Back, some idea's


skerit XP

Ok, so, I finally bought myself a descent PC (Nvidia geforce 4 MX 440, 512RAM, nice cd burner, 3 HD's, dvd rom etc.) I took the chance to play daoc again, (witth daox! It isn't dead after all). Still am a little bored though. So, did anything else happen these last 168 days?

I got some idea's for 'events' or something like that. Pretty lame actually, but hey, still it could be fun!

Like, Someone collects money from players, then those players race to somewhere, first one there, gets the money... or something lotto-esque, buy a ticket or something, they are small things, you might think they're stupid, but, it could be fun, right?


Originally posted by skerit XP
Ok, so, I finally bought myself a descent PC (Nvidia geforce 4 MX 440, 512RAM, nice cd burner, 3 HD's, dvd rom etc.)
Guess you wont want to see the pretty effects SI has to offer.

MX = Nerfed GFX :(

WB anyway, and those ideas been done :) (neked frontier racing) but yes they are uber fun :)

skerit XP

Cool, I can always give them a try. I know MX, it isn't GFX, but euhm, it's better then geforce 2, right? I could still see the pretty things of SI....


it is better, but not much.
it has all the nifty effects of the GForce 4. just not the power to back it up.


you won't get the reflective water or the real-time shadows :(

trust me :(

Geforce 4MX is just an accelerated 2MX..

You'll still be able to go to SI etc. of course (which my laptop and it's hunk of junk (tm) graphics card won't)

The game will run at nice speed :)
and everyone will turn the shadows and water off after a couple of ours of going 'oooh' anyway :)

go find a friend with a powerful computer, spend a couple of hours drooling, then be happy with your cheaper card ;)


Geforce3 is actually a lot faster than Geforce4, is it not? I mean, it's actually an improved architecture whereas gf4 is practically no different to 2 gf2's glued together? :E
Do excuse my ignorance if that's totally wrong, just what a mate told me ^^

skerit XP

Cheap? 130 € isn't so cheap to me, a few years back it wwas more expensive, but how cna a geforce 3 be better then a four, it's stupid to work down, could you imagine from windows xp to win 1.1 (though, I'm still strugling to find out wich windows is best (the 1 or XP)

I'll just turn on the water reflection, even if I have to squeze it out or pour water in, and euhm, I have a mx 440


Originally posted by old.LandShark
Geforce3 is actually a lot faster than Geforce4, is it not? I mean, it's actually an improved architecture whereas gf4 is practically no different to 2 gf2's glued together? :E
Do excuse my ignorance if that's totally wrong, just what a mate told me ^^

A mid/top end GF3 is probably a great deal faster than any MX (read budget) GF4. The GF4 Ti series are a lot better than any GF3 though. You can buy cheap GF4 Ti4200's for about £90 - £110.


Originally posted by old.LandShark
Geforce3 is actually a lot faster than Geforce4, is it not? I mean, it's actually an improved architecture whereas gf4 is practically no different to 2 gf2's glued together? :E
Do excuse my ignorance if that's totally wrong, just what a mate told me ^^

your mate lies. punish him accordingly...


Originally posted by skerit XP
but how cna a geforce 3 be better then a four, it's stupid to work down, could you imagine from windows xp to win 1.1

ti4600 is faster then the ti4800 :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Bodzilla

ti4600 is faster then the ti4800 :rolleyes:

This thread is getting confusing, but (to confuse it some more):

Ti4800 IS a Ti4600 with added x8 AGP support. So, a Ti4800 in theory CAN be a little teeny, weeny bit faster than Ti4600 (provided that you have x8AGP motherboard and play a non-existent game that has large enough textures to use the AGP plenty). A Ti4800SE, however, is slower than a Ti4600 as a Ti4800SE is a Ti4400 with 8xAGP support.

A Geforce4MX440/460 is a basically a little bit improved Geforce2GTS, a Geforce4MX420 just about equals a Geforce2MX400 in terms of performance. A Geforce3 (or 3Ti200/500) beats a Geforce4MX card hands down in performance and is a full DX8 card, where as Geforce2GTS/ULTRA/MX/4MX/420/440/460 are all just DX7 parts.

There simply isn't any way around it: Nvidia's naming policy sucks.


*starts chanting 'geforce sucks' whilst gently caressing his radeon9700 pro*

skerit XP

Confusing? I started this to gather some ideas :) So, just give your idea's, videocards are confusing.

I think it's obvious there are 'championchips' for dueling?


*pats his Geforce 4 Ti4600* the only game that runs non-smooth is daoc. i'm not surprised. it's titanic when it comes to memory leakage, else it simulates it just as well, which makes it just as annoying as a game with a silly amount of memory leakage.

SI will be bliss for the new engine.

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