Bad group player



I was recently in a group killing ponies with a healer named Sarah. Well, I have my cleric on remote for rezzes and heals if I could get to it when it was needed. As some of you know when you have 8 ppl crowded around one mob it's hard to f9 thru to the one who needs healed NOW and heal them before they die. Well, Sarah died. and all I got was a ffs there's a lvl 40 cleric standing right here yada yada yada some not so nice words more...Well, my responce to this was the cleric is here to hel IF I can get to the heal in time, I am not playing the cleric ya know, playing the sorc. And if this is the attitude I can just leave. I recived a send after that saying that Sht up, I (Sarah) put this group together and if it weren't for me you wouldn't get any xp at all.

Well, for those of you know me you know well enough I surely didn't let it go. Bad Dreama, Bad!

I said, First of all, Don't tell me to shut up, I am not your child. Second of all, solo xp is better than abusive xp, see ya.

I left the group and went on my way.

I then got a send calling me some names I would be shocked to hear from the mouth of sailors!

I sent to to her GM and I was told it was being taken care of.

Many ppl have told me since that she is almost always like that. So basically this is just a rant about rude ppl in a game.


Click on the minibar

When you use the mini group bar, you can click on a name on there and target the player that way. Much easier then trying to click on the real person or F9 which is just cycling.

/edit Hmm your Cleric was remote so the above doesnt apply :) Soz /edit

But I agree with you that there are actually a lot of people who
a) Forget it is a game
b) Dont have the patience needed to play with joy
c) Think that they know everything
d) Think everyone below their level is a n00b
e) Are just deranged youth who's parents thank the lord their kid is always playing DAOC instead of beating them up.


(first sorry for my english)

I don`t have problem with people who dont know to play well their chars, sometimes happens, but i feel really bad with this people so rude.

And when something tells me "eeeh is only a kid".... well when i was a kid i was silly (like now) but not a rude boy. Bad thing these people.


Just curious but is the person you where grouped with called Sarah exactly ? (meaning spelt in that precise way with those exact characters or any duplicate letters?).

Just wondering if I might know who the person was otherwise (which as it happens would explain alot...)



Name is noted.
Will be reluctant to group/do business with said person.


ur not the only person to have had a bad exprience with this person.
I was playin my alt the other in a grp with her (lvl 13 char). I'd been playin for about 20 mins in the grp and all of suddenly a couple ppl had to go (as they do), with two open spots we soon find some new members to join who happened to be a few lvls higher than me. What happens, she kicks me :( I ask why and she says "ur too low for the grp so I've kicked u" I state that its a bit out of order to do that (at least without asking first) and she comes back with "look ffs some ppl are 3/4 lvls higher than you. deal with it!!!"

I gave her a quick "fuck u" and go on my way

I can't stand ppl like that!


ur not the only person to have had a bad exprience with this person.
I was playin my alt the other in a grp with her (lvl 13 char). I'd been playin for about 20 mins in the grp and all of suddenly a couple ppl had to go (as they do), with two open spots we soon find some new members to join who happened to be a few lvls higher than me. What happens, she kicks me :( I ask why and she says "ur too low for the grp so I've kicked u" I state that its a bit out of order to do that (at least without asking first) and she comes back with "look ffs some ppl are 3/4 lvls higher than you. deal with it!!!"

I gave her a quick "fuck u" and go on my way

I can't stand ppl like that!

I know its only a game but theres no need to be rude :) we just tryin to have a bit of fun


/ignore exists for a reason I spose.

Think I've been quite lucky and haven't ever had this sort of thing happen in game unlike the forums.


Sarah or Sarahh?

I met a Sarahh who invited me into her chatgroup (i was level 13 and she was 24) and i chatted with her and a few other people nicely while doing killtasks. It made leveling a bit more interesting and i had no problems with her. So i ask again, Sarah or Sarahh (cant imagine it being Sarahh)?


I'm sorry to say it was sarahh. I haven't got a problem with anyone but this one time was very frustrating and out of order. I shouldn't of said anything really but seeing as someone else said someting I had to get it of my chest.

Come to think of it we have all done something to piss someone off sometime in the game :cool:


Damn all them times i have died I never knew i could bad mouth peeps for revenge :D

First off as someone above said /ignore is there for a reason (why don't it work in guild chat tho :p )

Thing with being a cleric is peeps remember if your good or bad, IMO a good cleric will heal to there own end an die first when it goes wrong. A bad 1 will run, As i have short legs i tend to died first anyway even if we do run so feck it :). A clerics job isn't to hit mobs for 5,000,000 damage smite, it's to keep tanks alive so they can hit for 5,000,000 damage, Also found over the last couple of months (damn i lvl slow where can i book a pwr lvl :p ) instant heal is for casters who get t close to the action and group instant should be labled <suicide button>. Remeber cleric death is part of the job you keep tanks alive they'll keep you alive (hehe i wish ). O we're also a buffer damn we work hard ffs an all this for 1 point a lvl :(

Damn why did i pick cleric :D


To be honest, i disagree with the good/bad example from old.bob007 - i would say the cleric who runs, as the group are being wiped out, is the better of the two, as they can survive, run back and rezz.

Imagine, the group is wiped out, the cleric dies, releases (at higher levels, paying for the con loss is getting quite pricey) comes back, and willingly suffers xp loss for the party. Very few players show thier appreciation, and are unwilling to donate back the money the cleric has speant (ok, i know, same for friars ;-))

The cleric who runs, doesnt loose the xp, doenst spend the money, gets back quicker, is on full power sooner, can buff up faster, and all in all, the group have less downtime, waiting for the rezzer to come back from Camp forest to travel all the way back to Lyonesse.

I will quite often tell the healers to run, while I try to keep all the aggro away from them, so they have a head start...

Anyway, just my opinion...



the name was sarahh, I am almost 100% sure on that but let me check my ignore list for the exact spelling.


the thing is (good cleric bad cleric) that the cleric who on the side wasn't in the group...I didn't join the group to play my cleric, I joined it to play my sorc. I brought the cleric to rez in case of grp wipe out and heal occasionally between battles...not to save the lives of the group. As I see it a person should appreciate that they get healed between battles and don't have to send to every cleric in cornwall ect.. not get pissy when the remote cleric doesn't babysit them.


Sarahh huh ?

Thought it might be, she was in my guild for awhile at lower levels but left in a tantrum when she started accusing one of our other long standing members of letting her die in salisbury plains. Rather then deal with the situration she stormed off and left. (this was all done in guild chat by the way not in private).

She joined a different guild but again had a row with one of our members in dartmoor, I believe the term 'cleric killer' was used at one stage lol.

To her credit she did apologise a week or so later to the first person :rolleyes:

I could be wrong but I think she is quite young, havent had problems with her myself, just within my guild due to her.

I think she moved to the Phoenix <something> ?


Phoenix Guard

I had apologised for my Guildmate at the 3rd entry on this thread, but I removed it when there was doubt to ensure the wrong person wasn't named.

As it appears to be Sarahh (who I myself have never grouped with), a current Guildmate, I would like to apologise for anything she may have said and will bring this thread to the attention of Phoenix Guard High Council. Dreama you have grouped with my alt Kalkor Oneye, I'll make sure someone contacts you in game.

I think we all have suffered an offensive person within this game, all I can say it that for every bad experience there are dozens of great ones.


I brought the matter to attention of the guild of Sarahh( corect spelling I'm sure of it this time lol) and was told the matter was being delt with. I didn't "taddle" to get action done but to let her guild know what kinda of person she was being as I would hate to have someone give my guild a bad name.

And Kalkor, thx for careing mate :)

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