Bah at raid "planning"


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Bah at raid "planning" Oops I hadnt read Yaruars post..

Gotta vent my frustration about this, even though Im sure there will other raids. Even as soon as next week.. :twak:
But it just irritates me that while the ML 5 raid is thursday, the ML 7 raid is placed friday, before the ML 6 raid saturday..
I recon nothing can be done about it, and IM not even sure anything should be done... But BAH!! I really wanted to do get ML 7 this weekend but I still need to get done with ML 6..
Guess its time for me to attempt to lead anotehr raid soon.. too bad I wouldnt know much about them as I havent done them yet.
Thank you for your time.. Ill got shut up now.. and farm some scrolls I need.

Heh Ill be going on Yaruars Raid... was thinking it wasnt getting anywhere... I :wub: Yaruar


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
That it wont make me insta ML 7.. And I would have to redo it..
But im doing ML 6 tonight so it wont matter


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Fafner said:
That it wont make me insta ML 7.. And I would have to redo it..
But im doing ML 6 tonight so it wont matter

The most you will have to redo is the 10 stage afair, although I could be wrong.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Im so lame anyway.. my real problem was withthe ML 8 raid being before the ML 7 raid :twak:

Urme the Legend

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Can't see any problems since ML8 don't got any pre-req.. other than ML8 groupsteps if you count that.

So ML5,6,7,8 can be done in any order.. and you get credit for the whole ML8 raid even if you aren't ML7.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
More clarifications regarding Master Levels encounters

As you already know, you cannot validate the tenth (and last) step of the various encounters required for a master level if you did not receive credit for the nine previous steps. These credits for master level encounters can be seen on your character using the /quest command (or the /master command for your current master level).
Something interesting to know is that you can actually get the credit for this last step, even if you did not completed the previous master levels. Lost already ? Let's see with some examples :

A player is doing the Master Level 1. He received the credits for the steps 1 to 9 of this master level and can now face Cetus (the 10th step) in order to receive the credit for the step 10. Once done with Cetus, he will be able to talk to the Arbiter and receive his first master ability. However, if this player was missing the credit for the step 4 of the master level 1, he would not receive the credit for the step 10 (but of course could still participate).
Another player now and this one did not finish the master level 1 encounters. However, he is currently helping friends doing various master level 2 encounters. He therefore get the credits for the first nine steps of the master level 2 and, after a rough fight, they succeed in killing Runihura, the final monster of the master level 2. He now has the credit for the step 10 of the master level 2 and, once he will finish his master level 1, he will not need to kill Runihura again.

In other words go do Ml7 all steps, and do Ml6 all steps and then just get the MLxp to raise to ml6 and after that to ml7 and there you go.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 7, 2004
u dont need to of completed a previous ML for ALL CREDIT on next ml.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
You just need to full raid, and u will get credit for the tenth step, even if ure not that ml yet, i am very sure, as i did so with ml4 raid while i was ml2..


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Hmm Well Bah anyway.. just for the hell of it :flame:


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
quick question
Do u have to complete a whole step? or can u mix and match
e.g do ML1 half way, then do ML5 halfway, then do ML8 and next go back to finish last steps of ML1?
Or you have to stick to 1 ML at a time


One of Freddy's beloved
Mar 28, 2004
U can do whatever u want .. However some ml's require you to enter a dungeon , and those require u to be a certain ml to enter.

afaik u have to be ml1 to enter ml5, u need to be ml3 to enter ml7 , and finally u need ml8 to enter ml9, and ml9 to enter ml10.

Hope that clears it up a bit :)

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