Bards / Uber / Post .. Here.



Just thought i would start this for fun before all the crying on BW that will happen after 1.52 about Bards Being Ubber..

so after 1.52 imo i would say it goes like this..

1.Minstrel ( no contest Speed Stealth mezz / Stun and points for good Styles and alot more:)

2.Skald nice stun and DD x2 insta Speed and in a good players hand could solo any char )

and still last but not least

3.Bard ( end regen and um speeed and um nice mezz i agree also insta mezz also in a good players hands they are good )

SO this is not a Flame or a fook up its imho and what i think..


Regards Nicky.


since minstrel got stealth, it makes em less of a group player, which in turn hurts alb as a realm

just my 2 drunk coppers


since minstrel got stealth
Thats why hes my No1 as a good friend of mine Alpha told me when he killed me " you can run Nicky but you cant Hide " Touche..

Regards Nicky.


Skalds get mez - not stun ;)

Skald is the best soloer.
Then minstrel.
And then bard as the great group character.

And yes bards will be uber for normal zerg rvr :(


My Perfect response and only 3 posts in!!..

Regards Nicky.

old.Gombur Glodson

Originally posted by old.Mitsu

And yes bards will be uber for normal zerg rvr :(

But who likes zerging?
And I really can't see how minstrel stealth hurts the realm, since we can mez/demez people from stealth.


damage output on minstrels aint that great
skald can solo a 100% tank
don't think minstrels can

old.Gombur Glodson

I've soloed a warrior, and with IP I should think I can do it again, its amazing how handy a pet can be.


skalds cant kill a pure mellee - we just dont have enough hitpoints.

casters are easy (hehe :)), assasins i usually get, and hybrids are a bit hit and miss, but i never manage to kill a pure mellee.

bards are not "uber" - they're pretty balanced imo, as are skalds.

the minstrel stealth to mess really, really, really, really annoys me, but i couldn't posibly comment on them since i am very biased against them :)


Minstrel is inbetween the more fighting nature of Skald and more support of Bard, to their name they do have alot of abilities but they are all drastically weaker than those most other classes get.
Soloing ability past See Hidden has been reduced, without that we could perhaps talk but now Stealth is a specline they can't afford to take high and without high stealth then pretty much anyone can uncover them and all you are left with is Stealth as a very temporary form of defense / suprise.

Skalds seem like are a very viable class, IMO just as competent soloers as Minstrels are after See Hidden. With 2 insta-CC spells and speed they can pick their fights well. Balanced class overall if you stop to look at it's weak sides, annoying to meet though like I'm sure Minstrels are.

Bards suffer from what Clerics will be in a patch I'm sure, no means of performing their duty once targeted. Add no ability to wield a shield when having songs on and it must be frustrating to play, same applies for a Healer with few means of self defence, same applies for a Sorcerer that will just die too fast for his self defence to work. The key is having a group recognising this and preventing it to any extent. The Bard most certainly don't have any issues with what positive effects they can't bring to a group, rather point out what they can't, the problem is what package it's wrapped up in.

I will accept that neither of the 3 primary CC classes are all that fun to play always, it's sort of like making a character and putting all points into a single spell, the spell is worth it but how fun is it really to use it?


Thats why hes my No1 as a good friend of mine Alpha told me when he killed me " you can run Nicky but you cant Hide " Touche..

Thing is, the stealth is a "negative" factor for albion, but not for the minstrel, it means he solo's more. And yes, Alpha has killed me in a 1v1, but I must say I belive he was buffed, and it was kinda close ^^
That said, I have killed Alpha in 1v1 a while ago, when I was lvl 46 and was running in emain with Xarr, he mezzed Xarr and we got it on. It was actually so close that I thought I had lost, then he died instead of me ^^

anyways, just read a thread on vnboards about bards being in need of a serious nerf. Its hilarious :D

whineboards - bards ruin rvr

Lots of good points for the bards there

old.Gombur Glodson

I never solo, and when I stealth it usually to get an advantage to mez. Cant see how it's a disadvantage for my group that I can mez enemies from stealth.

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