Balor/Quest Raid today , Friday



Today Friday at 19 GMT in Aalid Feie, only people that need the quest, and that want to kill Balor, no exp raid pliz

if we all are 49 + , there will be no lotto rules, just lotto for the things u can use, and lotto till u win an item
All ROG drops will be for the person that catch them, except ROG jewelry, that will be lottoed at the end
No points, and I will keep the remain for me :p

If u dont like me getting the remain, dont come to the raid :p, or make a Balor raid for youre own ( easy raid tho )

See u there ^^


Have you seen the trophy yet? Cause it's uhm... a little small if you ask me :uhoh:


Originally posted by Ziva
Have you seen the trophy yet? Cause it's uhm... a little small if you ask me :uhoh:

he's raiding balor, not angara.....


Ziva, dont listen to Tzee pls. He is trying to make me look bad.
He is just jealous :( :(


thnx all to bump my thread all the time, tbh xDDD


Originally posted by angara-ffs
Ziva, dont listen to Tzee pls. He is trying to make me look bad.
He is just jealous :( :(



Originally posted by old.Tzeentch
he's raiding balor, not angara.....

I was talking about Balor Tzee, not Angara..



The tropy is indeed a bit small:

Balor's Head

I suspect there's a secret Shrunken Head tincture that's added during the taxidermy process.


Originally posted by Ziva
I was talking about Balor Tzee, not Angara..


Leave him.....we both know better :kiss2:
Tzee is just :bore:


how long will this take btw aprox to get to the quest mob and then balor ?


THank you Xfear for a great raid etc , next time please mention that all doesnt get the Quest when you arrange this sort of raid,
Cuz you rather kill Balor than make sure 3/3 grps gets it , could be usefull info . Spent 3+hrs for nothing.. a bit fustrated atm


Yeah i heard about that sounds a bit crappy imo. That mob usually repops pretty fast. All the times i've been to TS for that quest, we killed the mob for everyone that needed it.


most frustrating part is that the killing of the questmob ended just after the raid leaders group got the quest part.

still his raid, his rules & his broken promises, just take heed if your going for one of his raids.


I had to go at 11 PM, if u come 1 hour later, and bet me to wait u, so i have to wait u in AF without doing anything, if u pull more mobs than needed in Tur Suil , couse u want EXP, if u do all those things, and make the raid, a 4 hours raid, when it was supposed to be 2 hours, dont hope later to have the quest done, couse well, i can wait 1 hour, and start the raid at 20 GMT, couse all people is late and bet me to wait, and if i dont wait them, they whine me later, if u want to pull all trash mobs, to et more EXP , taking the raid even longer, when it's an easy 1 hour walthrough once inside, instead of 2 hours, and u do more things by youre own, couse u want EXP , or u get bored while waiting, and pull trash mobs when it isnt needed , it's not my fault, i had to go at 11 PM, and i went out at 11 PM, that we all didnt get the quest ? well im sorry, but its youre fault, not mine, I did like 15 balor raids, and we always did it in 2 hours, couse all people were nice, we hadnt to wait them 1 hour after the raid begins, couse someone was late, and they didnt pull mobs by their own, so my plan was to kill balor, and to kill abomos all the times needed, but u wasted a lot of time with a lot of stupid things, like coming later, pulling unnecesary mobs, etc etc, that isnt my fault, next time, do it better , and we all will have the quest and the balor head done, and remember, im not youre slave, if i cant be there for more than 4 hours, i cant

P.S : I will make a talk with blejs , about the thing u did, u know who u are, and u know that pulled a lot of mobs couse u wanted to see the zerg dead, so forbeing a child in that moment, ill make a talk with blejs, and lets see what happens


Xfear has a hard time over these raids and i really dont see why he still does them after all the crap he has to put up with. People are always late for his raids, people bring their level 40 alts and even complete retards who have probably never seen the outside of CM are allowed.

You could always make your own raids..if you dont like Xfear's


Think your generalizeing a bit to much there xfear, quite alot of the people who didn't get the quest done was in time, was lvl50 and only wanted the quest step not any exp or any other drops. If someone did bring alot of adds, point agro towards those persons not all who got mad cus they spent over 3h helping some ppl do a quest and then not getting any help themselfs.
And I don't c why you would be some1's slaves just cus they help you do a quest step and you return the same to them.

