Tilda said:Its not the /rude that people get banned for, it'll be the spamming that is against the CoC.
GOA DAOC EULA said:Harassment is best defined as a repeated behaviour with the purpose of causing prejudice to a player or to the community. Harassment includes, but is not limited to: repeated insults, racist behaviour or remarks, religious or sexual comments or any behaviour that can compromise the quality of gameplay.
Downanael said:Time to go thid as bonedancer then,guaranteed to get every emote on game spammed at you
Are you serious? Is emote spamming against the CoC? LMAO!! Must be the sadest thing yet if it's true xDTilda said:Its not the /rude that people get banned for, it'll be the spamming that is against the CoC.
Afran said:Guess I shall be banned for spamming beckon when I sl' 10+ mid stealthers. x<
Cirandi said:I think the incident referred to here was during a ML10 raid where a bunch of mids decided to go play with the albs who were raiding.
The mids wiped but one of them didn't release but instead stayed there and yelled for help a lot.
Thus, it wasn't really emote spamming but it interfered with the albs raid as they couldn't see anything in the chat window except that guys yells for help.
MaditioN said:lol.irl at albs, they never tried right-click chat tabs and then you can turn it off? geeze..
lol.irl at mids, all albs just did /ignore and not bother wasting time rightclicking every time n00b mids spam shitMaditioN said:lol.irl at albs, they never tried right-click chat tabs and then you can turn it off? geeze..
Helme said:Better off going camlann as a BD, you can listen to thiere whine then aswell!
i didnt think ignore worked on pvpBellona said:the coc doesnt apply in the same way on camlann, the pvp rules state that verbal assaults are expected, and you got pvp tools or the /ignore function to deal with it.
Mauness said:if they dont like /rude spam, why put it in the game in first place?
judas said:being rude is a god given gift imo. i demand equality. ever heard of anyone being baned for spamming /kiss or hug...
oh and if the person is "harrasing" in another way theres allways the /ignore command.
lol.irl at albs, it's easier to press 3 times with the mouse than 8 times on the keyboardBloodhunter said:lol.irl at mids, all albs just did /ignore and not bother wasting time rightclicking every time n00b mids spam shit
Herjulf said:/kiss and /hug spamming is sexuall harassment, and means you must let Erivoss spank you with a stick, til u beg for more.