Bad Ping for some of us



We had a lot of problems in the war against The all Stars so they have beaten us. It was nice to fight against them. But in this way it couldn't had been an equal game. :sleeping: The ping was that awful! I don't know if we are the only clan with this problem:confused:
Next time this problem appear's we vote internal if we quit the fight.:puke:


:confused: Why vote internal if to quit I think this is just not fair for the oposing clan. OK you can have a bad ping as a clan but in the next fight you may have the better ping (shit happens)
I can only say if a clan drops out of a clan war give them a 40-0 loss. I can only ask are the clans that drop out in the league for easy winnings (dont think so;) )
Galdren I cannot say anything about how bad your ping was in comparison with AS but I can only say that I hope that you will remain in BWEFL and that you will take the bad with the good;)


I was admin during that game, AS had the better ping but ping isnt all, l8r today I watched APA vs DAD, APA with all over 200 ping defeated the low ping DAD on and1, ping isnt all.....


Ping doesn't make a player good but it helps we can all agree to that :cool: (me the exception off course :D ) skills and tactics are the key factor. I saw the demo of RD vs SLC and SLC had 2 players with a bad ping but they also (in my eyes) had a bad tactic you can hardly win if you play that much on the defense
Oh off course it helps if you are a non-german player on BW dont ask me why apparently that is the case
ps congratz DAD


I agree ping is a real pain in the arse, but I agree with Blackshirt, if a team walks, they should be given a score penalty.

Paddy played MB and they only got thru 1 map meaning 13 captures instead of probably 30+, we played TFD and at 66-0 they walked costing us, not them. SLC did really well with their bad pings but again we could have had another 10+ caps in the time remaining. I'm sure other matches ended in this manner also.

The TFD game was worse, they left calling us cheaters for being better than them, not because of any lag! Surely this is cheating on their part as they wouldn't suffer such a bad loss in the long run.

If cap difference is a deciding factor to sort out leagues, then surely if a team walks, the other team receives extra captures for compensation. It could b decided by working out what time was left, and on average how many caps per minute.

=RD= MrNap

P.S. Credit to the [DAD] clan, who suffered some heavy losses but kept fighting until the end. Also great result guys!



is u take TF bond as u know he goes onto sever with his 56k 700 ping to 800 ping he does quiet well with that sort of ping
he gets about 80 to 120 on a bw server with that ping but we dont put him in match beacuse we dont take the cnace of every one getting his lag


I agree that the skill is the most important thing in play. But how it seams our two members had really bad performance. Usually they score more then almost nothing! If i got the rifle i need a good ping otherwise i can't target. In this case i need a weapon which is more powerful. In the first round it was almost ok. In the second round (Spyglass) the opponents had an average ping of 30 and our german members a ping of 200. In this way poeple appearing on place where aren't. Shoot a phantom!? By experiance i know that usually they play a lot better then on this war. rf.Purgatory and me had no problems with ping. The most of our members are germans. That's why they are talking about quit this league. Clanbase and ESPL have never had these problems. For me it would be really nice to stay in the league but it's not only on me to descide.


I'm sorry u had bad pings on spyglass and i thought rf. played very well. But AS's average ping was not 30 more like 100 over all...disagree with u on that but your right.....the game would have been aloot closer if pings were more even.
Theses ping problems have only been occuring since BW moved, on both public and private serevrs.


I don’t know how relevant this is or isn’t to this thread but I have personally found that when the opposing clan is using battlecom it effects our modem players in big way. Most notably when we played MCP in a friendly, but I personally had a ping prob against TFD in the league as well. I was in the BWEFL IRC on Saturday and found that many TFD players were having problems with their ping when playing against MCP too. Is it just my imagination or is this a problem.


P.s. MCP would have beaten us either way so I am not grudging from that point of view ;)


Originally posted by Mr.Blackshirt
Ping doesn't make a player good but it helps we can all agree to that :cool: (me the exception off course :D ) skills and tactics are the key factor. I saw the demo of RD vs SLC and SLC had 2 players with a bad ping but they also (in my eyes) had a bad tactic you can hardly win if you play that much on the defense
Oh off course it helps if you are a non-german player on BW dont ask me why apparently that is the case
ps congratz DAD

Thank u for analysing our taktik. Tha fact is, we were not able to play out our taktik. Couse we had had all ping over 120 (sometimes 120) usually 180. When I ll respawn in our base and had 4 enemies around me, nobody had any chance to get a weapon and hold his position. Two of my members hat konstant pings over 400 up to 600. We won't get any hit with the phasers, photons and all other weapons. It is not posible to play under that conditions. We played the first match with that ping. The match with RD was really the same but we had not the best players.

Originally posted by Mr.Blackshirt
Ping doesn't make a player good but it helps we can all agree to that
Right, but a bad ping will make a good player bad. We all have problems to hit the enemy when u shoot nearly a second after klicking on your mouse. U have no control of your shots and movements like the photonjump will also be imposible. What should we do?? Walk on the sides of voy2 through the map and hope nobody will find us there?? What ping do u usually have?? 50?? 80?? Yes?? Play with 200 and how it is to play, and see the game running as a bad fast dream in which u where unable to do anything!

So: we accept the better pings of the UK-Clans and play our matches so long as posible. Also I hope u ll accept that we quit matches when there is no hope for us.
We quit the match with RD because they had enough captures. We had no chance to make one capture withinthe next threee our, and I think they have made enough caps. The jumped over the towers (I think it isn't posible to do that every time) we were not able to kill any of them. It was a show from RD's side and we don't want to be statists. If they want a rematch we can do that on our server with the better pings for us.

