I was wanderin the front the other day when somethin happened that really got me a bit peeved. I was runnin to join a group when i spotted an alb in the trees to my right, con was orange i thought you're mine sonny. Started to bolt him and almost had him dead when a super purp minstrel appeared near by him, mezzed me then gave him speed song to help him run off. He started to run, and i managed to break mezz, i quick cast stunned him to stop him gettin away and proceded to try and finish the job, i was so close to killin him when the minstrel decided enough was enough, mezzed me again, walked up to me and one hit killed me. Later on this chap was back, he killed someone in our party and when we gave chase, and it was obvious he was about to die, out popped the minstrel again and saved the day. Now as far as i can see this is obviously the case of a higher lvl person babysittin a lower lvl char to get him rps, poppin out whenever he ends up fightin somethin he can't handle to save his skin. Now i hardly see this as fair, especially since he conned orange to me and so had more than a good chance of bein able to kill me. I've heard of other incidents of lower lvl chars with high lvl babysitters and am wondering if it annoys anyone else as much as it annoys me. I mean bein a lowish lvl mage i find it hard enough to get RvR kills as it is without a high lvl character spoilin my fun. Anyway rant over, i'm gonna go and try to lvl my char a bit so i can find that damned minstrel and teach them a lesson.
Oh yeah, as usual i neglected to take names otherwise i would have revealed them here. I really should invest in a pen and some paper
Oh yeah, as usual i neglected to take names otherwise i would have revealed them here. I really should invest in a pen and some paper