Bard template


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 11, 2006
Ok, I've made this template for a friend and could really use opinions on it, before giving it to him.

Personally the powerpool is fine, along with the resists. I went for high heat resist for once, as he as bard needs to be in the frontline. Capped dex + speed and range for having fast cast/range. Didn't go for higher cha as dmg on a bard isn't that important, and the extra power it gives is easily compensated for with having a 40% powerpool. No high +skill as the only thing he can use is regrowth for backup healing.
Jacina+cloudsong for magic pierce, EoY for AE rezz and BoZ for pet interrupt.
Anything that should be improved/replaced?

LOKI Build Report
Two-Handed Configuration:
Build Utility: 569.0
Useable Utility: 569.0
TOA Utility: 451.0

STR:0/75 CON:72/75 DEX:101/101
QUI:0/75 INT:0/75 PIE:0/75
CHA:76/85 EMP:0/75

Body: 25
Cold: 26
Heat: 22
Energy: 4
Matter: 9
Spirit: 5+5
Crush: 23+2
Slash: 25+3
Thrust: 24

Regrowth: 3
Nurture: 3
Music: 3

Power Pool: 40
Buff Effectiveness: 11
Healing Effectiveness: 8
Spell Duration: 12
Casting Speed: 10
Spell Range: 13
Resist Pierce: 10

Imbue: 37.5/32 (Quality: 100)
7% Slash
9% Crush
22 Constitution
9% Heat
Utility: 64.7
TOA Utility: 0.0

Arms (Malevolent Darkspire Barbed Armguards (hib)):
Imbue: 21.0
24 Dexterity
3 ALL magic skills
8 Dexterity Cap Increase
1 Casting Speed
7 Power Pool
24 Hits Cap Increase
Utility: 31.0
TOA Utility: 41.0

Imbue: 37.5/32 (Quality: 100)
3% Thrust
9% Cold
76 Hits
25 Dexterity
Utility: 59.7
TOA Utility: 0.0

Imbue: 37.0/32 (Quality: 100)
25 Constitution
9% Thrust
7% Slash
7% Cold
Utility: 62.7
TOA Utility: 0.0

Imbue: 37.5/32 (Quality: 100)
9% Crush
60 Hits
9% Heat
7% Body
Utility: 65.0
TOA Utility: 0.0

Imbue: 37.5/32 (Quality: 100)
7% Thrust
25 Constitution
9% Body
19 Dexterity
Utility: 61.3
TOA Utility: 0.0

Two-Handed (Draiocht Harp):
Imbue: 0.0
5 Power Pool
4 Spell Range
4 Casting Speed
6 Spell Duration
10 Dexterity Cap Increase
Utility: 0.0
TOA Utility: 82.0

Neck (Choker of the Zephyr):
Imbue: 10.0
15 Dexterity
6 Power Pool
5 Power Cap Increase
5 Dexterity Cap Increase
15 AF
Utility: 10.0
TOA Utility: 47.0

Cloak (Cloudsong):
Imbue: 8.0
5 Power Pool
12 Acuity
5 Acuity Cap Increase
5 Casting Speed
5 Buff Effectiveness
8 AF
5 Power Cap Increase
5 Resist Pierce
Utility: 8.0
TOA Utility: 98.0

Jewel (Egg of Youth):
Imbue: 24.0
12 Acuity
32 Hits
5% Slash
5% Crush
5% Thrust
8 Healing Effectiveness
40 Hits Cap Increase
Utility: 46.0
TOA Utility: 26.0

Belt (Jacina's Sash):
Imbue: 0.0
6 Buff Effectiveness
6 Spell Duration
5 Power Pool
5 Spell Range
5 Resist Pierce
5 Power Cap Increase
Utility: 0.0
TOA Utility: 94.0

Left Ring (Marak's Ring of Power (hib)):
Imbue: 18.0
40 Hits
19 Acuity
5 Acuity Cap Increase
5 Power Cap Increase
6 Power Pool
Utility: 22.7
TOA Utility: 32.0

Right Ring (Crocodile's Tears Ring):
Imbue: 25.0
4% Heat
4% Cold
4% Energy
4% Matter
4% Body
15 Acuity
Utility: 50.0
TOA Utility: 0.0

Left Wrist (Malevolent Darkspire Adroit Bracer (hib)):
Imbue: 27.0
18 Dexterity
6% Slash
6% Cold
40 Hits
6 Dexterity Cap Increase
32 Hits Cap Increase
Utility: 46.0
TOA Utility: 20.0

Right Wrist (Bracer of Zo'arkat):
Imbue: 24.0
18 Acuity
5% Matter
5% Body
5% Spirit
6 Power Pool
4 Spell Range
Utility: 42.0
TOA Utility: 32.0

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