Bad atmosphere...



How come when i log in with my alts, all i hear and see in Albion, is angry, selvfcentered altpeeps, naggin at the real noobs!??
All places i go i meet ppl yellin at others that they should go F*** them selfs and go play somewhere else!??:(
I even managed to get a cyper-death thread in Keltoi few weeks ago..OMG! Is this what DAoC has become??
Just thinkin that all highlvls once was lowlvl and noobish would they have reacted on such treatment, when they started..
But hey..what a great idea and way how to welcome ppl in DAoC..:twak: "You are welcome but u make one mistake, and we go kick ur ass verbaly"..mmm very fun and inspireing for new ppl to keep playing..

A highlvl, get tired of gameplay at hes lvl50 and go create a new on boulderhill he meets a total noob been playin 1 day or so..the noob begins hitting the mob hes doing...then the words starts.."You F***ing noob what r u doing??"..:(
Think it would b bigger if the experienced char had the politeness to explain the noob what he did wrong..

Where did the friendly side of DAoC go??
Well i sure miss it...


Have also noticed this :(

On the other hand there are just as many if not more 'nice' people out there, the ones who just come up to you and give you stuff and advice :)

But then these are all outnumbered by the 'dont give a toss' people who form the majority, but then it is a game you buy for your own enjoyment...........


i deleted my lvl 27 scout cos of some of the attitudes

hopefully Hibernia will prove more fun

old.mathus 2

have notice this to

As you are no doubt aware, (my thread "am I missing the point..")
covers the same sort of ground, its a sad state of affairs, but I c real no way of controlling it or trying to improve people's attitude.

Maybe this game mirrors society in the "real world", and as we all know they are plenty of "interesting" personalitys on the real, lol

Personality, I blame Mrs Thatcher, as she closed down the majority of the "mental health hostels/institutions", and thus placed "at risk" people into the farce which is "care in the community".....these at risk people (under the mental health act) seem to have access to computers and have set up accounts in DOAC.......So rather than getting upset and flaming people in these forums, which should all try and understand and care a little more..these people need our

Mathus WitchHunter LvL 41.5 Friar balck Gryphons


i had a situation where i was helping a new guildmember near prydwen bridge at the boulderlings, when another low-lvl-guy, who was grouped with my guildmate,started to "leach" form another soloing hunter.

i thought: is this just a bad manner or is this guy here really so noobish?
well, it was just because he really didnt know anything about what to do and what not to do.

of course the other one got angry after that happend and yelled he should stop that.
if i wouldnt had interfered and asked everyone to calm down because it wasnt in bad faith the situation would have been really exploded.

the leecher didnt understand what the other was angry about, he didnt know at all what was going on. nobody told him until that point what "leech" means in this game, he just wanted to help :)

i think we, the more experienced ones, sometimes forget, what we all have learned and how long it has taken us.

sometimes its not easy to differentiate between a noob and a experienced, but just bad acting guy. but we should always understand such behavior first as just unexperience, try to tell them how to do better...although with this way you might risk reactions like "im not a noob, you dont have to tell me what to do" but this risk i am willing to take.


you might risk reactions like "im not a noob, you dont have to tell me what to do" but this risk i am willing to take.
getting told to STFU in a lot louder words isn't worth it :(



your not going to see any change moving to hibernia m8, it was one of the main reasons i left and is the problem thats has arisen in this game.

the majority of ppl like this is the same for each realm...... :(
and at the end of the day were 1 big team, if we cant get along together, i dont see the point in it at all especially if the more experienced ppl cant actually show the lesser ones what to do or where they have gone wrong


When i Play alts I always ask if its their first character and let em play the way they feel like. If they do something "noobish" like pulling from a spawnzone and staying in it, i tell em what they are doing wrong and how to do it better. At times however i get a noob responding like this "WTF are you to tell me how to play, i got a lvl 18 wizard already so i know damn well what i am doing" ... sure go ahead but dont expect me to stand around getting killed 3 times cause you don't want to try it another way.
The good noobs and they are out there, try it first and give responses like "Thx guy, that really works" Those are the people that end up on my alts friends list.

GM <Exiled>

And no, i am deliberately NOT telling you my alts name(s) :)


I must say that the most annoying low levelers are often the alts of high levelers running around kitted out in full black gear with a bad attitude....

If we do something wrong dont shout F Off and desert the group, tell us what we did wrong!!

Playing in a few groups recently I have been asked to stop shooting arrows at mobs at close quarters and join melee and then accused of being an twat in another group for putting my bow down and joining melee at close quarters. No bloody win situations, no wonder it is hard for scouts to get into higher level groups if no one else knows how they work.

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