Autotrained Skill points - Discussion continued



Continued from a Thread about the BG This Thread - But Dont post there bout this anymore pelase (I kinda ended up hijacking it so decided to move this topic here)

Some say its not that important, but for a class that has 5 lines to spec, aka my 5 spec SB, every skillpoint saved is worth it.

Its the difference between me gettign the 40 DoT compared to the 45 DoT, to me thats kinda important so I will investigte further and see what i can dig up in terms of an official stance from Mythic.

Would like some 50 Shadowblade/Infiltrator/nightshade to confirm any of this, come on I know there are lots of you out there, you must know


i waited with my infi till 20 to train stealth thus 3 auto trains
Hope it WAS worth doing


It will get you an extra crit/thrust or whatever at the higher levels....i hope it does anyway :/


Only infis, Minstrels and Arms/pallys autotrain in Alb for all i know
Not sure tho

Seems to be your most important line does


I may be going over old ground here but what the hell.

Currently autotraining stealth until level 40 - will probably stop aty level 36 tho - depends on how many +stealth items i can get my mits on.

The points I save I will be putting back into stealth.

If you AT till 40 you will save 54 points in total. As your stealth is level 10 @ lvl 40from AT you can autotrain another 4 levels in stealth with 5 points left over.

To be honest - I am beginnning to think its not worth it - it will give a marginal performance increase - but hardly worth the pain.

Laters :)


For the love of god... not a dedicated thread to this question no-one is sure about the answer of.


Took this from here:
Check this out though:

Seeing as how, you really need to be of a very high level I reccomend making a endgame template.
Then, figure out how much autotraining will help you.
Then keep CS and Sword maxed until you hit that level, and start dumping it into stealth. Doing it this way, you will get that next point or two for a skill you like.

Autotraining is basically your trainer keeping your stealth at 1/4 your level. Meaning at level 8 he will say something like "Since you have not raised your stealth at all, here is 2 Stealth". Then at level 12, you have 3 given to you. All the way to 48 where he gets you all the way to 12 stealth free.

2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12 = 77 free points you can save. Choose how many you want and make it to that level. Then start dumping into stealth.

However, with the new battlegrounds, and seeing as how this is your first assassin. I really liked being able to sneak around and kill mobs even in PvE. So this may not be the most fun option. Only do it if that extra 35 or what have you points make your template stronger by enough you feel it is worth it.


This is a highly intellectual thread, take your speam elsewhere horseyboy

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