

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
6 months ago my bf paid my subscription for 6 months and left it on autorenewal.
Because i didn't want the amount to keep going off his account i went into my subscription and took the autorenewal off. So that the next subscription i'd get a notify email saying my subs would run out and had to renew myself again.

Since i knew that day had to come soon i went into the subscription site and saw that the box was ticked again from autorenewal and i know my bf didn't change anything. Basically since they put up the new site they must have ticked all the autorenewals on or at least all that were on before without people knowing.

I remember someone from the guild who said he'd only had 1 month left and his subs would run out, but then he came online saying that apparently it autorenewed. I guess it must have been the same with GOA ticking all the autorenewals on again after changing their sites.

Anyone else noticed this or am i going completely insane here?


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 18, 2004
Yes. It was wearing out but then suddenly I had 6 more months of playing :eek2:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
Suggestion to GOA: You can send mails when subs run out. I bet you can send mails too before they renew?

Personaly I've resubscribed manualy every month for more than a year now and never had an autorenewal happening to me. But then again I pay by BiBit and not with a CC. If they would bill me unasked it'd take 1 call to get my money back within a day.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Hmmm nice to know they didn't bother putting everything as it was and just ticked the autorenewals on again without people knowing.



Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
Aadia said:
Hmmm nice to know they didn't bother putting everything as it was and just ticked the autorenewals on again without people knowing.

instruct your bank to deny the payment in future - thats what iv done with my account, im leaving this game for good and no money scamming french **** is gonna change that.

[TB] Benedictine

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
This happened to me. I paid for an account I didn't use for an embarrassingly long time (hardly check my bank account ins/outs).

There was a thread about this sort of thing a while ago.

It astonishes me that this is permitted. Worse thing was when I tried to cancel it through my own bank they refused and said I had to get the company stealing my money to cancel it! It took a call to US Mythic and a very friendly operator to sort me out.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 16, 2004
My account was NOT autorenewed and i have had iton auto for over18 months now.
So today i got a email saying that my accout should be temporarily suspended, and when i go to sub pages i get Invoice in progress bla, bla, bla. Funny thing is that i can still play.

Seems like those french fxxxxxs cant do anything right.....

Yrsel lvl 50 Warrior ML6
Panik lvl 50 Hunter

Officer and proud member of Bannana Bunnies.

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