Balance of power



Has the balance of power switched ? are hibs now the biggest threat to our realm ? Recently we have seen a great numbers of hibbis in RvR infact the last couple of days i have seen more hibs then albs. Yet we still think that hibs doesnt pose a threat to us, last night we took DF from hibs, now usually when we take it from albs you have a zerg of stealthers who in minutes will clean df of albs, not just our side but also alb side. I have always seen that DF cleansing as a must for our lower lvls and for those who wants to farm.But when I logged in this morning at 8. am hibside was crawling with hibs managed to kill a few and returned a couple of times. But where was all our sb's ?? why hadnt they cleaned df of hibs ?? I even managed to take my supp sm+bot to hib side and kill a few hibbis. But as time went more and more hibs logged on. Hibs even started to invade our part of df, and kill a great number of mids, even though we held it.
It looks to me like we have overlooked the fact that the hibbi population now has been reinforced by experienced Excal players.
Players who is now poseing a much bigger threat then the albs.
So please sb's next time we get df from the hibs please go and kick em out of df. If i can make it with my liddul hunter then it shouldnt pose a problem for you guys. :)


most sbs aka the ones without buffbot wont try to go solo to hib side no chance on earth theyll make it i didnt even make it with my hunter with yellow buufs =/ talk about shitty class


Originally posted by werewolf
most sbs aka the ones without buffbot wont try to go solo to hib side no chance on earth theyll make it i didnt even make it with my hunter with yellow buufs =/ talk about shitty class
did it with hunter 5 times today only once did I fail.
Besides why let hibs have access to uber farming


if we hold df we should just do a massive zerg tbh :p


Hibs allways been bigger thread since they are more organized, but they've been hiding in the dark for too long.


Gwynneth you killed our level 30-35 group mid pull you ewul Huntress. :(


no such thing as an ewul huntress...... she's a cross dresser!

Tesla Monkor

Regardless, there has been a shift of power. I noticed a lot of RvR active Mids have wandered off to greener pastures. Albs seem to have disappeared, so they probably did the same.

The /level 30 influx from Hibernia is going to push the balance the other way now giving them the overhand. Who knows what will happen next?


Agree with Tesla, i think the "balance" effect must end now, the /level 30 have done its work.


hibies are teh ewul :(
gifv midgard/albion /level 30 now!!! :p

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