Just thought I'd put up a post this end to see who out of our little lot would be interested in thisOriginally posted by Evil Ted on the NGUK Forums
This is just an idea but after reading both forums, as a lot of us do, there seems to be a bit of rivalry between the two sites.
My idea is to set up a match (FRIENDLY) between the NGUK regulars & the BW regulars on the Ubergame or Mega game server. And if it works, have match every month or so, to vent off some of that steam. It would also show both sides that there is a decent core of players who are not Muppets and enjoy a good Team game. Plus it would give players like myself who are not in a clan at the moment but enjoy team play, the chance of an interesting game on a massive scale.
Could be a laugh if it’s not taken to seriously with 50 players per team.
Evil Ted
P.S. - Emphasis here is definatly on the word FRIENDLY so please no flaming, etc. if your not interested don't post.