old.[GA] Shovel
Erm - a few annoying problems with my puter
1) Crashes. Mostly with Go!Zilla which seems to be constantly crashing when I try to download stuff.
2) Other odd problems. (I'll explain in a minute)
I recently partially defragged my C: drive (from 8% to 3%) and attempted to have my set virual memory on Drive E: (the second bit of my second HD)
Now - When I first tried to defrag it churned out some rror regarding a disk error so I ran Scandisk and then defragged again - this time it ran ok. I stopped after an hour and a half which reduced it to 3%
Following a restart I got all kinds of start up errors from the system regarding a dll which was doing something with Kernell 32.. i replaced the virtual memory and returned it to C: (where it had been) and it started again ok.
For those who have followed so far - I will get to the problem.
Since doing this Go!Zilla has crashed with C++ errors and then illegal operations. I had to download it again and then re installed and it worked fine - but now it is once again b0rked with the same errors.
The only other incident I can think of occuring since is that Quake II went out of it's 3D setup and back into software and then gave errors about memory but a restart fixed that.
Both Go!Zilla and Q2 are on the second hard drive (D: and E
I'm running Win95
Any advice on what is wrong - and will for example installing Win again from in Windows help? (Cause I'm in no situation to reinstall the whole thing)
Shovel shovel@q2battleuk.com
Grey Area
1) Crashes. Mostly with Go!Zilla which seems to be constantly crashing when I try to download stuff.
2) Other odd problems. (I'll explain in a minute)
I recently partially defragged my C: drive (from 8% to 3%) and attempted to have my set virual memory on Drive E: (the second bit of my second HD)
Now - When I first tried to defrag it churned out some rror regarding a disk error so I ran Scandisk and then defragged again - this time it ran ok. I stopped after an hour and a half which reduced it to 3%
Following a restart I got all kinds of start up errors from the system regarding a dll which was doing something with Kernell 32.. i replaced the virtual memory and returned it to C: (where it had been) and it started again ok.
For those who have followed so far - I will get to the problem.
Since doing this Go!Zilla has crashed with C++ errors and then illegal operations. I had to download it again and then re installed and it worked fine - but now it is once again b0rked with the same errors.
The only other incident I can think of occuring since is that Quake II went out of it's 3D setup and back into software and then gave errors about memory but a restart fixed that.
Both Go!Zilla and Q2 are on the second hard drive (D: and E

I'm running Win95
Any advice on what is wrong - and will for example installing Win again from in Windows help? (Cause I'm in no situation to reinstall the whole thing)
Shovel shovel@q2battleuk.com
Grey Area