ok ok, logged on just now, found two tangler groupw with lvls 50s blowing the crap outta em i ask one grroup may i join please? (group of 5) no we are fine thanks, then i ask the other same reply (group of 3)
now this really agrrivated me.
same bloody thing happened to me with sharma.
same frigging reply, we are fine thanks.
COME ON FFS, 1 more person would make a MINIMAL diff to xp,
i dont really care for how shorter time it is, but 1 more person aint gonna make a diff, esp when there 9 ppl there in lyon, and niether group could inv, EVEN THOUGH in one group they had a lvl 30, the reckoned another lvl 30 would gimp the xp to hell,
i go back and ask the 5 group please may i join, 1 more person wouldnt make a diff, FFS NO FRIGGIN REPLY.
thats what made me snap and delete sharma, seriously lyon is full of xp grabbing BASTARDS who couldnt invite 1 more person, which would make any diff to xp.
soon in another patch they are making it possible to gain more xp in larger groups so after that patch theres no frigging excuse, saying "oh you would gimp the xp" no i frggin wont!
now this really agrrivated me.
same bloody thing happened to me with sharma.
same frigging reply, we are fine thanks.
COME ON FFS, 1 more person would make a MINIMAL diff to xp,
i dont really care for how shorter time it is, but 1 more person aint gonna make a diff, esp when there 9 ppl there in lyon, and niether group could inv, EVEN THOUGH in one group they had a lvl 30, the reckoned another lvl 30 would gimp the xp to hell,
i go back and ask the 5 group please may i join, 1 more person wouldnt make a diff, FFS NO FRIGGIN REPLY.
thats what made me snap and delete sharma, seriously lyon is full of xp grabbing BASTARDS who couldnt invite 1 more person, which would make any diff to xp.
soon in another patch they are making it possible to gain more xp in larger groups so after that patch theres no frigging excuse, saying "oh you would gimp the xp" no i frggin wont!