Balanced/hybrid VW template for possible maximum performance.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 2, 2004
I'm after a new (up to date) VW template and I'll give you some small info to why I'd want such a one.

Okey, I got a rr11++ Thane where I've tried to balance both casting, melee and defence.
Some might call it casting heavy, but I don't. I call it maximizing performance for as many different situations as possible. Enhancing the very "hybrid-nature" if you’d want to call it that.

Shortly said, I'm very happy with my thanes performance :)

Index of /daoc/thane/eithor
for some screens, and remember this is with a class that only got 2x value single/ae with their nukes as well as no gain from the acuity buff (single nukes lands about each 1.1 sec, 1800+ range. Ae nukes about each 1.5 sec 1700+ range).

Now to the deal, as good as all VW templates I've seen is melee heavy (nothing wrong with that), I'd ofc like to be able to have as much of the melee part as possible.
But I NEED (with shield and 1-hander) capped dex and int and the TOA casting bonuses (I'm at a standard server, so shouldn't be too hard), casting damage, casting speed and casting range, preferable magic piercing as well (I like Crown of Zahur).

As always, sacrifice will have to be made *sniff*. I need alot of con/hp. Don't need str to be overcapped to maximum, but not too harshly gimped either. Need quickness (and toa melee speed) to be able to land those dd procs as fast and often as possible.
I would like to keep good resists... BUT AOM3 will allow for some less then good magic resists (want good melee resists though, should be pretty easy with champ scythe).
With 50scythe spec it's not important to have maximum of +scythe in template, guess same goes for parry (although rather more +parry then +scythe in template).

With all the DR, LotM and bounty points gear as well as artis and/or other gear from TOA etc, something good should be possible, so if anyone found find this request a challenge, I'd be most happy :)


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