B0rked stuff? Heeeeeellllp!


old.[GA] Shovel

Erm - a few annoying problems with my puter

1) Crashes. Mostly with Go!Zilla which seems to be constantly crashing when I try to download stuff.
2) Other odd problems. (I'll explain in a minute)

I recently partially defragged my C: drive (from 8% to 3%) and attempted to have my set virual memory on Drive E: (the second bit of my second HD)
Now - When I first tried to defrag it churned out some rror regarding a disk error so I ran Scandisk and then defragged again - this time it ran ok. I stopped after an hour and a half which reduced it to 3%

Following a restart I got all kinds of start up errors from the system regarding a dll which was doing something with Kernell 32.. i replaced the virtual memory and returned it to C: (where it had been) and it started again ok.

For those who have followed so far - I will get to the problem.

Since doing this Go!Zilla has crashed with C++ errors and then illegal operations. I had to download it again and then re installed and it worked fine - but now it is once again b0rked with the same errors.

The only other incident I can think of occuring since is that Quake II went out of it's 3D setup and back into software and then gave errors about memory but a restart fixed that.

Both Go!Zilla and Q2 are on the second hard drive (D: and E

I'm running Win95

Any advice on what is wrong - and will for example installing Win again from in Windows help? (Cause I'm in no situation to reinstall the whole thing)

Shovel shovel@q2battleuk.com
Grey Area


Ermmm.... Kick it?

I dunno, I'd say gozilla crashing all the time is pretty normal...

Still, Try doing a surface test on your second HD... Are you running different filesystems on the second HD (fat32 for example)? Or even the driver for your HD controller? Try disabling DMA in the system mangler...

It might be a hardware problem, though... What speed is your 2nd H/D's interface? If it's UDMA or faster, a better quality/shorter IDE cable might help. It might also be getting signal noise from your PSU? Failing that the drive might just be b0rked...


Would a format be out of the question?

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