@Galdren: we have to accept the bad ping of the german players and do the best we can. It's not a shame to lose with that conditions and it isn't also a shame to quit such games


To Monty73,

how can a seperate program running on someone else's machine which has nothing to do with a games server affect modem palyers(we use roger wilco). I just can't see the link. But I have heard that people are having problems with BW bookable servers since the move. This maybe a problem. We at MCP have problems with lag also, we just accept it and do the best we can. But since modem players and higher bandwidth players have a huge differance with pings that it maybe wise in the future to have differn't leagues. This maybe a logistical nightmare. Had a problem with lag when I used to just be on a 56K modem that's why I changed and got serious with game playing. But not everyone can. I think we are at a changeing period at the moment. I just wish that the goverment sorted broadband out as the Korean goverment has.

oh! started getting too serious now.:cool:


You bet m8, its about time broadband came to our wee town! but not yet :(

It was not an attack on MCP and I do agree about the Bookable and League servers, I came along to one of the MCP party nights on Sunday and could play not too badly with a half decent ping. And tonight I played on a public and my team consisted of 4 MCP and 2 DADs and it was very playable with 12 people + on the server.

It probably is just the league and bookable servers, also in the games we played together one of your players had a 360-400 ping an this could have been part of the problem, don’t know!


Sisko I am sorry if I insulted you it was not my intention. By the way the only demo I saw was AND1 so I cant and wont comment on the other map. I know it is easy to give comments from the sideline (in other words easy for me). I am sorry for you that you couldn't play your tactic but that is how it works, the oposing clan doesn't want to you to be able to play your tactic.
For your comment about a bad ping making a good player bad I disagree I can think of a lot of players who would and will kick my ass even if I have a much better ping:mad: lol. Caus for me a good player can and will adjust for it if there is not a 2 big ping div.
But yes I have played with a bad ping 400-600 against 50-60 and I hated it but I didnot leave, so do alot of people.
About your point that it is no shame to leave agreed but it is not fair for the oposing clan, think about it first it is how many games you won and then how many caps you made. This means that if a clan cannot compete the full time it has less caps and this means that in case of 2 clans having equal points one clan could become second because it had less time for making the caps. So the only option is that their will be a max of caps or if a clan surrenders by leaving or just saying uncle the clan should have a penalty.
For the question about a rematch on a diverent server you better should ask Napalm, but I won't mind.
Sisko have to say again if you felt insulted I am sorry it was not my intention so gl and keep on fragging.


Well i played in the game vs rf and my average ping was 190. Damn 64k ISDN was awful that night. So it def wasnt 30.

Sisko, Read above, just because your ping was 120-180 isnt a good reason for you to not be about to use your tactics.

Also, i played for 4 years online with a modem, 28.8, 36.6 then 56k and although ping does make a bit of diff the only real difference is that on a higher ping you have to anticipate where the player is going to be and move to. If you think a player is going to be 5m in front of where they are when you see them you shoot there and you hit them. It aint that hard.

Hmmm my rant is over now, its just the "You've got a better ping than me" etc etc debate has been going on for years now. Just accept it or get a better connection. I did!


My Ping is almost deep enought

It's not me who is having problems. I think it's a pearingproblem between german and english providers. But it's also clear, that it's impossible to frag with the rifle when u have a ping over 80. And my teamfrends told me, that they had a ping which makes it impossible to target enemys really well. It also depends on the map u are playing on.
One of our members told me, that the opponent was appearing from nowhere and killed him without the opportunity to react.

That's why i tell this in the forum.



Originally posted by Asterix
the only real difference is that on a higher ping you have to anticipate where the player is going to be and move to.

That is exactly right. I had a 56k until very recently and in that time I learnt how to judge where people would move. I also found that 56k users can generally fire off 1 or 2 shots in the time a cable user can fire 3 or 4 perhaps.

When I upgraded to ADSL I found it very difficult as I was waiting on 56k shot time (a slighty delay) and I got absolutely murdered for a while.

180 ping is a lot better than anything I ever used to get, mine was always over 200 (usually 250-350).

=RD= Mr Nap


@Asterix: I am able to play with pings of 120-180. But I am the one in my team with the best ping of all. So the others have fight with pings which will be higher than that.

Also I ve said: UK-team's will have better pings because BW-Servers are in UK!!! Thats the only reason and nobody can do anything against it, and we have accepted it. But on some days the pings are unplayable. Take a look at your lagometer. The scale at the botton will show your real ping which is shown in the infos. The upper scale will show how u can lines=bad for u ;) :)


I get lots of spikyness on the servers, even though my ping stays relatively low - around 40-50ms. It's the spikes that cause the problems, not the actual ping (to a certain point, obviously). You can line up a perfect shot on someone with the rifle, then hit a load of lag and when you catch up they've already scored twice :)

I seem to suffer from less spikyness and lag playing on Ewetel than on barrysworld, even before they moved, and my ping is around double over there, yet it is still easier for me to make rifle shots - weird eh? :)

Still, that's what you get in Gdañsk :rolleyes:


lol really pings don't matter all that much in some respects as long as it's stable.i learnt to cope with lag most,if not all of the time before i got my external modem.
the only difference it does make is when they/you ping out totally,making the teams uneven.unfortunatly thats what happened against DAD when we played voy_2 we went down to 3 players for 5 minutes or so and ended up loosing that map by a big margin which put us on the back foot.
unfortunatly theres not alot you can do about that though,you cannot keep stopping and starting a game when someone pings out else the match drags on and ends up like your playing cricket lol

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