Also about people wanting exp, I know one 49druid who didn't wanna group with a hero cus he wanted casters in his group so he would get good exp (yeah you).

And if you had to leave early you could have left the rest of the people to finnish the quest for all instead of takeing them towards balor (for you to get remains). Moveing along after yourself getting the step is more fubar then anything I've seen yet by a raid leader. It's kindow easy to say there wasn't time when there was nothing left for your personal gain by staying there and letting others get it done.

Haveing to said this I surely recon it's alot of problems holding a raid and takes alot of effort, but that doesn't justify how the friday one went down.


Well this is what you get for inviting random nubbers to raids, what did Balor drop anyways?


Originally posted by Cap
Think your generalizeing a bit to much there xfear, quite alot of the people who didn't get the quest done was in time, was lvl50 and only wanted the quest step not any exp or any other drops. If someone did bring alot of adds, point agro towards those persons not all who got mad cus they spent over 3h helping some ppl do a quest and then not getting any help themselfs.
And I don't c why you would be some1's slaves just cus they help you do a quest step and you return the same to them.

Also about people wanting exp, I know one 49druid who didn't wanna group with a hero cus he wanted casters in his group so he would get good exp (yeah you).

And if you had to leave early you could have left the rest of the people to finnish the quest for all instead of takeing them towards balor (for you to get remains). Moveing along after yourself getting the step is more fubar then anything I've seen yet by a raid leader. It's kindow easy to say there wasn't time when there was nothing left for your personal gain by staying there and letting others get it done.

Haveing to said this I surely recon it's alot of problems holding a raid and takes alot of effort, but that doesn't justify how the friday one went down.

And if i dont kill balor, i will get more whines, couse i promised to kill balor too


Originally posted by Tyka
Well this is what you get for inviting random nubbers to raids, what did Balor drop anyways?
:great: Random retards pulled 689568 mobs on us and some had fucked off on the way to balor after recieving their quest item. The whole raid leader group was still there when we got wiped, however.

We didn't even see Balor last night :/


What do u think was the top priority for the attendants? the Quest reward or getting to kill Balor so u would get a trophy?

since u claim to be going for Balor to keep everyone satisfied whilst most of them couldnt care less about Balor compared to their need of the Quest-reward?

Anyway ~~


Well i think the top Priority for LA was to get Balors Head. It's just a shame they can't do it on their own. After all you only need 2fg's.


2 of 3 FG did the quest,and was suposed to kill balor before i had to go, later, someone else could take over the leading and make the quest for the 3rd group, but no, they wanted to finish the quest and leave the raid, without killing balor, that was a quest/balor raid, not only quest

it's very easy to whine, and critick, when u know NOTHING about what happened, and more easy when u were not on my place, i had to go to work , so i left in the middle of the raid, my problem ? why ? its my problem that i have to wait 1 hour in AF for inc people ? , or that somepeople pulled lots of mobs and ruined the raid ?


what xray said was not really right :p

and xfear, maybe bit better preparing and yes hib peepz are hard to round up for something like this, no to mention to stay for others (blame the ones who left not the raidleader)

anyhow cap made another raid and another 2 fg could complete the quest, ty xfear and cap for the trouble :)
no1 is perfect so stop whine and critics, it's just a silly game :)


From what i heard the Raid Leader decided it was time to go and get his precious head, ie fuck the people that haven't managed to do the quest yet. After all apparently he needed to go soon so he had no intention of sticking around once he had done the quest, got some exp, and oh yes got that head that he can't get without other people helping him.


Xray, do you even know how the group that gets the quest was decided? I guess you dont since you werent there? EVERYONE who needed the quest was hitting the mob, and the group that got the killing blow naturally got the quest. There was no Xfears decision that he will get the quest now and fuck the rest, it could just as well be the raid leaders group that didnt get it and he would still have to go to work. And some people on the raid did want to see balor dead, other then LA. Sadly it never happened.


and if u didnt get it then, cap did another raid that completed the quest for 2 fg
my bro didnt mind to do it 2x cause the exp was great of just getting there
and if u wanna whine some more, want some cheese with it?

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