles on the whole).

So Thidranki is a great relief after those 20 levels. The other 2 bgs are interruptions to the level grind. Most characters can't actually do anything different @ 24 or 34. They can just hit slightly harder, take more hits, cast more powerful versions on spells. I don't go to the other 2 bgs because after Thidranki, real RvR is the next milestone. The other 2 bgs are redundant imho.


i would like to add

BGs are simply the lifesblood for some people, and the only reason we can still play DAOC.

i have levelled 2 characters to the mid 40s, hti the xp wall (malmo lists, disgusting xp greed and total lack of community) and decided to make an alt and try BG.

oh wonder of wonders! now i can level a char to 24 in a few days, and have a riotous weeks worth of fun on the BGs. no ganakage from some1 10 or 20 levels higher than me, its a tiny world in its own. i can face any1 on equal terms.

some of us work, have real social lives, and do stuff out of DAOC............i can honestly say i cant compete with the students who level all their trolls to level 50

4 weeks of going thru the high 40s grped with people arguing over every single drop, screaming for rezz and saying the xp from a single mod isnt quick enuff,,,,,,,,is less appealing to me than levelling a couple of new classes to BG1 level 24 and kicking ass there.

sure i have a main who farms me money and the odd DF item, making my levelling to 24 quick and painless.

but there are enuff high level 50s to keep "normal" RvR going, we, the new BG subset are having fun, we are not doing any1 any harm (ok, my berserker "harmed" the armsman last night).

i see no problem with it, in fact, i would LOVE to see the cap gotten rid of, i had to delete my wondrously loved SB kobbie, becos of no slots, hitting cap, and me wanting to try a runemaster.

shaman and spirit master next, berserker in BG atm, and SB and skald already done.

long live thidranki!

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


But if people are actually stopping xp'ing and even stopping rp collecting, what's the point of carrying on with Thidranki?

Surely, there must be enough people now who have either too many rp's or too many levels to make the next BG viable?

Why not post on the BG boards to get all the Thidranki refugees who still want to do RvR to start going there? Perhaps arrange certain times , or arrange certain battles.

People do port there, find no-one else there and then port back again. If you all ported at the same time from your respective realms you could be sure of an enemy to face when you got there.

Just a thought...

I havent got a character that is eligible for any of the BG's , but when I do I'd like to be able to mix in a spot of RvR all the way to the real thing. :)


Would'nt it be the case of far too many people in the first BG if they dropped the cap ? You can see how many people enjoy it in there since it first opened , literally hundreds of players would love to stay in , but at times may be just a tad overflowing with peeps :)


What I'd like to see is some greater incentive for action in BG2&3. Unfortunately when the BGs were introduced, all 4 of my characters were 25th or higher. Although I've tried a few times now to get people to the higher BGs, the sad fact is they are always empty. All of the fun (and realm points) remains in BG1.


BG's were introduced just as my main reached 36 so its only just now that my alt (a friar) has become eligible for the first BG, havent tried it yet, will do tonight, time to see what all the fuss is about lol.

Thing is if they removed the cap, then everyone would just stay in the BG, it would become way to over crowded and real RvR would slow down.

Theres really no reason why the 24's who have capped can't just level and move on to the 2nd BG, it can't be that bad surely.

Vanity Fair

I dont know if this has been covered but to make the BG's a little more interesting, especially the 2nd and 3rd ones (which are always empty) would be to put a relic in each keep to fight for.

Who ever holds the keep holds the relic (whether they be power or strength or whatever). This would at least bring players into the other BG's as it gives a bonus to the whole realm.

Another idea would be to make the 3 keeps in the BG count towards the /realm total of keeps as to help affect the DF portal.


Sounds like a sounds idea , as is now its empty and it will stay empty..


Originally posted by Damon Doombring
Sounds like a sounds idea , as is now its empty and it will stay empty..

Nah, if Mythic implements a way to autotrain a level 25 once you have a level 50 character, BG2 will be crowded again.... That would be an easy way to see if that particular class would be a viable option to roll.

Generic Poster

If this 'auto-training' option can take you to lv24, add Spellcrafting and my Thidranki Alts will be better equiped then my main!

I can safely say, I'll retire to Thidranki. It's the best fun I had in the game.


i think i will organise 2 fg of lvl 35 infis (with atleast 25 base-stealth), when i hit 35 with Rancor, and ninja take the bg3 keep :).

Given how many infis there are in bg1 it shouldnt be a problem, on the other hand alot of them might not get pass lvl 24 except for bring traded in for a new char to get to 24. :(

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