Batlle of Waterloo 1815



Not very daoc-related, but here goes, inspired by a thread on Albion boards:

Force setup at Waterloo:
Napoleon :I,II,VI and Imperial Guard corps, total 74000 men, 256 guns
Grouchy :III,IV, I and II Cav Res corps equalling 30000 men, unknown number of guns

I,II corps, augmented by extra divisions
Total 68000 men, 156 guns

No details, approx. 70000 men

The Battle
Grouchy with III,IV, I and II Cav Res corps equalling 30000 men pursue the prussian forces towards Wavre, hindering their reinforcement of Wellington at Waterloo.
From the beginning of the morning, the french are pushing the british vanguard north towards Wellingtons entrenched position. Most engagements comprised of smaller skirmishes until 1300, when Napoleon launched the main attack.
Around 1800 the prussian VI corps under Bülow reach Napoleons right flank but is repelled.
At 1900 the Imperial Guard is thrown into the assault, but is stopped by the arrival of the brunt of the prussian force.
At 2010 the Imperial Guard retreats and the battle is decided.

As a whole, the allied forces comprised approx 138000 men, while the french forces comprised 104000 men. The number of guns was similar.
The british force was deployed and dug in, the prussian retreating from the battle the lost the previous day.
The french army was on the advance in column formation by slow roads, leading to massive logistic problems that only got worse during the battle.
Wellington made no brilliant tactical moves throughout the battle, he simply held his entrenced position and let the french bleed dry on it, waiting for the prussians to reinforce him.

Fast overview, sadly I do not know the name of the author of the document I am using as source :/


I belive you'll find the Imperial Guard were repelled by the Grenadier Guards (Or 1st of foot at the time) at a farm (Cant remember the name was a while ago when i did regimental history :/ )

There they took their colors and took their name (The french foot being the Imperial Grenadiers, dont know the french translation) thereby becoming the Grenadier Guards First of Foot.

Aha takes me back 2 when i was a Young Guardsman :)

But apart from that the point of the story is it dont take a genious 2 defend a keep :)


OMG!?!... Wellington was camping Waterloo!?! :eek6:

I bet Napoleon was straight on the boards to post a whine about that..... :D

Sorry, couldn't resist..... :p


yeah and the grenadiers were on the roof of the farm! cheet0rz! bet they used screenshot jumps!

Nerf cannon!


so how many of u guys knows the Sharp mowies?

great mowies and its all about waterloo and stuff.

anyway, Napoleon was a Kobi :rolleyes:

is a fact!


Yeah, seen all the sharp TV series and read all the books.
Pretty good too..

Uncle Sick(tm)

*scratches head*
Uhm... but how off topic? What exactly is the topic? Off topic-topic? Off-topic-off-topic?

RaaRrrrr.... *starts the tractor*

And by the way - the british were vastly outgunned.
*has all the Sharpe books, too*

On a slightly related note - I have the very firt Sharpe episode on DVD but can't seem to find the other ones. Any idea where I could get them?


agincourt, now THAT was a battle

and Nelson>Wellington any day of the week :)


Just watched them, seriously didn't know that Liz Hurley got her nooks out in one episode.


OK that's nothing unusual, but hey it was light relief, cos the series actually lasted longer than the war.


Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)
On a slightly related note - I have the very firt Sharpe episode on DVD but can't seem to find the other ones. Any idea where I could get them?

Have a look at

You can buy the whole series (7 DVD's) for £76, or individual disks (each with 2 Eps) for £12 each.

Originally posted by old.job
Just watched them, seriously didn't know that Liz Hurley got her nooks out in one episode.

You didn't know?!? How could you not know?!? :rolleyes:


Indeed the battle was won because Marshal Ney fell for Wellingtons tactical ploy of moving his front line back beyond the brow of a ridge. Ney, believing this to be a retreat, ordered the French cavalry to charge repeatedly against the British Infantry (formed into impenetrable squares). This was repelled comprehensively and rendered the French Cavalry impotent for the rest of the Battle.

As indeed were the British heavy cavalry (Somerset's "Scots Greys") who charged the full width of the battlefield to cement the rout. However they themselves were all but wiped out by squadrons of Polish Lancers, the only effective cavalry unit remaining.

The farms referred to were Hougoumont and La Haie-Saint, each being held/temporarily breached/retaken, by British Guards regiments and Hanoverian mercenaries. Outnumbered by between 5-10 to 1 these were the focal points of much of the days infantry skirmishes and was one of the greatest episodes in the history of British infantry.

This meant that all Napoleon had left was the Imperial Guard, without support. Wellington, with lines of infantry beyond the ridge, opened fire with volleys of awesome musket-fire which, for the first time in Napoleons reign, broke the advance of the Imperial Guard.

The arrival of the Prussians at the end of the day enabled a rout of the French Army to be completed an provided a vital distraction on Napoleons right flank at Frichermont and Plancenoit (I think).

One of Wellingtons greatest achievements was persuading General Blucher to bring his defeated army to his aid at Waterloo. For without them it was unlikely the allies could have triumphed.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by alithiel50

Have a look at

You can buy the whole series (7 DVD's) for £76, or individual disks (each with 2 Eps) for £12 each.

Ohhhh! Many thanks!:D
My DVD dealer told me there was only the pilot available on disc... the pox on him!!


Trafalgar 1812 Waterloo 1815
Tchaiscovsky AbbA

is there some significance ?





phew, thank god this has been moved from 'General Discussion' to 'Off-Topic'. Whichever mod involved deserves huge congratulations for their superb work.



Originally posted by old.job
Just watched them, seriously didn't know that Liz Hurley got her nooks out in one episode.

You got vid capture, always wondered if her jubblies were any good.

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